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Thread: Fourth cycle: Test E, Test Prop, Proviron & Anavar.

  1. #1

    Fourth cycle: Test E, Test Prop, Proviron & Anavar.

    Hi everyone!
    English is not my first language, that being said, let's start

    40 y/o
    weight: 194 lbs
    height: 6.1
    body fat: 10 %

    Goal: add 9 pounds of lean mass.
    Currently I'm cruising at 125 mg of Test E e5d.

    As I get older, I'm trying to maximize benefits without risking health.

    This is my proposed cycle:
    Weeks 1-8
    Test E: 625 mg/w
    Test Prop: 150 mg/w
    Proviron: 25 mg/day (only the first 4 weeks)
    Adex: 0.5 mg eod.

    Weeks 9-12
    Test E: 250 mg/w
    Test Prop: 400 mg/w
    Anavar: 30 mg/day
    Adex: 0.5 mg eod.

    *Also I'll use HCG at 300 IU eod
    The gear is pharma grade.

    I'm on a keto diet, maybe I'll add some carbs at weekends according to the anabolic diet of Dr. Di Pasquale just if I feel tired/weak.
    Last week I gave 450cc of blood, today I do a BW, I'm just waitng for the lab results, if everything is ok, I'm planning to start next week.
    Also I've checked my heart, which is also ok.

    So what do you think? Do u think I could accomplish my goal?

  2. #2
    If you're running an 8 week cycle, drop Test E and adjust the Test Prop dosage. Pick one oral either proviron or anavar. Just run 1 oral for the last 4 weeks of your cycle.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    If you're running an 8 week cycle, drop Test E and adjust the Test Prop dosage. Pick one oral either proviron or anavar. Just run 1 oral for the last 4 weeks of your cycle.
    Hi Scotch.

    I'm planning to run a 12 weeks cycle. The first 8 weeks I'll use more Test E than Prop. The last 4 weeks I'll decrease Test E and increase Test Prop, also I'll add anavar.
    Proviron will be used just for the first four weeks at a minimum dosage (25 mg) just to decrease SHBG. As you pointed out I'll never mix two orals at the same time, apart from the liver issues, the cholesterol risk is unacceptable.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    The last 4 weeks I'll decrease Test E and increase Test Prop, also I'll add anavar.
    Proviron will be used just for the first four weeks at a minimum dosage (25 mg) just to decrease SHBG. As you pointed out I'll never mix two orals at the same time, apart from the liver issues, the cholesterol risk is unacceptable.
    liver issues and the cholesterol risk is is unacceptable to you by combining the two most mild orals at low dosages , YET running a heavy amount of Arimidex for a long 12 weeks straight is acceptable ? heck the Arimidex at that dose for that long is likely to cause more havoc on your cholesterol then the other two orals at low dose combined would.

    anyhow . . absolutely nothing wrong with combining Proviron and Anavar if you chose to do so (again, probably less issues from that then the large amount of armidex your running).

    - I like your idea of running proviron on this cycle to take out some SHBG and free up more test.. but 25mg for ONLY 4 weeks, I'd run it longer then that. SHBG will raise right back up once you get off . heck I'd run it all the way up to PCT

    - If you plan on doing a PCT , when you up the test Prop at week 9 and lower the test e, you should just drop the test E all together at this stage. its just going to hang around and delay your recovery. without the test E in there you'll be able to start pct much earlier.

    - I utilized Keto plenty of times . however while on cycle its simply going to hinder your muscle gains. one of the big advantages to being on cycle is the nutrient partitioning and ability to drive a lot more glycogen, water, nutrients, and amino acids into muscle cells.. you'll be taking this advantage away without the carbs consistently in your diet

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    liver issues and the cholesterol risk is is unacceptable to you by combining the two most mild orals at low dosages , YET running a heavy amount of Arimidex for a long 12 weeks straight is acceptable ? heck the Arimidex at that dose for that long is likely to cause more havoc on your cholesterol then the other two orals at low dose combined would.

    anyhow . . absolutely nothing wrong with combining Proviron and Anavar if you chose to do so (again, probably less issues from that then the large amount of armidex your running).

