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  1. #1
    jaredaero is offline New Member
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    Sep 2018

    Sdrol injection question

    Hi Bro's! Im interested in superdrol. I've heard nothing but good things about this. I have noticed that orals are rather spendy. And I've found IM sdrol. Does anyone have info on the injectable version. Dosage and efficacy? Is it a pre workout pinning or how does that work? What were your results vs the oral version ECT...

    Thanks again.

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  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    injectable superdrol is NOT going to be as strong as the oral. its the same with injectable Anadrol and injectable Dbol .. the half lives are extended due to the injectable form and the absorption is not as rapid and it really seems to take the "punch" out of the drug. Oral drugs are just stronger in general. however if you want to slightly limit hepa toxicity and two passes of the drug through the liver, then the injectable makes sense.

    just to put it in perspective for you -- I've ran injectable anadrol and Dbol, and every time I have I ended up adding in the oral form on top of the injectable form . oral just hits you much better especially if your used to running them pre workout as well.

    on a side note -- I've not found oral Superdrol to be very pricey at all , and you'll get a lot more compound for your money in the oral form then the injectable form (its way cheaper then var, cheaper then winny, heck way cheaper then arimidex even) . . look at it from a cost per dosage perspective, you really only need to run about 20mg per day (a whole cycle is going to cost you less then a nice dinner with your girl)

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