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Thread: No crash after 3rd cycle?

  1. #1
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    No crash after 3rd cycle?

    No, i did not have any blood work done. Im 21, 175lb, 12%bf. And mind you, ive ran a couple cycles of test cyp before. I ran Test Cyp 200mg and t-bol 20mg ED, eventually upping the dose to 30mg and to 40mg. Only ran this cycle for 5 weeks as i (thought) i had to stop due to a weight cut for a fight. I was holding alot of water and the way i cut my weight i have to drain my body of water. SO I thought the best option would be to stop gear before i cut the weight.

    Since i was only able to do half the cycle, i only did a 2 week PCT with just nolva 20mg ED 14 days after last pin (i know for cyp i shouldve waited 18 days) I have had literally NO crash since coming off my cycle 5 weeks ago. The only thing ive experienced was the mental withdrawal which i can easily handle.

    From my previous 2 cycles that ive done before (no they werent back to back) i experienced such a hard crash probably because i didnt pct, and/or it was garbage pct.

    Do i just thank my lucky stars that ive experienced NO crash? in fact i find myself with more drive NOW, than i had BEFORE i was on cycle.

    Not looking for anyone to trash me for doing something wrong, more of a discussion as to how thats possible? i am going to get blood work done in about 3 weeks (already made apt with the doc) and just go from there.

    and just add to all of this before anyone starts saying my life is ruined from this, i have done the majority of my research on AAS and PCT after this most recent "cycle". So if i do plan on starting up again, i am now very informed on how to do it the "right" way. Im just wondering how off this cycle I havent experienced a crash even the slightest, and the other 2 that ive done i crashed so hard and took so long to rebound?

  2. #2
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    That crash will come make no mistake dude. I'm not going sit here and have a go you already know its wreckless. what you need to do is get blood tests in 4 weeks.
    Total and free testosterone .
    See what the results say, you'll most likely need to do hcg before attempting the serms again. This is what you need to do if you want to get your HPTA fictional again rather than what you want to do. If you need to cut water to make weight in future drink more water and consider a natural dietetic such as dandelion root or green tea. I'm trying help you here. Don't take AAS at 21
    Last edited by Marcus G; 09-26-2018 at 01:23 PM. Reason: Missed information

  3. #3
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    That crash will come make no mistake dude. I'm not going sit here and have a go you already know its wreckless. what you need to do is get blood tests in 4 weeks.
    Total and free testosterone .
    See what the results say, you'll most likely need to do hcg before attempting the serms again. This is what you need to do if you want to get your HPTA fictional again rather than what you want to do. If you need to cut water to make weight in future drink more water and consider a natural dietetic such as dandelion root or green tea. I'm trying help you here. Don't take AAS at 21
    for sure. going to the doc next month to get blood tests done. i honestly have only felt the slightest drop in drive, but nothing really worth noting. i wish i knew back then what i know now and i wouldve never touched anything. just a kid looking to become a better athlete with little knowledge (at the time)

  4. #4
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    and i was drinking 1.5-2.5gal a day. i ended up taking a diuretic and doing my normal weight cut. i never dosed heavy as i wasnt trying to pack on size, just recover faster and have more aggression.

  5. #5
    waltr64 is offline Junior Member
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    The younger the less likely you are to crash and the shorter the cycle. 200 mg of cyp is not that much and tBol does not effect you as much as most so not to surprised. I would still recommend some HCG or Proviron if you could. Good luck with your fight and you may find taking just one M1T an hour before to be helpful. But test it on a hard training day first to make sure it is ok for you and only use it those 2 times. MMA?

  6. #6
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by waltr64 View Post
    The younger the less likely you are to crash and the shorter the cycle. 200 mg of cyp is not that much and tBol does not effect you as much as most so not to surprised. I would still recommend some HCG or Proviron if you could. Good luck with your fight and you may find taking just one M1T an hour before to be helpful. But test it on a hard training day first to make sure it is ok for you and only use it those 2 times. MMA?
    Your advising proviron ? Do you not know that it's it an AAS and there by shuts down natural production of Testosterone ?
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  7. #7
    waltr64 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    Your advising proviron? Do you not know that it's it an AAS and there by shuts down natural production of Testosterone?
    I just found it this year and it has made a big difference for me in how I feel over all, better mood. I do realize that it is an AAS, however I have read that it can be used of cycle and even for PCT:
    or taken alone "Studies have shown that it’s more than possible to use the Mesterolone hormone without any significant reduction in natural testosterone production." from

    In Europe I have read that doctors prescribe it for year round use with out anything else for hypogonadism and fertility.

