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11-01-2018, 11:13 AM #1
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Non-liver toxic oral prohormopnes stacked with injectable roids
I recently ordered an epi andro product containing epiandrosterone, 7 hydroxy-dehydroxepiandrosterone and also laxogenin (from a reputable source). I wanna stack it with one but some good injectable steroid . Which would you sugest? I would like do up to 8 week cycle. Of course a good pct needed.
Please help me build up the best cycle possible for cutting purposes & suitable pct. I'm really new to this so only from knowledgeable people information will be expected.
11-01-2018, 12:12 PM #2
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its funny . a lot of guys when taking real steroids (mainly testosterone ) will take a DHT blocker to keep DHT levels down (cause of all the negative sides that come with DHT, and DHT is not anabolic in muscle tissue). yet a supplement company sells epiandrosterone which does nothing but convert into DHT in the body.
not sure why you would want more DHT in your body
11-01-2018, 12:55 PM #3
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You should do more research in the future before spending your money. What you bought is useless and is still liver toxic.
Also what you bought is technically a designer steroid not a pro hormone . There's very few true ProHormones left compared to the Patrick arnold era.
Cutting is from diet and training - the drugs keep lean tissue on the frame, they don't shred fat. the only drug that sheds fat is DNP which is a pesticide not a steroid.I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
11-01-2018, 03:24 PM #4
11-03-2018, 04:19 AM #5
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Well thank you all for the replies.
I am thinking to stack it with test cypionate or trenbolone or maybe drostanolone (should I)? Which would be more suitable for adding to epi andro? Clomiphene citrate tablets for pct. How does the cycle + pct should look like? Thanks again!Last edited by Testlolblast; 11-03-2018 at 04:22 AM.
11-03-2018, 04:56 AM #6
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If you read Gearhead and my reply you would see that what you bought is a bad product and you shouldn't use it.
I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
11-03-2018, 11:20 AM #7
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11-03-2018, 11:28 AM #8
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test , Tren , mast . thats a very effective cycle, especially for cutting and recomping. keep in mind its not all that friendly for guys that are doing PCT, as recovery is a bit tough. works better for those that blast and cruise. if you PCT you may consider dropping the Tren and running an oral like Superdrol or VAR instead. you'll be able to recover better.
My PCT protocols that I recommend are a bit different then what you'll find on these boards. but not by a whole lot. IF you read the stickies on PCT, and you want some more advanced techniques then I'll lay it out for you
11-04-2018, 01:36 PM #9
Just read a little what DHT does. DHT is a fantastic hormone. It gets a bad rep because it binds to your follicles and you may lose your hair. But other than that, it's fantastic. It's androgenic and hardens your physique. It's the primary sexual hormone (you heard of deca dick right, that's about this). Taking DHT blockers is a silly thing to do unless keeping your hair when predisposed to Male Pattern Baldness is one of your top priorities.
11-04-2018, 01:37 PM #10
Recommended injectables for cutting purposes would be:
Testosterone of course, Masteron , Primobolan , Equipose, or Trenbolone , could try DHB if you know where to buy it it can be hard to find.
11-04-2018, 10:24 PM #11
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Well I have no serious issues, but anyway I'm looking for the most safest liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system friendly stack. Also don't wanna screw up my brain and nerve system. Lol.
Also no cancerogenic compounds please!Last edited by Testlolblast; 11-04-2018 at 10:55 PM.
11-05-2018, 07:56 AM #12
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If you want the safest possible then food and water. Steroids always have a risk, education and proper planning mitigates that to a degree.
Learning how to fish will take you farther than someone feeding you fish. There's a lot of options on maximizing safety and reducing risk for anabolic - I would start by reading the educational threads so you have a better understanding of what you are buying and injecting into your body.
Someone spoon feeding you a stack is not going to help you be successful long term.
if you have more questions after doing the research by all means ask away and tons of members will be able to help you from there.
If you don't want to invest the time into learning the fundamentals and have someone tell you everything to do there are coaches that will do that for you for a price.I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
11-05-2018, 10:22 AM #13
Decca Tren dick = limp
Dht dick = so hard it hurts.can fuck right past a orgasm like it never happened. "Just got a bit more slippery in here, though".
Dht is my shit.
11-05-2018, 10:32 AM #14
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Dht is great , sure. thats why the body makes plenty of it on its own. my point was taking a supplement/prohormone thats sole purpose is to increase DHT is really not worth it (especially if advertised as muscle builder when DHT is not anabolic to muscle tissue).
perhaps something like that would make sense if your were running a deca only cycle and needed additional DHT (being Deca only converts to DHB and not dht), but even then why not just take test and it will convert to the amount of DHT you need as well as the estrogen you need
11-05-2018, 10:41 AM #15
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again DHT is NOT anabolic to muscle tissue.. so you don't think keeping Testosterone from converting to too much un-needed DHT could have some benefits for anabolism (more bioavailable test).. ?
think about it. if 30% of your test is converting to DHT, and you really only need about 10%, then the extra 20% is just going to negative side effects and being wasted and is unable to build muscle. you'd be better off if the extra went to more test in the first place, or even more of that test converting to estrogen then DHT (at least estrogen is anabolic).Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-05-2018 at 10:44 AM.
