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Thread: What's your preferred spot to pin?

  1. #1
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    Nov 2017

    What's your preferred spot to pin?

    Looking for everyone's ideas on what is their preferred spot to pin and some advice on my current situation.

    I'm in the second week of my second cycle. I'm running Mast P and Test P to get things started in addition to Mast E and Test E. I'll be dropping the prop esters after day 11. I have always just injected in the glutes, works well without too many issues.

    During my first cycle it was pretty simple, 1mL of Test every few days. The way this cycle is structured I didn't think about how much extra gear I would have to pin especially during the first 2 weeks. I had no PIP at all during the first cycle but on day 9 of this one I'm struggling.

    I have only ever done glute injections, they worked well for my first cycle and are pretty simple but I think the sheer volume I have had to inject is killing these somewhat "virgin" areas (plus I only had 1cc syringes for the first few days so I had to use more pins, I now have 3cc). It's crept up on me over the last few days and I'm now in a good amount of pain sitting down or doing anything really. It did even impact some exercises during leg day yesterday. My plan is to possibly lay off the glutes for a little bit to let them recover.

    I only have 2 prop injections to go, then I will just be doing the enanthate injections e3d for the rest of the 10 weeks.

    So what does everyone think are the best alternatives to glutes? If you could also offer any instruction or things to look out for in each area or point me in the direction of some resources that explain the specific technique that would be great as well.

    Injection schedule is:
    - 0.7mL Test P eod (days 1-11)
    - 1.7mL Mast P eod (days 1-11)
    - 0.428mL Test E e3d (weeks 1-10)
    - 1.285mL Mast E e3d (weeks 1-10)
    Last edited by Jerry2020; 11-05-2018 at 05:05 PM. Reason: Error

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    There's a sticky that teaches how to inject using z track method and being sterile. It has an instructional video. Read+watch that.

    You can inject into any major muscle. Trial and error to find out what works best for you. If every member gives you their favourite spot you'll get every major muscle group as a response within 10-15 replies.

    If this is your first cycle read the first successful cycle sticky and save the mast for a future cycle. What are your goals? Masteron is very specific.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Sorry I buggered up, that was a typo I meant to say this is the second cycle.

    I understand people may give different suggestions but that’s the reason for the post? I thought it would be interesting anyway and may offer some help to me with my situation.

    P.s. I realise Masteron is pretty specific, it fits in with the goals of this cycle which I’ve gone into in a separate thread but should hopefully work well for me in this case
    Last edited by Jerry2020; 11-05-2018 at 05:15 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Traps...... Everything but calves....see where Windex was going with this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Yeah maybe the title is a bit misleading, but if you read through the post you will realise I’ve asked for some genuine help and advice as well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry2020 View Post
    Yeah maybe the title is a bit misleading, but if you read through the post you will realise I’ve asked for some genuine help and advice as well
    Your questions were answered. Windex pointed out where to get the info, too much to expect someone to type it out for you, especially since its already in a sticky. Theres also thousands of videos on YouTube

  7. #7
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    Apr 2007
    I used glutes only for a long time. Still the least bothersome with high pip gear.

    Hard to pick a favorite other than that but lats are up their with side and front delts.

    One thing I have found is that if pain becomes an issue go deeper.

    Currently pin:
    Front and side delts
    Tris bottom and side
    Upper and lower chest

    Key is to get deep enough and not put too much in one site.

    If you shoot and feel pain with a half inch slin pin in a smaller group, try deeper. If pain persists try that depth again with less volume. Different gear means different amounts will be tolerated.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry2020 View Post
    Sorry I buggered up, that was a typo I meant to say this is the second cycle.

    I understand people may give different suggestions but that’s the reason for the post? I thought it would be interesting anyway and may offer some help to me with my situation.

    P.s. I realise Masteron is pretty specific, it fits in with the goals of this cycle which I’ve gone into in a separate thread but should hopefully work well for me in this case
    All you have to do is pin every spot until you find one that works best for you.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    All you have to do is pin every spot until you find one that works best for you.
    Only one way to find out.
    Guys swear by different places.

  10. #10
    Glutes, Delts, Biceps

  11. #11
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    Nov 2017
    Cheers Obs, from what I see you have a good amount of experience haha so thanks for adding something constructive. I definitely get what you are saying with the different depths etc. currently it feels like all the gear I’ve injected in the last week or so is just a bit too much for that muscle to handle, it didn’t happen instantaneously but has sort of built up and has become an annoyance.

    I think I’ll probably look up some info on delts as I’ve seen a few people around say that they are a good option, I’ll see how I go, as you said trial and error

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry2020 View Post
    Cheers Obs, from what I see you have a good amount of experience haha so thanks for adding something constructive. I definitely get what you are saying with the different depths etc. currently it feels like all the gear I’ve injected in the last week or so is just a bit too much for that muscle to handle, it didn’t happen instantaneously but has sort of built up and has become an annoyance.