    "Provirion won't suppress LH or FSH and will even provide your body with more free testosterone due to the fact that it binds "AGGRESSIVELY" to SHBG (lowering levels)....With this said it's not suppressive like most steroids , and your FREE T can greatly increase by allowing bound test to act in its original course of lieu of being bound (freeing up bound test)" from

    The reason I use it while taking Test is to increase my free Testosterone and it makes me feel better. But I will refrain from advertising it. The biggest issue is that it is too expensive and hard to get in the US. Also, not legal in the US even if you have a prescription.
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  8. #8
    waltr64 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    ...Don't take AAS at 21
    I'm sorry I missed this earlier but this is very true Anabolic 's before age 26 is a no go because your body has not finished forming yet and AAS can disturb the natural process.

  9. #9
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by waltr64 View Post
    I just found it this year and it has made a big difference for me in how I feel over all, better mood. I do realize that it is an AAS, however I have read that it can be used of cycle and even for PCT:
    or taken alone "Studies have shown that it’s more than possible to use the Mesterolone hormone without any significant reduction in natural testosterone production." from

    In Europe I have read that doctors prescribe it for year round use with out anything else for hypogonadism and fertility.

    "Provirion won't suppress LH or FSH and will even provide your body with more free testosterone due to the fact that it binds "AGGRESSIVELY" to SHBG (lowering levels)....With this said it's not suppressive like most steroids , and your FREE T can greatly increase by allowing bound test to act in its original course of lieu of being bound (freeing up bound test)" from

    The reason I use it while taking Test is to increase my free Testosterone and it makes me feel better. But I will refrain from advertising it. The biggest issue is that it is too expensive and hard to get in the US. Also, not legal in the US even if you have a prescription.
    I completly agree with using it with Testosterone but replacing it absolutely not the same be said with sarms some people they don't suppress (or very little) others complete shutdown.

  10. #10
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you don't crash then it's very possible you weren't shut down very much. You prob got under dosed gear (which in this case may have been a blessing in disguise). Although, it it also entirely possible that the low t symptoms are still coming. Sounds like you've been off for about a month now, give or take? Depending on your metabolism, there's a good chance that there's still enough test in your system from loading it up for 5 weeks as enanthate has a slow rate of elimination (long half life).

    People often view half lives as a time scale when in actuality it's a RATE of elimination, and metabolism has a huge impact on this so 2 diff people may have different rates of elimination (within a certain range, of course) but my point is that it's very possible that there's anough test still in your system to prevent symptoms of low t.

    Once you get that blood work done you'll know what you need to do from there.

    Lastly, you don't need to stop running test to reduce water. Testosterone does not make you hold water, estrogen does. So if your diet is clean and your estrogen is in check than you shouldn't be holding any water. I'm on 750mg of test right now and I'm dry af, and my diet isn't even that clean cause I'm bulking, BUT my estrogen is in check so I'm not bloated at all.

    Due to the fact that you're a fighter and may be put in these situations, I recommend that you use short esters like test propionate . That will make it easier to come off quickly in the future. Keep a close eye on estrogen and have some diuretics on hand in future and you can avoid this issue altogether. (If you use a steam room or sauna to cut weight be careful when using a diuretic. Make sure a friend or your coach is supervising the cut. Don't do it alone).

    Let us know what the blood panel says. Good luck.

  11. #11
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Bragging to someone
    you were only running 200mg of test and only for 5 weeks. you were also running test CYP which takes several weeks for test levels to reach their peak high point (meaning the first few weeks you were still producing natty test levels) . which means you really only had a week or two of shut down. PLUS it is unlikely that your estrogen got super elevated from such a low dose and short duration (you were running Tbol super low dose as well, but that does not convert to estrogen) . its estrogen, in a round about way, that keeps your natty test production shut down.
    you then got off cycle and went right to taking a strong anti estrogen (SERM) nolvadex , which blocked any estrogen that you did have from acting on estrogen receptors and keeping you shut down as well .

    basically what I'm saying , is you were not all that shut down and you were able to bounce right back . sure thats all fine and dandy, BUT really your cycle sucked and you got shit for gains out of it. it was really all a waste of time and $ in my opinion. basically you were just playing with a few compounds for a short time and got lucky to bounce right back.
    your better off having a real "crash" because you did a real and effective cycle imo

  12. #12
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    Test Cyp is a long ester and longer the ester the more water it takes to break the Test free from the Ester. That means that you will retain some amount of water. 200mg/wk is just a little over TRT dose so you're not going to retain much water.