    - I like your idea of running proviron on this cycle to take out some SHBG and free up more test.. but 25mg for ONLY 4 weeks, I'd run it longer then that. SHBG will raise right back up once you get off . heck I'd run it all the way up to PCT

    - If you plan on doing a PCT , when you up the test Prop at week 9 and lower the test e, you should just drop the test E all together at this stage. its just going to hang around and delay your recovery. without the test E in there you'll be able to start pct much earlier.

    - I utilized Keto plenty of times . however while on cycle its simply going to hinder your muscle gains. one of the big advantages to being on cycle is the nutrient partitioning and ability to drive a lot more glycogen, water, nutrients, and amino acids into muscle cells.. you'll be taking this advantage away without the carbs consistently in your diet
    Hi GearHeaded.

    I want to state that, I'm a healthy person, never had any cholesterol issue, and I'm expecting to continue in that way.
    But I've read a lot of studies about oral AAs and their impact on lipids (BTW winstrol is the WORST in this regard). The only reason I will add anavar at 9th week is in order to avoid the sticky point and because of the amazing pumps it gives me, literally my back, shoulders and chest explode.
    I know that adex alters lipids also (not alone, but in combination with test), but I need it, in my prior cycle I've used 1 mg a week and I experienced water retention on my waist.

    Regarding to diet, I will continue on keto during week, but as you pointed out I'm considering to do carb loading at weekends.
    I cruise at 125 mg of test E e5d, no pct.
    Last edited by Caesar Avgvstvs; 10-06-2018 at 06:25 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    Hi Scotch.

    I'm planning to run a 12 weeks cycle. The first 8 weeks I'll use more Test E than Prop. The last 4 weeks I'll decrease Test E and increase Test Prop, also I'll add anavar.
    Proviron will be used just for the first four weeks at a minimum dosage (25 mg) just to decrease SHBG. As you pointed out I'll never mix two orals at the same time, apart from the liver issues, the cholesterol risk is unacceptable.
    My take is that cholestrol wont be a problem.
    There is no documentation that says a fucked up profil leads to arteriesclorosis. Many bad cholestrolers have problemes, but their problemes are not caused by cholestrol. Like smoke leads to cancer AND bad cholestrol. High ldl doesnt lead to cancer.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

  7. #7
    I would like to hear austinite and kelkel opinions, regarding orals AAS and cholesterol.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caesar Avgvstvs View Post
    I would like to hear austinite and kelkel opinions, regarding orals AAS and cholesterol.
    there is no doubt that oral AAS use will negatively effect cholesterol profile, especially lower HDL (the so called good cholesterol) . HOWEVER , just because this is how the blood work shows up while on these orals, does not necessarily mean thats a bad thing or going to cause any health problems. its just a number on a piece of paper... heck there may be reasons that oral AAS lower HDL that we are actually getting a benefit from (or that the body lowers HDL while on these compounds because we simply require less of it).

    Until we have real evidence that AAS lowering HDL is actually a proven "bad thing", I don't think we can say for sure. there are other factors to consider like if HDL comes back to range when off of AAS , or testing cholesterol particle size.

    I would say though , that IF cholesterol is a major health priority for you and managing good HDL levels is important . then I would NOT run Arimidex for your cycles at high dosages for that long . Your cholesterol will be much better off running a SERM for estrogen control , as a SERM is only blocking E at the receptor sites like breast and fat tissue, but allowing the good receptor sites in the liver to still function and produce HDL (whereas an AI does not do this . . its lowering total estrogen levels and thus limiting e from passing through the liver for HDL production).

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    I’d run both proviron and anavar the entire 8 weeks. They’re very mild and
    Proviron is a great addition for the full length of
    Any cycle

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