    I think I’ll probably look up some info on delts as I’ve seen a few people around say that they are a good option, I’ll see how I go, as you said trial and error
    Look up ventrogluteal, I just started pinning those and now it's my favorite spot

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry2020 View Post
    Cheers Obs, from what I see you have a good amount of experience haha so thanks for adding something constructive. I definitely get what you are saying with the different depths etc. currently it feels like all the gear I’ve injected in the last week or so is just a bit too much for that muscle to handle, it didn’t happen instantaneously but has sort of built up and has become an annoyance.

    I think I’ll probably look up some info on delts as I’ve seen a few people around say that they are a good option, I’ll see how I go, as you said trial and error
    No prob.
    The ventroglutal guitarzan just mention many swear by but I cant do it. I tried and find nothing but nerves. Others swear by it

  14. #14
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    I am really curious about the lats, I am not that big of a man but my flexibility sucks. I tried a practice run on the lats and ended up with a cramp in my pec.

  15. #15
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    May 2009
    You can ztrack your delts with your chin. Just don't cough or sneeze.

  16. #16
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    Was hitting my glutes, delts, and lats...Now hitting my bi's and tri's eod (each bicep head low and then high on the muscle and with tri's I only go in the fatty head. Arms have come up since doing this..After a few weeks you can feel the fascia starting to stretch (once there's enough oil in there).

    But starting out I would keep it simple and rotate between glutes and delts with a 25g needle (minimize scar tissue).

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Was hitting my glutes, delts, and lats...Now hitting my bi's and tri's eod (each bicep head low and then high on the muscle and with tri's I only go in the fatty head. Arms have come up since doing this..After a few weeks you can feel the fascia starting to stretch (once there's enough oil in there).

    But starting out I would keep it simple and rotate between glutes and delts with a 25g needle (minimize scar tissue).
    how much do you inject at one time in bi and tris?

  18. #18
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    if I need to do a lot of volume, lats hold the most gear for me . 3cc each.
    go to spot with slin pins . front delts or pecs.
    if I'm short on time and going to pin a pre-loaded pin and don't have to even take my shirt off, biceps and outer triceps

  19. #19
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    Jan 2018
    Usually it was the right buttock, the upper right square.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    how much do you inject at one time in bi and tris?
    I'm currently running 1cc of test and 1cc of eq with .5cc winny eod, so I will shoot the entire amount into one bicep head, then the following injection will be in the other arm, then the following shot I'll go in the other head of first arm, and so on..This way there's an even amount of oil going into each head (keep in mind you wanna go low and then high as well to evenly distribute's almost like an art and results will vary based on your eye for placement). After I've completed a round of bi's then I'll do my tri's. Wash, rinse, repeat lol.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I'm currently running 1cc of test and 1cc of eq with .5cc winny eod, so I will shoot the entire amount into one bicep head, then the following injection will be in the other arm, then the following shot I'll go in the other head of first arm, and so on..This way there's an even amount of oil going into each head (keep in mind you wanna go low and then high as well to evenly distribute's almost like an art and results will vary based on your eye for placement). After I've completed a round of bi's then I'll do my tri's. Wash, rinse, repeat lol.
    Damn thats a lot in one small group!

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Damn thats a lot in one small group!
    Eh it's only 2 1/2 cc's my dude. Wait you tryin to say my bi's are small..!? Haha kidding they're def not big lmao but yeah that amount of oil fits in there nicely and I notice phenomenal pumps in my arms almost like they're going to burst lol. Takes a few weeks to build it up to where there's enough oil to start stretching the fascia but it's a pretty cool technique and I'm experimenting with these "tools" now so when I'm prepping for a show I don't screw something up lol.

  23. #23
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    Few interesting options in here. I ended up going right delt and it worked out well. Very simple and easy to reach and just a little bit of pain the day after, sort of like a slightly dead arm but that’s to be expected with virgin muscle, shouldn’t impact anything I do

    Ventroglutes are another option I might look into, I’ve been doing dorsoglutes this whole time because it’s the most easy to locate the muscle but ventro looks like a good option. It’s funny how this all seems more difficult than it is, when you actually start feeling around and can feel muscle, that is literally a spot you could inject. I’ve just been looking up some medical how to videos for each spot to avoid nerves and veins etc

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Eh it's only 2 1/2 cc's my dude. Wait you tryin to say my bi's are small..!? Haha kidding they're def not big lmao but yeah that amount of oil fits in there nicely and I notice phenomenal pumps in my arms almost like they're going to burst lol. Takes a few weeks to build it up to where there's enough oil to start stretching the fascia but it's a pretty cool technique and I'm experimenting with these "tools" now so when I'm prepping for a show I don't screw something up lol.
    I keep it one ml or less in bis and tris usually

