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  1. #1
    DonaldTrump is offline New Member
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    Jun 2018

    Nosebleeds and motion sickness on cycle?

    Anybody else get lots of nosebleeds and motion sickness on cycle?

    My nose will randomly bleed like a faucet. I get headaches in the car or on the bus.

    I'm doing 1.5g of test e and 750mg of liquid dbol per week. I've had this happen before. I've never done this cycle before. Dbol is probably too high. I was just running this til the deca and gh arrive and the winter bulk cycle starts.

    I'm 26, been roiding a few years now. 5'11, 220, 13-15%.

    I don't think it's related to other things right now. I did have a bad cold a few weeks ago where I was congested had a clogged up nose and throat, but my cycle started right after that.

    These issues have coincided with noticeable typical effects of test e and dbol, aggression, bloated, oily skin, quick strength and size gains, irritable, and sleeping is tough.

    I just feel kinda nauseous and overheated. I like these effects and the high sex drive.

    My guess is my blood pressure has spiked. I should probably lower the dosage, or maybe my body is just adjusting and I can let it adjust.

  2. #2
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Imo you should always monitor bp especially on a high dose cycle that is a lot of dbol for anyone most will tell you (coughcoughIdonemorecough).

    I have heard of adrol causing nosebleeds.
    Curious how long you been on the dbol?

    I never got motion sickness so I have no idea what its like. Please do check bp. Use apprpriate size arm cuff or it will read high.
    Standard cuff are only 15" usually some may be 17.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    you been running gear for a few years now and haven't invested in a BP monitor yet ? need to step your 'health' game up a bit brother.
    also, I would not run a high dose wet bulk cycle like this without having BP meds on hand. They are effective, cheap, easy to get, and have little to no sides

    how much weight have you gained in the last couple weeks ?

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