I am currently 5.5 weeks into a test cycle of 400 mg per week for 10-12 weeks. I have catapulted up to around 15% bodyfat up from 12% at the beginning, and am up 17 pounds in total from the combo water weight, fat, and muscle.
I need to be leaner for some photos/events/opportunities coming up. My cutting calories were 2500, and i went up to 2800 for a week then to 3000, then have been eating pretty much 4000 calories every day since then. Should I simply drop calories for awhile and cut while on test only? Moderate deficit so I can retain and possibly even build some more muscle mass while dropping fat or should I do a more aggressive minicut then slowly raise my calories in a more conservative manner?
Diet and cardio aside, is there anything I should add to close out the cycle? var or something to dry out? I also have some high quality epistane and some S4 (which has actually worked for me in the past for vascularity and dryness) that I suppose I could add onto the test. Test and epistane I feel like could make a solid cut look to close out the cycle.
I could also extend the test out so I would be on test for maybe 14-16 weeks and run something else for the last 6-8 weeks with it to close out.
any thoughts appreciated on how I should approach this. Deficit first then go back to gaining or if I should cut gradually close to my maintenance level so I can build a moderate amount of muscle as well. I really messed myself up with the diet and do need to lean up a little bit more to be photogenic