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Thread: Tren dick

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Tren dick

    Finished a cycle of tren a few weeks ago... just finishing pct. libido is completely gone. I’m not sure what to do.

    I stooped taking tren about 3 weeks before the end of my cycle and just ran test. But almost immediately after going off test and starting out my libido is gone. I can get hard, but i go limp after a few pumps... the wife doesn’t like that and she doesn’t know what’s wrong either. I just tell her I’m tired and give her all kinds of bullshit excuses. I was able to nut a few times since I’ve been off, but that is pretty much only with Rosie Palmer. Orgasms are completely blah.

    Wondering if anybody has tips for how to deal with this, or how to get your drive back?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    you no longer have an androgen dominant hormonal balance. your prolactin is likely elevated as well (which would of hindered your PCT and your recovery of natty test).
    giving it a couple weeks and getting blood work is ideal. if you don't want to wait that long, then a Dopamine Agonist and something like Proviron should help (but its a shot in the dark without blood work). you want prolactin lowered, androgens elevated, and estrogen in normal range, at this point.
    if you not producing natty test right now and your prolactin is elevated then thats a recipe for trouble

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    da states
    #1 thing- don't panic.

    You just went from Superman hormone levels to ... Blah. It's gonna take some time to adjust to normal levels, plus just what GH said. Some of your levels may be whack.

    Cialis helps me. A lot. An understanding woman helps too.

    Lastly, I highly recommend introducing your gal to a couple high end toys. Seriously. Happy wife, happy life

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Destination Peaksville
    Yup this is completely normal and honestly surprised you didn't experience this sooner as the reason for this is elevated prolactin levels. Prolactin is the hormone your body releases after you have an orgasm and creates the refractory period which allows your erection to go down and promotes bonding after sex (there are other hormones like oxytocin at play here too) but the point is 19nor derivative steroids like trenbolone are known to increase prolactin levels significantly in MOST men (some people don't have this issue apparently, but I think it's dose dependent so everyone has a dose where it WILL happen IMO).

    You've received some good suggestions as the way I handled this problem was first and foremost making sure estrogen is in range as prolactin needs estrogen to proliferate, so knock down e2 and you'll knock down a degree... for me it wasn't quite enough so I added Proviron and within a few days I was GTG!

    Proviron decreases circulating estrogen in the blood and has a nice blunting effect on prolactin, although I'm not sure about the exact mechanism of action.

    Either way, that should do the trick, but if you're STILL having issues after adding that then you may need a dopamine agonist like GH mentioned. There are a few but lately cabergoline (dostinex) seems to be the most common. I haven't used that before and don't think you'll need to either especially now since you're off. Often guys running high doses of tren (600mg+) will add caber 2x week to their regimen. Hope this helps and as Duffer stated toys are never a bad idea although I prefer to get down and dirty with my god given toys like my tongue and fingers hahaha

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Old Duffer View Post
    #1 thing- don't panic.

    You just went from Superman hormone levels to ... Blah. It's gonna take some time to adjust to normal levels, plus just what GH said. Some of your levels may be whack.

    Cialis helps me. A lot. An understanding woman helps too.

    Lastly, I highly recommend introducing your gal to a couple high end toys. Seriously. Happy wife, happy life
    lightsaber will work a treat, especially the ones that flash!!

    As per above GH/AM, blood work is going to give you your answer, otherwise your purely going from feel... Once you identify the issue you can act accordingly. Safest and cheapest option long term. Until then no one can give you a set in stone answer, will be a guessing game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    One of the primary reasons y I stay "on"

    Losing the function of my dick really plays a number on myself

    It'll take some time for you to fully recover while going the ol' PCT route

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    That's pct for you, it's hard. Not your dick lol but some ppl do ok and some are like yourself.

    I run tren with no test and never have any probs with my dick, it is most likely you E2. Blood work is your only answer but pct is tough. Tren e or A.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    That's pct for you, it's hard. Not your dick lol but some ppl do ok and some are like yourself.

    I run tren with no test and never have any probs with my dick, it is most likely you E2. Blood work is your only answer but pct is tough. Tren e or A.
    if its most likely E2 , then what are you thinking it being too "elevated" or too "low" ?? .. surely not too elevated (assuming he did a proper pct)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Yes Tren Dick is caused most likely from binding to the progesterone receptor which increases prolactin. High prolactin results in ED, low libido, and lactation in the nipples if high enough. Prolactin is completely unnatural to be present in males. You should take Cabergoline to fight the prolactin.
    You can also take strong sexual aids like Cialis/tadalifil and a DHT-compound like Proviron or Masteron (DHT is the hormone that directly effects sexuality in males) to help in overall sexual strength.

    Side note this differs from Deca Dick, which is caused by a metabolite called DHN which replaces DHT at the receptor-level. Deca dick is not caused by prolactin like Tren dick is. Deca dick can best be corrected with a DHT-compound like Masteron or Proviron.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2007
    Prolactin naturally occurs in the male body after orgasm. Aerospace your post is covered with inaccuracies. I had a long post explain how Tren and deca dick are one and the same but I’ll just put the coles note version this time....

    Dht compounds tend to lower estrogen

    The lack of estrogen is not ideal for the formation of progesterone/prolactin.

    The mechanism has nothing to do with dht and everything with lower estrogen being the answer to keep prolactin at bay.

    I had a much more detailed post but it simply didn’t post and logged out on my phone.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Destination Peaksville
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerospace View Post
    Yes Tren Dick is caused most likely from binding to the progesterone receptor which increases prolactin. High prolactin results in ED, low libido, and lactation in the nipples if high enough. Prolactin is completely unnatural to be present in males. You should take Cabergoline to fight the prolactin.
    You can also take strong sexual aids like Cialis/tadalifil and a DHT-compound like Proviron or Masteron (DHT is the hormone that directly effects sexuality in males) to help in overall sexual strength.

    Side note this differs from Deca Dick, which is caused by a metabolite called DHN which replaces DHT at the receptor-level. Deca dick is not caused by prolactin like Tren dick is. Deca dick can best be corrected with a DHT-compound like Masteron or Proviron.
    This is interesting but I'm pretty sure both deca dick and tren dick are caused by elevated prolactin as they're both 19nor derivatives and have this affect. But you're correct in saying it can be corrected with Proviron or Masteron, although tren dick can be resolved with those drugs as well.

    *Also, prolactin is actually very normal to be present in men, but only at specific times and for short intervals. It should not be present for extended periods of time as we will get these unfavorable side effects!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Tren dick....

    This is the side effects of tren dick....

    Attachment 174805

    Check your gf now. If she is laying half naked on the couch asleep nearly fked to death... You probably have tren dick.

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