Thread: Bulking cycle - Dbol or not?
09-16-2018, 05:11 AM #1
Bulking cycle - Dbol or not?
Hello Guys,
I'm planning my next bulking cycle that I will start in 1 months.
Initially I have planned like this way:
1-10 Sustanon 750 mg/week
1-8 Tren A 450 mg/week
1-4 Dbol 50 mg /day
with ancillares obviously (adex, cabaser, Hcg etc.)
Reading several articles and forum and I learn that taking an oral with Tren could stress the body too much...
any advice?
In this cycle I look for the maximum mass gain possible (not weight, but lean mass) ... do you think I can remove the dbol or it is crucial for better gains?
In case, which other compuond can I associate to Sust and Tren for my purpose?
09-16-2018, 07:03 AM #2
You finished PCT from a test tren cycle only 3 weeks ago and you want to start another cycle in a few weeks?
And you are complaining of low test now?
Boy oh boy....... get ready for TRT pretty soon in your life buddy.NO SOURCES GIVEN
09-16-2018, 08:16 AM #3
Obviously I'm just thinking and planning for the moment!
I certainly wait at least 4 weeks from now and I will do bloodwork again! (I marked on the calendar the day)
and after this, if everything is ok and Test levels are accepptable, I wait another few weeks and start...
but for now I'm taking information only!!
09-16-2018, 09:13 AM #4Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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Time On + PCT = Time Off is the guideline. Meaning if you did a 12 week cycle you wouldn't cycle again for another 18-20 week
Sustanon sucks for cycling and 10 weeks is too short.
Lean mass gain is from diet not steroids .
You ran tren and didn't know about Nolvadex , that's a pretty big red flag
You should spend more time on education, and focus on diet and training rather than thinking about another cycle before you've even got bloodwork done from this cycle. Honestly, if you can't make gains on 450mg of Tren then you suck at eating, training, or both.
09-16-2018, 09:17 AM #5
If your bloods are still poor in one months test again a month after. If still low you may need to find a TRT doc.
Tren is, for most, a poor bulking compound. In any even, take all the gear you want but food is really what makes or breaks a cycle.NO SOURCES GIVEN
09-16-2018, 09:41 AM #6
Sorry but... did you understand my initial question?
I certainly know the rule time on + PCT = time off rule...
I don't agree with you that sustanon sucks for cycling and 10 weeks is too short... I've had good solid gains in past from it in 10 weeks cycle (best Testosterone I have ever used)
And... why shouldn't I make gains from 450 mg of tren?? Sorry but I did'nt understood your post onestly...
anyway, thanks for informations
09-16-2018, 06:49 PM #7
My experience too. Tren is best suited for a bodybuilding cutting cycle. It is not very good for sports performance and its appetite suppressing effects and drying effects make it a poor mass builder for bulk. Eating enough to gain weight is hard enough already.
09-17-2018, 02:32 PM #8
Ehh, it's tempting to use dbol for bulking lol. I'm on a bulk right now and almost threw in a couple 10's a day but decided against it. Ever since I upped my food intake my pumps are so extreme I wouldn't even want dbol in my system right now! I'm on test 750, eq 900, and tren 50 eod and that's more than enough.
I would leave the dbol and stick with injectables. You'll get great gains from the sust and tren and there's no need to kick start since tren ace is in the picture. I would also lower the tren and add an anabolic . Will make for much better gains IMO . Tren at 50-75 eod is plenty (if it's properly dosed)
09-17-2018, 02:33 PM #9
09-18-2018, 03:45 PM #10
09-18-2018, 04:18 PM #12
09-18-2018, 04:45 PM #13
You don't need 450 mgs of tren if at all. At a minimum cut that in half.
09-18-2018, 05:45 PM #14
I wouldn't recommend any oral while on tren ; its an extremely harsh compound to begin with.
While on tren I only do winni or Var
Just my .o2
09-19-2018, 03:15 PM #16
Yes that's exactly what I would do and yeah that's the reason I'm using EQ cause I have a super fast metabolism and it was very difficult for me to eat enough food everyday so for bulking I knew I could use some help with appetite. It's also fairly anabolic and will help build more muscle vs dbol just making you hold water and giving you good pumps. With enough fats and carbs in your diet you will get skin bursting pumps in the gym on those drugs no need for a liver toxic appetite decreasing oral lol
09-19-2018, 03:29 PM #17
You can bulk or cut with Tren. Sus has minimal short esters so I treat it more like a long ester'd AAS. If you're still seeing gains at 10 weeks you can run it couple of weeks longer.
I wouldn't run Dbol because most of the gains will be water weight and you'll lose most of it by the end of your cycle when the Test/Tren has taken hold. If you want to maximize your bulk, I'd run Test/Tren/Deca combo.
Test: 750mg/wk (like you posted)
Tren: 200mg/wk (this seems to be a sweet spot that minimize sides as well as shows good gains.)
Deca: 500mg/wk (this is on the low side for Deca. a lot of guys run 600mg/wk to 800mg/wk or more for bulking) Also, deca's a super long ester so you should run Test for 2 more weeks after the last Deca injection.
Make sure you have a strong Clomid/Nolvadex PCT.
You may experience hairloss on a Tren cycle. Both DHT and prolactin influences are trying to kill your hairline.
If you experience insomnia and night sweat with Tren, take an antihistamine at bedtime. It'll help you sleep through the night but you may feel groggy when you wake up in the morning.
Eat about 50% of your diet in complex carbs. Don't worry about getting a little love handle. It's unavoidable when you're bulking. You can do a cut cycle after you bulk.
09-20-2018, 03:44 PM #18
09-20-2018, 08:29 PM #19
Dianabol is fantastic for bulking.
Tren , in my experience and opinion, is disappointing for bulking. It's just not easy to gain much on it. And it kills your appetite. Try nandrolone , MENT, or Equipose.
09-21-2018, 12:39 PM #20
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