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I keep it one ml or less in bis and tris usually
    I gotcha...the reason I felt "brave" enough to go with that volume is because I saw some synthol protocols where the recommended quantity is 3cc in EACH head of biceps AND triceps which is just ludicrous to me lol (I'm assuming that's for pro's with massive arms lol) so I basically tailored the synthol protocol and used gear instead... So far I gotta say I'm happy with the results!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I gotcha...the reason I felt "brave" enough to go with that volume is because I saw some synthol protocols where the recommended quantity is 3cc in EACH head of biceps AND triceps which is just ludicrous to me lol (I'm assuming that's for pro's with massive arms lol) so I basically tailored the synthol protocol and used gear instead... So far I gotta say I'm happy with the results!
    Heck yeah. If it works thats all that matters.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Heck yeah. If it works thats all that matters.
    I like the way you think man and that's cause we're results oriented. IMO to make the kind of gains we dream about before we get into this we have to be willing to go out of our comfort zone (albeit intelligently) but to get what we've never had we gotta do what we've never done!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I like the way you think man and that's cause we're results oriented. IMO to make the kind of gains we dream about before we get into this we have to be willing to go out of our comfort zone (albeit intelligently) but to get what we've never had we gotta do what we've never done!
    Very true!
    If something isn't working we gotta find a way around. Once a guy is where you are every ounce of gain becomes tricking your body into mucle growth.
    No clear cut path, just gotta figure it out as we go

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Very true!
    If something isn't working we gotta find a way around. Once a guy is where you are every ounce of gain becomes tricking your body into mucle growth.
    No clear cut path, just gotta figure it out as we go
    You know it's weird man cause I don't even think I'm all lol. I mean yeah compared to an average joe I'm jacked, but compared to the guy I AM trying to emulate and learn from I'm fuvkin tiny lol. I'd prob look like a little kid next to those guys lmao.

    My point is I really thought I wouldn't hit major plateaus until I got much bigger. I have a new found respect for pro's now, not that I thought it was easy, but I thought it just took consistency but there's a lot more to it than that. Like you said and you're dead on, we gotta trick our bodies into putting more muscle on. Holy shit what an endeavor lol!

    So you think I just gotta keep driving the cals and keep doing what I'm doing..??? Def time to rotate compounds I feel my body got used to these by now.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    You know it's weird man cause I don't even think I'm all lol. I mean yeah compared to an average joe I'm jacked, but compared to the guy I AM trying to emulate and learn from I'm fuvkin tiny lol. I'd prob look like a little kid next to those guys lmao.

    My point is I really thought I wouldn't hit major plateaus until I got much bigger. I have a new found respect for pro's now, not that I thought it was easy, but I thought it just took consistency but there's a lot more to it than that. Like you said and you're dead on, we gotta trick our bodies into putting more muscle on. Holy shit what an endeavor lol!

    So you think I just gotta keep driving the cals and keep doing what I'm doing..??? Def time to rotate compounds I feel my body got used to these by now.
    I think if you swith off with sevondary growth factors it will be a huge help like GH said.

    I feel the same way though. The first year and a half of this was good fast gains but since it has slowed to a steady trickle.

    It takes time and more time.
    I had a realistic sense though coming in that I wasnt gonna be greatly dramatically improving after year two. I would love to getvto 260lb by 40 but it will be a push from hell the whole way to get it done.

    Thats only 4-5 lbs per year of lean mass. Sounds easy and simple but the bigger you get the harder it is just to maintain, let alone grow.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I think if you swith off with sevondary growth factors it will be a huge help like GH said.

    I feel the same way though. The first year and a half of this was good fast gains but since it has slowed to a steady trickle.

    It takes time and more time.
    I had a realistic sense though coming in that I wasnt gonna be greatly dramatically improving after year two. I would love to getvto 260lb by 40 but it will be a push from hell the whole way to get it done.

    Thats only 4-5 lbs per year of lean mass. Sounds easy and simple but the bigger you get the harder it is just to maintain, let alone grow.
    Spot on..Yup makes prefect sense bro.

  32. #32
    Delts #1 quads second because they are so easy, lats 3rd but don’t do it because I have to be in front of a mirror.. just started doing biceps and triceps and find those easy as well but only do half a ml in those.
    Delts late and quads for me can easily take 3ccs, lats and quads could probably do up to 5cc. Never did flutes but heard they are great as well

  33. #33
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    Glutes, chest or delts
    I find the quad injections are usually 50/50 horrible pip

  34. #34
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    Anyone here ever done their calves before? Or forearms?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcânn View Post
    Anyone here ever done their calves before? Or forearms?
    I have done calves.
    Best start with .25ml or less.

    Locked one up with 100mg of test p once.

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    I've been pinning my tongue lately. I hardly have any pip and I can do it with a 3/8 inch needle I prefer long Esters in the tongue

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