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Thread: Test cycle and ed???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Test cycle and ed???

    So I'm 45 years old. Healthy and in shape. I'm on my first ever cycle of gear. I'm currently taking test C250. I'm on 500mgs a week and I'm 4 weeks in. Feel great. Things are going well. But ever since I started taking the test I've had a hard time maintaining an erection??!! It will get hard but doesn't want to stay there. Also it takes me a little longer to get there and ejaculate. (The women love that though) I've never had this problem before starting this cycle. Has anyone heard of or experienced this.. the test has my libido way up just like your expect. But still these probs!! What the hell?? Thanks Greg

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    So I'm 45 years old. Healthy and in shape. I'm on my first ever cycle of gear. I'm currently taking test C250. I'm on 500mgs a week and I'm 4 weeks in. Feel great. Things are going well. But ever since I started taking the test I've had a hard time maintaining an erection??!! It will get hard but doesn't want to stay there. Also it takes me a little longer to get there and ejaculate. (The women love that though) I've never had this problem before starting this cycle. Has anyone heard of or experienced this.. the test has my libido way up just like your expect. But still these probs!! What the hell?? Thanks Greg
    Are you taking an AI , and did you start taking it from the beginning of the cycle ?

  3. #3
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    Oct 2018
    No I'm not taking an Al I'm not taking anything but the test. I've googled, YouTube and looked everywhere and cant find anything on this!

  4. #4
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    You need to take an AI, sounds like estrogen is high. start with arimidex .25mg EOD adjust as need. Blood work would be ideal at this point to identify the issue. but either way an AI is key..

  5. #5
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    you need bloodwork to know for sure. I'm guessing your Estrogen sensitive though.

  6. #6
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    I'm guessing your e2 was already high before you started and then when you got on test you had even more aromatize and create a very high level of e2 cause to have sexual sides your e2 has to be quite high!

  7. #7
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    I’ll bet it’s estrogen But blood work only way to know for sure. Arimidex or aromasin will likely be solution.

  8. #8
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    Alpha you look fvcking great man. no homo, but looking shred

  9. #9
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    Oct 2018
    Ok thanks everyone. I've been tripping, eating large viagra for 3 weeks! So here's the deal. I'm about to order a PCT of clomid and nolva, I'm going to also order the arimidex and hope it gets here soon! 2 more Qs. .... 1 is do these estrogen blockers that they sell in these supplement stores work for a guy on gear?? Or should I go straight to the arimidex? I suspect the answer is arimidex. And also. I've been shopping this place online called online. Does anyone have any reason to believe I'll be disappointed when ordering my PCT meds from them?? I really dont wanna be standing here with my duck in my hand after my cypionate cycle ends in a few weeks with fake PTC meds!! Thanks for everything. BTW havi ng g a great time! Started at 173lbs Nd am at 192 just 4.5 weeks later!!!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Alpha you look fvcking great man. no homo, but looking shred
    Dude thank you I really appreciate it man (I think people are under the impression that we get compliments all the time or that we're full of ourselves so they don't say anything) it's great when people acknowledge our hard work! I'm actually trying to bulk though lol wtf I can't get bigger haha!!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    Ok thanks everyone. I've been tripping, eating large viagra for 3 weeks! So here's the deal. I'm about to order a PCT of clomid and nolva, I'm going to also order the arimidex and hope it gets here soon! 2 more Qs. .... 1 is do these estrogen blockers that they sell in these supplement stores work for a guy on gear?? Or should I go straight to the arimidex? I suspect the answer is arimidex. And also. I've been shopping this place online called online. Does anyone have any reason to believe I'll be disappointed when ordering my PCT meds from them?? I really dont wanna be standing here with my duck in my hand after my cypionate cycle ends in a few weeks with fake PTC meds!! Thanks for everything. BTW havi ng g a great time! Started at 173lbs Nd am at 192 just 4.5 weeks later!!!
    Nice job man keep going!! You suspected right lol I def wouldn't play around with non pharma drugs to control e2 and that source has mixed reviews although I don't believe they're scammers...just not sure about the quality.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    Ok thanks everyone. I've been tripping, eating large viagra for 3 weeks! So here's the deal. I'm about to order a PCT of clomid and nolva, I'm going to also order the arimidex and hope it gets here soon! 2 more Qs. .... 1 is do these estrogen blockers that they sell in these supplement stores work for a guy on gear?? Or should I go straight to the arimidex? I suspect the answer is arimidex. And also. I've been shopping this place online called online. Does anyone have any reason to believe I'll be disappointed when ordering my PCT meds from them?? I really dont wanna be standing here with my duck in my hand after my cypionate cycle ends in a few weeks with fake PTC meds!! Thanks for everything. BTW havi ng g a great time! Started at 173lbs Nd am at 192 just 4.5 weeks later!!!
    Rule #1 is never cycle until you have everything in your hands before starting.

