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This is for guys that blast and cruise. I have a similar protocol for guys that PCT, but there are quite a few big differences (I can post advanced PCT cycle protocols in a separate thread if you guys want, but don't want to do it here).
OK. So for a lot of you vets out there that have been using gear for quite some time and blast and cruise. Your probably aware by now, and perhaps your implementing it already, of the protocol of 6 weeks blast 4 weeks cruise, then repeat. The reason for this technique is basically to ‘get in’ and then ‘get out’ before catabolic hormones begin upregulating and setting you back.
Basically, you want to get your gains and initiate growth before your body becomes aware of it and begins seeking homeostasis and purposely tries to reverse that growth.
Without getting into it much. I’ll just point out that the body is constantly in a state of seeking homeostasis. It has anabolic hormones to be used to produce the growth it wants and needs and it has catabolic hormones to off-set and reverse that growth and thus seek a ‘balance’ (ie, homeostasis). The body does not want to be super lean and large and muscular. So we need to find ways to ‘trick’ the body into this. That’s what some of these protocols are designed to do.
Ok so we are starting from the idea that after about 6-8 weeks or so of heavy training, nutrition, and AAS use that the body has lots of anabolic processes going on and its around this time the body says “hey whats going on, why are we growing so fast, lets slow this shit down or turn it off” , and the body then begins to down regulate anabolic processes by ‘blunting’ androgen receptors, binding up and rendering useless free test (with SHBG), converting as much test to estrogen as possible in an attempt to sky rocket estrogen levels so that it will shut down the HPTA completely and stop all production of androgens. And then at the same time it will up-regulate catabolic hormones like Myostatin (which stops your muscle from growing completely) and Cortisol (which breaks down muscle tissue to be used as a fuel source).
When your body gets to this point gains halt. We need to get in get out and trick the body so we can keep gaining.
Note: This scenario is much more common with guys that are vets and been on gear for years and blast and cruise . you newbie gear users can do your 1-2 cycles per year and still illicit some decent gains at the 12 week or so mark…. This post isn’t for you per se (but it will be eventually).
Ok so now onto some protocols to use to help keep the body growing and favoring that anabolic state.
Again, we are blasting and cruising here. Everyone is a bit different, but just to keep it generalized we will use a 6 week blast 4 week cruise time frame.
Your cycling methods are going to be broken down into ‘Phases’.
Phase 1 - your high androgenic high estrogenic phase (blast)
Phase 2 – your high anabolic phase (blast)
Phase 3 – your anti cortisol anti estrogen phase (beginning of your cruise)
Phase 4 – your growth factors and re-sensitization phase (part of your cruise)
NOTE: just because your on a cruise dose of AAS does not mean we are not still trying to grow via other methods. We are re-sensitizing androgen receptors yes, but we are using other growth methods that over ride both Myostatin and Cortisol.
These phases will make up both the blast and the cruise. When your done with all 4 phases you can go right into repeating this. Also, as you’ll see in my examples, each of these 4 phases can be done under a specific ‘macro’ phase. What I mean by that is say for example you been in a rut for a long time and not growing, you can implement this protocol and do all 4 phases under what I call a “burst” phase (that’s the main phase goal and all other 4 phases fall under that main goal). Or you can do a ‘lean bulk’ phase where all 4 phases fall under that main goal .. etc..
So lets just get right into a couple ‘EXAMPLE’ protocols.
Week 1-6 – blasting
Week 1
Test Prop – 150mg per Day
Dbol – 50mg per day
NPP – 50mg per day
Week 2
Test Prop – 150mg per Day
Dbol – 50mg per day
NPP – 50mg per day
Week 3
Test Prop – 150mg per Day
Dbol – 50mg per day
NPP – 50mg per day
Start PHASE 2
Week 4
Test Prop – 50mg per day
Test E – 25mg per day
NPP – 100mg per day
Superdrol – 20mg per day
Masteron P – 100mg per day
Week 5
Test E – 25mg per day
NPP – 125mg per day
Superdrol – 20mg per day
Masteron P – 100mg per day
Week 6
Test E – 25mg per day
NPP – 125mg per day
Superdrol – 20mg per day
Masteron P – 100mg per day
Week 7
Test E – 25mg per day
Winstrol – 50mg per day
Arimidex - .25mg E3d
Synthetine – 4-6ml per
HGH – 6iu per day
Insulin – 20iu per day
Week 8
Test E – 25mg per day
Winstrol – 25mg per day
Arimidex - .25mg E3d
Synthetine – 4-6ml per
HGH – 6iu per day
Insulin – 20iu per day
Week 9
Test E – 25mg per day
Cytadren – 500mg per day
Synthetine – 4-6ml per day
HGH – 6iu per day
Insulin – 30iu per day
Clenbuterol 60mcg per day
T4 – 150mcg per day
Week 10
Test E – 25mg per day
Cytadren – 500mg per day
Synthetine – 4-6ml per
HGH – 6iu per day
Insulin – 30iu per day
Clenbuterol 60mcg per day
T4 – 150mcg per day
I can go over why things are the way they are here and the use and purpose of compounds selected and why they fall into each phase of the protocol.
Note: if your running HGH year round, then in phase 3-4 you will simply up your dosage to at least 6iu
Note: During the androgenic phase I do NOT list any AI or anti estrogens. Everyone is different so you’ll need to implement whatever protocol works for you in regards to ancillaries. Most guys can just get by running a low dose of Nolvadex. But I don’t bother listing anything.
This is an ADVANCED PROTOCOL. If your using this protocol you have years of experience and you know exactly what estrogen control measures work for you.
BUT I will say that during the first phase you WANT estrogen levels to go up with the elevated androgen levels. I lower estrogen later on in the last phases.
Ok this is too long for a first post .. I’ll be throwing out a few more example protocols in the next posts