Hi Guys,
I’ve been member for, few years now on here I use it as my go to spot for hard to find answers and basic knowledge base. When I first started back in 2016 I was so ill asvised I was nervous AF I was sucking in all the “beginner info” as I could find from gage sizes to does grapefruit absorb better with orals LOL ... but my love for B.B. and trying to be healthy in life has kept me so intrigued into cycling and doing it right, I can’t stress enough to look at the veterans post on here and use the advise as it comes obviously they aren’t gonna tell you the secrets to 8 percent body mass and 20inch arms but that’s where you have to research your ass off ....I was so intrigued about body mechanics and timing I would watch YouTube videos on cell timing and how to read blood and natural pulse realses i find very intriguing that I actually enrolled to pre med school and now am taking biomed courses ....and I thank BB for that
If you love this sport look into the mechanics of everything from how fibers rip, to medicine timing and most importantly dieting, and if you get bitten there’s no going back your body just starts to change in front of your eyes..
I started with very basic cycle Sustanon, Dbol, Arimidex and PCT
To now after 2-3yrs my last protocol was a lot of gear but my body was use to it,
I was running Test C, Tbol, Var, A bombs, Primo, Tren E, Letzrol HGH 5ius and messed about with Tren A and winny abit ...but this wasn’t all at once it was 20 week protocol going on and off compounds, and dosages where mild not doing Gram of anything playing with the mg when I introduced Tren so my body didn’t develop tolerance I shocked it a lot, I went for clean lean look not so much mass and my BF dropped.... but my diet was on point to I was at one point not using salt just so I didn’t get water retention look ... it came to a point where my girl would hate eating with me.
My next cycle I’m going even harder, going to introduce insulin for month on and off to see what kind of mass I can put on to my lagging parts, and cut back on dietary fats to keep fat deposit low, gonna be a lot of dedication and focus for a month with the insulin, I’m going to run this with GH and wanted to look into IGF1-LR3 but there’s a lot of bunk gear out there, from what I see incrlex by IPsen is the only pharma lab that makes legit IGF from live ecoli but is hella expensive so dunno about that just yet.
I’m still learning new things about this game everyday, but the struggle is real until you break a limits and then the girls start to come LOL
Learn, live and respect this sport and this forum only good things can happen