I started with Test e 500mg a week for few weeks and then my source could only provide Test p which i do 300 mg a week every other day (just making sure all information is here). Im also taking Tren a 300 mg a week.

Ive always had big nips/kind of puffy but always had people comment on them before cycling ever. I was stupid and didn't run a Ai for a portion of my cycle until my nips became sensitive. I was feeling around and under my right nipple is a tiny bump and to the left of my left nipple i feel something small as well (not under like my right side). i was running aromasin 25 mg (liquid) everyday for a week and felt no change in sensitivity. I have clomid from a previous cycle but i heard nolva is what i want so i have just ordered some. I also ordered some caber (ill only take nolva or caber - not together unless advised otherwise - after reading suggestions).

I cannot remember if i had those bumps in my nipple area before cycle since i had big nips to begin with. I have had sensitive nips before without ever using any AAS but that was only temporary as i cannot explain why. But now they have been sensitive i would say 2-3 weeks. I am training for something currently and i want to add Mast p into my cycle.

My question is do i run caber or nolva to combat possible gyro flare up? Will mast p effect anything/can i run nolva with all 3 compounds (i will ignore people saying "can't run nolva with tren" as its "bro science")? If i do include mast p, my cycle would now be 300 test p a week, 300 mg tren a a week, 300 mg mast p a week, 12.5 aromasin with each pin (maybe more?). This would conclude my cycle (roughly 3 weeks left).