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Thread: The deca dilemma

  1. #1

    The deca dilemma

    It's been discussed 1000 times I know, I am still confused after using the search function a lot. I'm running 500 test and 400 deca... I see a lot about running deca higher, but is it. Going to hurt potential gains from running the test higher? I'm on week 4 and I had a high libido before but I'm noticing its down a little, I go through cycles of horniness so I could be that, but couldn't it be the deca... And would upping the test a little. Remedy it if it's indeed that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    There shouldn’t be a dilemma. You shouldn’t be running deca on your first cycle.

    If you were running test only it would be easier to answer your question.

    Drop the deca straight away.

    What is your AI and HCg protocol? Have you been running a DA?

  3. #3
    I have arimidex on hand and was running it at. 25 eod but lots of reading has me considering dropping it unless needed. I have nolva, and Clomid for pct. Why do you suggest dropping the deca? A lot of people have told me it's great for a first cycle.
    Thanks for you time and reply btw

  4. #4
    No one should have told you to use it first cycle. Go into Austinites post for planning your first cycle and read it first please. First cycle should be TEST ONLY. You don’t know how your body will respond to it and what your e2 levels will do. You need 2-3 beginner cycles before introducing other compounds. Also, where is your hcg???? 250iu twice a week to keep the testis functioning

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Poppabone88 View Post
    I have arimidex on hand and was running it at. 25 eod but lots of reading has me considering dropping it unless needed. I have nolva, and Clomid for pct. Why do you suggest dropping the deca? A lot of people have told me it's great for a first cycle.
    Thanks for you time and reply btw
    If you knew how to control the test you’d know if the issues you are having are to with that or the deca. As it is it is complete guess work.

    A test only first cycle should be the best cycle for gains you ever do. Why add any other compound?

    You should be taking your AI IMO. What do you have it ‘on hand’ for? In case you experience problems? And you are experiencing problems so........

  6. #6
    I'm with you, I actually don't think I'm having problems related to the gear, I'm going through the process of buying a home and with work family and gym I'm just kinda stressed and I belive that to be the cause of libido issues I don't have an issue getting hard, just the urge, now I understand your point on the deca, but could you explain why running test higher than deca is wrong... Or is it even, i will drop it but would still like to undrrstand


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Poppabone88 View Post
    I'm with you, I actually don't think I'm having problems related to the gear, I'm going through the process of buying a home and with work family and gym I'm just kinda stressed and I belive that to be the cause of libido issues I don't have an issue getting hard, just the urge, now I understand your point on the deca, but could you explain why running test higher than deca is wrong... Or is it even, i will drop it but would still like to undrrstand

    If you in fact have a lot of stress and a lot going on you don't need to add more to your plate by trying to understand how derivatives of testosterone work. Nandrolone is an advanced compound. Just focus on your diet and training and use the link like BIB said. You don't need Deca as part of your vocabulary.

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