    Rule #2 is when in doubt, get bloodwork done
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  13. #13
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    Jan 2018
    Test enanthate improved my libido, there were no erection maintaining difficulties even not taking ai during the cycle. The sustanon 250 experience was similar.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    Ok thanks everyone. I've been tripping, eating large viagra for 3 weeks! So here's the deal. I'm about to order a PCT of clomid and nolva, I'm going to also order the arimidex and hope it gets here soon! 2 more Qs. .... 1 is do these estrogen blockers that they sell in these supplement stores work for a guy on gear?? Or should I go straight to the arimidex? I suspect the answer is arimidex. And also. I've been shopping this place online called online. Does anyone have any reason to believe I'll be disappointed when ordering my PCT meds from them?? I really dont wanna be standing here with my duck in my hand after my cypionate cycle ends in a few weeks with fake PTC meds!! Thanks for everything. BTW havi ng g a great time! Started at 173lbs Nd am at 192 just 4.5 weeks later!!!
    A supp called DIM works.
    I use 600 mg each day and e2 is acceptable with 500 mg test.
    But an AI would be better. But try to avoid AI if u can. Lowers HDL cholestrol. Many experts say thats dangerous. ( Im not among them, but thats another book)
    DIM is actually healthy.

    And..a bit elevated e2 migth be good. All in all. Its anabolic, get u stronger and good for heart and arteries if u manage to controll BP.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    Ok thanks everyone. I've been tripping, eating large viagra for 3 weeks! So here's the deal. I'm about to order a PCT of clomid and nolva, I'm going to also order the arimidex and hope it gets here soon! 2 more Qs. .... 1 is do these estrogen blockers that they sell in these supplement stores work for a guy on gear?? Or should I go straight to the arimidex? I suspect the answer is arimidex. And also. I've been shopping this place online called online. Does anyone have any reason to believe I'll be disappointed when ordering my PCT meds from them?? I really dont wanna be standing here with my duck in my hand after my cypionate cycle ends in a few weeks with fake PTC meds!! Thanks for everything. BTW havi ng g a great time! Started at 173lbs Nd am at 192 just 4.5 weeks later!!!
    I can't speak to the quality of their gear since I haven't used mine yet, although they do have very high quality sources. There are many factors that go into the delivery time, but I got Alpha Pharma Aromasin from them and that particular package took about a week to arrive. But I had other stuff take over 3 weeks to arrive. When ordering from them, I would plan to wait 2-4 weeks for it to arrive, but hope for the best that it'll come sooner. If you don't want fake meds, I would highly suggest getting the actual pharma brands like astrazeneca, pfizer, etc.

  16. #16
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    You could try a liquid version from a research chem site if you want something asap. Usually shows up in a few days. DIM is at any vitamin store and it does work. Its not like pharma aromasin lol. But it does help keep e2 down. Are you running hcg?

  17. #17
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    Nov 2018
    hi I've been here. its the gear. most ug is good but the impurity's from poor powder and lack of filtering permotes estrogen levels to increase. I know because soon as I went on trt from my doc estrogen came right down so did water weight and he told me right of the bat the gear was the problem doc was right. I've used test for 10 years on and of and nothing compares to American Pharma! at least nothing I've ever used. your 45 go get from a doctor. maybe I'm just lucky but my doc is a big fan of trt.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjuice1979 View Post
    hi I've been here. its the gear. most ug is good but the impurity's from poor powder and lack of filtering permotes estrogen levels to increase.
    so if I'm running a phase cycle and one of those phases is a high estrogen phase, I should just run shitty gear with poor filtering to get the extra estrogen I'm looking for ??
    umm probably not. theres NO biological mechanisms for us to produce more estrogen in the body (that I'm aware of) more efficiently then simply having more available Testosterone that can be converted to estrogen.
    IF you were really getting more estrogen conversion from running UGL test , its highly likely that that UGL was simply over dosed (labeled as 200mg/ml but was likely 278mg/ml). poor powder or lack of filtering resulting in an 'under dosed' product would result in less estrogen.

  19. #19
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    hi by no means am I an expert. I was just relaying info my doctor told me. he told me my high estrogen levels was a result of my gear and the impurity of it. all I can say is I was using 500mg per week of my ug gear my blood work showed my test level was 1235 (200-827) is normal range and estrogen was 55 and 39 or less is what quest diagnostics considers normal. after him prescribing me 200mg week that I get at pharmacy my test is 1205 and estrogen is 17. I was just posting my experience and what my doc told me if I'm wrong I apologize

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    You could try a liquid version from a research chem site if you want something asap. Usually shows up in a few days. DIM is at any vitamin store and it does work. Its not like pharma aromasin lol. But it does help keep e2 down. Are you running hcg?
    No, no HGC. I'm just running 500mg of test c250. So I ordered some arimidex from a UGL. Got it today. Looks like they capsules up their own raw. Should be light though just dont know the dosing. Guess I'll start with a half pill a day?? Or should I start with a 1/4?? Thanks for everything

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jjuice1979 View Post
    hi by no means am I an expert. I was just relaying info my doctor told me. he told me my high estrogen levels was a result of my gear and the impurity of it. all I can say is I was using 500mg per week of my ug gear my blood work showed my test level was 1235 (200-827) is normal range and estrogen was 55 and 39 or less is what quest diagnostics considers normal. after him prescribing me 200mg week that I get at pharmacy my test is 1205 and estrogen is 17. I was just posting my experience and what my doc told me if I'm wrong I apologize
    Well, I guess I could see poor quality ugl gear having things like phytoestrogens in it if they use a cheap oil that's been stored in the wrong material (like plastic) at the wrong temp and chemicals can leach into the oils that way....I'm sure there are many other ways gear can get contaminated BUT I'm not sure how much impact that would have on estrogen levels... It's usually heavy metals that are of concern.. Not sure if there's any link between contaminants like heavy metals and elevated estrogen...? Interesting, though, I haven't heard this before so something to look into.

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