    You've taken a long ester for 5 weeks with a small dose of Tbol. You're not going to crash. Doing PCT was smart.

    I really hope you understand the consequences that might come about due to your cycle decision. There are a lot of posts of young athletes who's absolutely sure they know what they're doing until they experience their first anorgasmia or experience erectile dysfunction. Can you imagine not being able to hold an erection in front of your HAWT girl friend and you're not even 25? Good luck.

  13. #13
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    If you don't crash then it's very possible you weren't shut down very much. You prob got under dosed gear (which in this case may have been a blessing in disguise). Although, it it also entirely possible that the low t symptoms are still coming. Sounds like you've been off for about a month now, give or take? Depending on your metabolism, there's a good chance that there's still enough test in your system from loading it up for 5 weeks as enanthate has a slow rate of elimination (long half life).

    People often view half lives as a time scale when in actuality it's a RATE of elimination, and metabolism has a huge impact on this so 2 diff people may have different rates of elimination (within a certain range, of course) but my point is that it's very possible that there's anough test still in your system to prevent symptoms of low t.

    Once you get that blood work done you'll know what you need to do from there.

    Lastly, you don't need to stop running test to reduce water. Testosterone does not make you hold water, estrogen does. So if your diet is clean and your estrogen is in check than you shouldn't be holding any water. I'm on 750mg of test right now and I'm dry af, and my diet isn't even that clean cause I'm bulking, BUT my estrogen is in check so I'm not bloated at all.

    Due to the fact that you're a fighter and may be put in these situations, I recommend that you use short esters like test propionate . That will make it easier to come off quickly in the future. Keep a close eye on estrogen and have some diuretics on hand in future and you can avoid this issue altogether. (If you use a steam room or sauna to cut weight be careful when using a diuretic. Make sure a friend or your coach is supervising the cut. Don't do it alone).

    Let us know what the blood panel says. Good luck.
    The Test CYP is Straight from the doctor. tbol was from an outside source which i cant say did or did not work. But yes i appreciate all of these comments as i wish i did the research before hand. I have the weight cut under control, i just wasnt used to retaining water (or at least noticing it till now)

  14. #14
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    you were only running 200mg of test and only for 5 weeks. you were also running test CYP which takes several weeks for test levels to reach their peak high point (meaning the first few weeks you were still producing natty test levels) . which means you really only had a week or two of shut down. PLUS it is unlikely that your estrogen got super elevated from such a low dose and short duration (you were running Tbol super low dose as well, but that does not convert to estrogen) . its estrogen, in a round about way, that keeps your natty test production shut down.
    you then got off cycle and went right to taking a strong anti estrogen (SERM) nolvadex , which blocked any estrogen that you did have from acting on estrogen receptors and keeping you shut down as well .

    basically what I'm saying , is you were not all that shut down and you were able to bounce right back . sure thats all fine and dandy, BUT really your cycle sucked and you got shit for gains out of it. it was really all a waste of time and $ in my opinion. basically you were just playing with a few compounds for a short time and got lucky to bounce right back.
    your better off having a real "crash" because you did a real and effective cycle imo
    well considering everything was fairly cheap... and I noticed more endurance, strength, aggression, and recovery time, i wouldnt say it was a waste of money or time as it was only 5 weeks. Like i said, i knew what i was getting into, just wish i had done more research prior and knew what i know now. I have not showed any signs of slowing down, just some weight loss but ive also cleaned up my diet significantly in the last 4 weeks.

  15. #15
    Hospitalguy2000 is offline New Member
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    yeah man like i said just a kid looking to perform better. kids dont make the smartest choices. Im pretty sure im not going to crash, since ive showed no signs of slowing down at this point. Taking that as a blessing and will just use the information that i have now for the future. I appreciate the comment

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