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Thread: 3 weeks in, nothing really changed yet.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    3 weeks in, nothing really changed yet.

    I'm 3 weeks in as of Friday at 400mg/week. I was at 300 mg the first week then bumped it up since I read a lot and people said might as well do a higher dose if you really want to see results. The first week I felt a sort of mood increase - which I can say I still feel pretty good mentally. I don't have that debilitating depression I used to get every few days. I am more positive generally. I just so happened to land a pretty good job at the start of my cycle - so it's hard to say what is causing my mood to change for the better.

    Physically I don't really feel any stronger or look any better. Lost a little weight because I can't eat a lot at work. But I want to get more cut during this cycle anyway, I don't really want to gain weight. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks when people say is the time it should really kick in.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    I assume you are using Test only? Test E or Test C? I find a kick start of Tbol can be helpful but going in to week 4 you have passed that. You are at the point you may want to look at adding Proviron to help the test work better especially if you have a history of depression. Did you get you testosterone levels tested before you started? If you start to see a little more belly fat you may want to add a stronger AI to the mix (my doc say's 50% of men will need it). Avoid anything with soy, eat more meat and keep your protein high to put the test to work for you. By the 3rd or 4th week you should be feeling stronger if your stuff is dosed right and good quality. Also, how old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by waltr64 View Post
    I assume you are using Test only? Test E or Test C? I find a kick start of Tbol can be helpful but going in to week 4 you have passed that. You are at the point you may want to look at adding Proviron to help the test work better especially if you have a history of depression. Did you get you testosterone levels tested before you started? If you start to see a little more belly fat you may want to add a stronger AI to the mix (my doc say's 50% of men will need it). Avoid anything with soy, eat more meat and keep your protein high to put the test to work for you. By the 3rd or 4th week you should be feeling stronger if your stuff is dosed right and good quality. Also, how old are you?
    All I have available to me right now is Test Cypionate and Sustanon. I am using both, so 200 mg sus and 200 cyp. Pinning twice a week. About 1.5 weeks into this I started taking .25mg Arimidex the days after pinning. I take 250iu HCG the days before pinning, so 500 a week.

    I’m 32 years old and my total levels were 470 my/dL and free test of 11 (8.5-25). I plan on going straight into trt after this, hence why I grabbed sustanon and cyp. For some reason it’s easier for me to find bottles of pharma Sustanon than cyp. All my online sources only have pharma cyp/en in ampules, which suck. They have plenty ugl bottles of everything though, but I don’t trust ugl. Thanks for the tips man!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Week 4 and 5 are where you generally start to notice the long Esther testosterone. You’re almost there

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Also how often are you pinning and what doses? You can pin the cyp. every 3.5 days but the Sustanon should be every other day. Maybe your protocol is off?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Like I said, I pin twice a week. I split the 400 mg in two. so 100mg cyp / 100mg sus per shot. I'm not going to split the sus in EOD - that's insane. I already get pip for days with this protocol. Besides, the short ester in Sustanon is almost nothing. Sus has mostly long esters, so I don't see a need for pinning more than twice a week. Drs use Sustanon at once a week, once every 2 weeks even in the UK (so I hear).

  7. #7
    This may be a little direct but im in need of a source i can buy gear from if you have a reliable source please message me 704-617-7420

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanbaldwin View Post
    This may be a little direct but im in need of a source i can buy gear from if you have a reliable source please message me 704-617-7420
    You shouldn't post your phone number

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryanbaldwin View Post
    This may be a little direct but im in need of a source i can buy gear from if you have a reliable source please message me 704-617-7420
    This thread has been hijacked by a troll or the most naive person imaginable

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Like I said, I pin twice a week. I split the 400 mg in two. so 100mg cyp / 100mg sus per shot. I'm not going to split the sus in EOD - that's insane. I already get pip for days with this protocol. Besides, the short ester in Sustanon is almost nothing. Sus has mostly long esters, so I don't see a need for pinning more than twice a week. Drs use Sustanon at once a week, once every 2 weeks even in the UK (so I hear).
    Sutanon has primarily been replaced by Nebido in UK & Europe because it's a very poor choice and the doctors that have people on once per week protocols are using a very old program that has been since updated in the medical community. Sutanon is not mostly long esters,

    30 mg testosterone propionate
    60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate
    60 mg testosterone isocaproate
    100 mg testosterone decanoate

    Graph showing pinning Sutanon twice per week - tons of peaks and valleys and wasting half the Sustanon dose because its not being pinned EOD

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustanon.PNG 
Views:	76 
Size:	22.6 KB 
ID:	174152

    Also Sustanon is arguably the most faked pharma grade steroid of all time, especially Organon Sustanon (excluding HGH).
    Last edited by Windex; 09-16-2018 at 06:45 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    My Sustanon is real or they did a hell of a job in the packaging. It has the scratch off portion for the code. Alpha. Same with Ampoules. At the dose I’m using Sus, it doesn’t seem like it would be a big deal, especially with cyp at an equal dose. Ill keep what you said in mind and try to just get regular cyp or enanthate next time.

  12. #12
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    My Sustanon is real or they did a hell of a job in the packaging. It has the scratch off portion for the code. Alpha. Same with Ampoules. At the dose I’m using Sus, it doesn’t seem like it would be a big deal, especially with cyp at an equal dose. Ill keep what you said in mind and try to just get regular cyp or enanthate next time.
    The math is pretty black and white, 50% is 50% whether it's 100mg, 500mg, or 1000mg.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Dallas, Texas
    What are your stats, cycle history, and training history? Like mentioned before, you are right at the time where one should feel the long esters kick in.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    The math is pretty black and white, 50% is 50% whether it's 100mg, 500mg, or 1000mg.
    It stands to reason that if the dose of Sustanon was a lot higher (say 1000mg), there would be a lot more variation in the tesosterone. 25% 200mg is 50mg... 25% of 1000mg is 250mg. Yes same percentages - way different doses.

    Quote Originally Posted by vtach12 View Post
    What are your stats, cycle history, and training history? Like mentioned before, you are right at the time where one should feel the long esters kick in.
    Frist cycle going into TRT. Trained as a natural for 17 years, 32 years old. Starting weight 250 lbs ~ 17-18% bf.

    Today I did chest and felt a little more pumped than usual - not stronger really, just better pumps in the chest. I'm also getting about 50% less sore and have trimmed about 5 lbs. Looking a little more cut and full, even in the mornings when I would usually look like crap.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    It stands to reason that if the dose of Sustanon was a lot higher (say 1000mg), there would be a lot more variation in the tesosterone. 25% 200mg is 50mg... 25% of 1000mg is 250mg. Yes same percentages - way different doses.

    Frist cycle going into TRT. Trained as a natural for 17 years, 32 years old. Starting weight 250 lbs ~ 17-18% bf.

    Today I did chest and felt a little more pumped than usual - not stronger really, just better pumps in the chest. I'm also getting about 50% less sore and have trimmed about 5 lbs. Looking a little more cut and full, even in the mornings when I would usually look like crap.

    Regardless you are still having a large part of your dose being wasted. Additionally, by you are just putting your body through a hormonal roller coaster by having test and estrogen peak and valley from the elimination half life of the test prop and phenylprop. This is why so many people state Sustanon is a poor compound. It's literally the worst version of Testosterone and was created at a time when science hadn't fully understood the endocrine system.

    All you have to do is read the graph I posted to see the blatant issues with Sustanon.

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