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  1. #1
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    down there

    Unhappy abscess in pec from local inj.!!!!!!!!

    Today i would like to share some negative experience with the board.
    I fucked up my left pec with a local injection.
    They don't have any positive effect whatsoever and they can harm you realy bad even if follow the proper injection protocol.
    take care nad be safe
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails abscess in pec from local inj.!!!!!!!!-abscess.jpg  

  2. #2
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Would you explain a little more on what happened and what you did.

  3. #3
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    A week ago i inject in my left pec(vit b-12; 25 g). I felt nothing strange till the final mm of the needle going in when it kind of tuched something and hurt a little.
    Next day nothing. I work out but i start feeling uncomfortable in the area. Next day a little bump starts to form from one side to the other of my pec. The weekend i helped a friend move and i think it begun to hurt more, it got swollen and moved to the outer side to the armpit. Tuesday i couldnt move my arm at all and i got 39 degrees fever. Wendsday i went to a doctor. It was one that takes care of breasts matters. He made the picture on a echographe, tald me it is an abscess and prescribed antibiotics. If it doesn't start to go away in 5 days it will be opened by a surgeon in order to get all the nasty stuff out.

  4. #4
    gundam675's Avatar
    gundam675 is offline Senior Member
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    that sucks, sorry to hear this, this is why i try to be as careful as possible when injecting.

  5. #5
    BDTR's Avatar
    BDTR is offline Retired
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    Never had a problem like that with a pec injection. As for localized growth.... Thats a touchy subject, if I were running winny or suspension I'd do nothing but spot injections. That being said, I use pec injections because when you're injecting ed, sometimes twice a day, spots are limited. Good luck with the abscess, whats the doctors course of action?

  6. #6
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    down there
    thanx guys,
    i appreciate your support very highly.
    I'm down to the the ground right now.
    The problem is i'm pretty sure i know what i'm doing and i've done a lot of spot inj with a lot of different products and till now nothing has happened.
    Doctor said it would be necessary to cut it open and take the residue from the inflamatory process out if it doesnt get smaller in a couple of days. The abscess is the size of a baseball and has the shape of an egg.
    As i write this i must ad that the antibiotic is doing its job and i feel a lot better, without the fever and i started to move my shoulder a little.
    thank you all again, you've been very helpfull
    be safe

  7. #7
    symatech's Avatar
    symatech is offline Retired Moderator
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    not where I want to be
    bro thank you for sharing this with us. I wish you a speedy recovery. How is this going to impact the rest of your cycle? have you stopped it all together or do you plan to continue? Also, I am curious as to how far you got before this happened. peace

  8. #8
    Farm boy's Avatar
    Farm boy is offline Junior Member
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    i hope you have a speedy recovery. i am curious to know the same as aymatech.

  9. #9
    kiro is offline Junior Member
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    down there
    actualy, i wasn't doing an AAS cycle. I was shooting vit b-12 for faster recovery(not sure it does it though). it was the last inj of a 2 weeks cycle and i'm unable to do anything more stresfull than climbing stairs. I hope it does go away fast enough so i can go back to the gym.
    I thought i wouldnt be able to hold a seringue in my arm again. Doctor said it wasn't a matter of how steril the process was but of what product i injected. b-12 is known to be very agressive and hard for absorbtion and i knew it.
    Be very carefull as to what you inject in smaller muscles bros.
    Thank you once again, i feel releived when i talk to poeple who know my pain
    peace and take care

  10. #10
    Devourer's Avatar
    Devourer is offline Senior Member
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    i definetely know where you're at right now. i have had two abcesses in my life which both ended up needing surgery. just try and keep a positive attitude about the situation and remember you can always start again later. if you are real upset i'd recommend asking the doctor for some xanax or valium. good luck. AD

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