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correct . but again it depends on the situation.. in fact (maybe this will surprise you) I'll throw in high dosages of test or Dbol for the soul purpose of creating more estrogen. If a cycle is way too 'dry' and androgenic and our goal is more growth , then we may need more estrogen to help facilitate this growth phase (I can spare some test for the sake of more estrogen .. especially when I'm running more powerful androgens in the cycle then test in the first place , like tren).
I'm not worried about some the test turning into estrogen, I have plenty of test (and other androgens in the cycle), I'm upping it up to a gram or more. and I'm not preventing that test from converting to E either cause I want the E. thats one situation where I have no worry if test turns into estrogen.
NOW a different situation. lets say I'm not running more powerful androgens and anabolics on top of my test and I'm only using test for my cycle or test as my base / main compound. AND I'm running a lower dose, like 400mg. in this situation I may run an AI to keep that test from being converted cause I need all the test I can get, I may run a DHT blocker as well , and I'll probably throw in some Proviron to take care of SHBG so I get even more free test to utilize. I can't spare the precious test from being converted or being bound up by SHBG.
really depends on the situation. I don't have 'one way' and one way only of doing things.. there are no 'have to' ways imo. its all what works for the given situation and person.