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  1. #1
    Sr. Daniels is offline New Member
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    First Tren cycle

    Just about to start a 10 week Tren cycle with test p and 50 mg daily Winstrol for the last half . 100mg eod Tren a and 200 mg eod test p. Have done a couple small test cycles in the past with no issues at all. Wondering about Tren speeding up mpb. If I had no issues with test should I be okay with Tren? All the reading I’ve done says that if you’re genetically prone to mpb even a trt dosage would speed up that process

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Drop the Tren , why would you want to jump from test alone to the test Tren when there are so many other less harsh steroids to try first. You should see how you react to something like deca first.

  3. #3
    Sr. Daniels is offline New Member
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    It’s what’s available too me. I know it’s serious cycle. But Tren ace is a quick ester so if there’s issues I can stop and it will be gone quickly. The hair loss is truly the only side effect I’m really worried about.

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you have mpb Tren is known to cause shedding. I’m blessed to not have this issue. I would build a cycle then source it out. It’s pretty reckless to go based on what’s available. Tren ace is a very short ester best injected daily.

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Also winny is dht you will lose some hair if you have mpb.

  6. #6
    Sr. Daniels is offline New Member
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    Yeah I know whinny is also . Ive read people say they’ve shed hair on Deca though also and others say its no problem to their system. Same with EQ and dbol . I could get my hands on Deca, I don’t know about a long test to go with it. But what’s the point if they both have potentially the same side effect I don’t want

  7. #7
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    more people seem to have issues with Tren causing hair loss than deca . I can’t comment personally because I don’t get any hair loss with any compounds.

  8. #8
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sr. Daniels View Post
    It’s what’s available too me. I know it’s serious cycle. But Tren ace is a quick ester so if there’s issues I can stop and it will be gone quickly. The hair loss is truly the only side effect I’m really worried about.
    It's not just a matter of whether or not you can handle the sides, theres absolutely no need for tren , or any other compound other than test for your first cycle. Test alone will produce great results on first cycle, and its possible taking tren can actually lessen the results. It will be very foolish to use tren first cycle

    Edit: just noticed you've done test cycle before, got mixed up with another thread

  9. #9
    Sr. Daniels is offline New Member
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    I’ve never had issues with test but I know Tren is way more serious obviously. One last question, wouldn’t I be able to try Tren ace and if I start to see negative results just stop and finish with just test ? These are the things I can’t find on the internet. If I stop taking Tren if I see hair loss will it stop there? Or wil it keep going because I kick started it. If the Tren and test work well for me would it be safe to assume the Winstrol would be fine also? And if worse case scenario would I get decent results with just test prop ? I’ve only used short ester tests before

  10. #10
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sr. Daniels View Post
    I’ve never had issues with test but I know Tren is way more serious obviously. One last question, wouldn’t I be able to try Tren ace and if I start to see negative results just stop and finish with just test ? These are the things I can’t find on the internet. If I stop taking Tren if I see hair loss will it stop there? Or wil it keep going because I kick started it. If the Tren and test work well for me would it be safe to assume the Winstrol would be fine also? And if worse case scenario would I get decent results with just test prop ? I’ve only used short ester tests before
    I don't know much about the hair loss part of it, cause I dont have any so I never paid attention to that part of it. All compounds are different, so you shouldnt assume you will ok with winny if you are with tren . That's why it's never good to add more than one new compound at a time. If you have issues, you wont know which one caused it. I wouldn't run the winny till the last 4 weeks anyway, so you should know by then if you ok with tren.

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