11-05-2018, 11:04 AM #16
11-05-2018, 11:10 AM #17
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Thank you all again for the every ansver! I think I'll take in consideration what Windex said. I will do more research and start my first aas cutting cycle next summer (of course if I'll get all the gear needed).
By the way, the supplement arrived today dunno what to do with it though...
11-05-2018, 11:18 AM #18
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you'll still absolutely have a need for Test in their for your DHT needs and conversion into DHT.. if you did a VAR only cycle, your DHT levels will actually go down. its impossible for VAR to convert to DHT being it was 'derived' from DHT .. also when something is 'derived' from something else, its no longer the thing it was derived from.
just like Dbol , though derived from test, is no longer 'test' in the body and is going to act much differently then test. its impossible for Dbol to convert into testosterone in the body (being derived from something doesn't make it able to be the thing its derived from)
also, depends on the 'androgenic ' nature of the 'dht derived' steroid your dealing with. Primo and Var are not that androgenic. so they will not stimulate DHT receptor sites near as much as a more androgenic DHT derived steroid, like Masteron for example.
having said that-- just because an androgenic attribute can simulate a DHT receptor site, does not mean it transduces the same information that actual DHT itself might (again, because its no longer actual DHT). the information that VAR communicates to a cell is different then what DHT itself would communicate
side note -- Primo is often times attributed on a lot of the steroid profile sites as being derived from DHT .. its actually in chemical structure a DHB derivative.Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-05-2018 at 11:23 AM.
11-05-2018, 11:25 AM #19
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if your sensitive to actual DHT itself. taking DHT derived low androgenic steroids is your best bet.. its an Internet forum 'rumor' that DHT derived drugs directly cause DHT related side effects (they don't because they are by nature no longer DHT and its impossible for them to convert to DHT).. the androgenic side effects guys get from some of these drugs are NOT a direct cause from the drug being DHT derived.
its usually secondary things , like the drugs ability to lower SHBG and thus free up more test (and your sides are coming indirectly from more free test)
11-05-2018, 11:49 AM #20
I learns more from you daily than I did in school for 18 years.
Thx man
11-05-2018, 11:56 AM #21
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sure thing!
and one quick note here if you want the more technical stuff.
things like VAR and Winny are DHT derived .. SO.... they are already 5-alpha reduced, they cannot be reduced further by 5-alpha reductase enzyme (and thus produce DHT). also due to the presence of an oxygen atom in the A-ring, these steroids are not deactivated by 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3HSD) in skeletal muscle tissue either. . 3HSD is an enzyme that is found in skeletal muscle that deactivates circulating DHT, rendering it inactive (non anabolic )
so think about that last part for a second.. IF Var or Winny or other DHT steroids were actually and actively DHT itself , then they would NOT be anabolic in muscle tissue !!
this is how VAR is 3x more anabolic then test . its not DHT and it does not covert to DHT, so it can render itself 100% biologically available and anabolically active in muscle tissue (testosterone cannot make this claim, because it converts to dht and is subject to 5 alpha reductase enzyme, and then ultimately 3HSD enzyme)Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-05-2018 at 12:01 PM.
11-05-2018, 12:00 PM #22
11-05-2018, 12:13 PM #23
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I'm pretty sure that every DHT derived steroid is 100% resistant to 3HSD.. but I believe so also are things like Tren .
its compounds like Test, deca , eq, etc. that are effected by the 5 alpha reductase enzyme that downstream will ultimately be effected by 3HSD (ie, lose anabolic strength in muscle tissue . . . with Test itself being the most prominent)Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-05-2018 at 12:15 PM.
11-05-2018, 11:17 PM #24
Then u go to SARMs . From rec chem uk. I always use them.
Find yourself some test. 250 a week migth be enough.
Then run a LGD cycle for 12 weeks.
Pimp with mk677.
And cardarine.
Tapper LGD every 3. week. Dont run more than 30 mg those last 3 weeks.
Gallion of water ed. High pro. Moderate carbs. Mod healthy fats. Lots of cardio. No powders. Real food only.
High reps, mod weigth.
Use pepper, caffein and carnitine before workouts. With beetrootjuice.
Creatin, aspirin, beta alanine and baking soda also ok.
With beetrootjuice i dont think c.malate and arginine is necessary.
Add a vit D supp to your diett.
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11-06-2018, 10:12 AM #25
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Well, a lot of thanks to you doc!
I prefer better roids (injectable, only oral - proviron ), because I'm afraid of cancer risks what sarms rarely may cause. I already take daily prescription vit d drops since 2009. I also have Hashimoto's thyroiditis so I'm on levothyroxine for more than 13 years now.
Actually I'm also bipolar so I must be careful with the strong acting aas.Last edited by Testlolblast; 11-12-2018 at 10:24 AM.
11-09-2018, 10:17 AM #26
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Actually now after multiple ''experiments'' with prohormones I think that they are not for me. Also they're actually too unproven clinically to be taken by anyone. I got bad physical and mental reactions as sides from all of them (the exceptions are - pregnenolone and dhea, on them I was ok).
These are my thoughts on my future: no more prohormones only relying on the verified real gear values - testosterone esters (injectable, transdermal or oral) and maybe some proviron ! Well I consider to exclude from my steroid cycles even strong acting dht derivates, tren , mast, etc.Last edited by Testlolblast; 11-12-2018 at 10:16 AM.
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)