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Thread: Question about designer steroids

  1. #1
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Question about designer steroids

    So I watched a couple documentaries about doping in sports. With the new testing and being able to detect metabolites much longer than before, i.e. Latest Olympic busts and many athletes from London 2012 having their medals removed.

    Apparently athletes still dope but now use compounds not yet on the banned substance list and are essentially able to juice to get a competitive advantage even while on the stuff. e.g. the Balco scandle.

    My question is: out of curiosity do these drugs eventually hit the black market ever? Could I go to my dealer and get some "the clear" in some time in the future when a raw company starts making it?

    Additionally, How hard would these be to synthesize (any amateur chemists out there?) and do you guys think there will be a new "hit" steroid that comes out and becomes popular?


  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Testosterone is the best steroid because it mimicks endogenous testosterone. Anything that gets too far from that will be harsher on the body and more like a foreign substance that a body will have to deal with. So I wouldn’t want to take something that hasn’t been around long and has unknown deleterious effects on one’s health. These guys take these drugs because they have to, not because they provide some benefit over test. Sure, boldenone is said to give some cardiovascular benefit, but logically, it raises RBC and thickens the blood - so how good can that be for the long run?

  3. #3
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackfrost88 View Post
    So I watched a couple documentaries about doping in sports. With the new testing and being able to detect metabolites much longer than before, i.e. Latest Olympic busts and many athletes from London 2012 having their medals removed.

    Apparently athletes still dope but now use compounds not yet on the banned substance list and are essentially able to juice to get a competitive advantage even while on the stuff. e.g. the Balco scandle.

    My question is: out of curiosity do these drugs eventually hit the black market ever? Could I go to my dealer and get some "the clear" in some time in the future when a raw company starts making it?

    Additionally, How hard would these be to synthesize (any amateur chemists out there?) and do you guys think there will be a new "hit" steroid that comes out and becomes popular?

    They pop up all the time.
    Go to home page and look at the steroid profiles labeled "new".

    They are usually just small potatoes compared to what already exists in terms of effects.

    I dont look for anything because about the only way I see the elites getting any better is by genetic alteration.

    Since we are so worried about a level playing field, perhaps we should only let athletes with similar genetics compete against each other....

    I say put them all on dope. A champ will always rise.

    Peds are so frowned upon in sports where do we draw the line? We can't.

  4. #4
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    Also bear in nind their are certain steroids that only exist because of UGL's keeping them alive. Many esterifications were created by ugl's.

    Sooo... The question is how complex is the new drug?

  5. #5
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Also bear in nind their are certain steroids that only exist because of UGL's keeping them alive. Many esterifications were created by ugl's.

    Sooo... The question is how complex is the new drug?
    Thanks I'll check out some of the steroids under "new" didn't know there was a section.

    Yeah I'd have to assume that if there was significant money being poured into steroid research (which there is not) that some new breakthrough would come. I'm basing this on the fact that it's a very underdeveloped and researched niche market and other areas in medicine/pharma that have funding generally find a way to change the game with new breakthroughs.

    Until then the best compounds are one's that have been around for decades it looks like!

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    every steroid was a 'designer' steroid at one point or another . we've come a long ways from synthesizing testosterone from dog urine (yes thats how it all started).

    keep in mind guys that out of the 1000+ or so steroids that have been developed, most all of them were developed for medical reasons primarily, and some veterinary based secondarily .

    off the top of my head the only steroid that was developed for the sole purpose of improving athletic performance is Turinabol . developed in Germany in the 1960s to be given to their Olympic athletes.

    but most all other steroids are legitimate medical drugs, NOT performance enhancers (though they surely can have that effect)
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  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Testosterone is the best steroid because it mimicks endogenous testosterone. Anything that gets too far from that will be harsher on the body and more like a foreign substance that a body will have to deal with. So I wouldn’t want to take something that hasn’t been around long and has unknown deleterious effects on one’s health. These guys take these drugs because they have to, not because they provide some benefit over test. Sure, boldenone is said to give some cardiovascular benefit, but logically, it raises RBC and thickens the blood - so how good can that be for the long run?
    a majority of steroids developed after testosterone were developed to improve on Testosterones weaknesses , and make up for its negative side effects, and limited anabolic strength. a lot of angles that testosterone fails at, other steroids definitely make up for. Testosterone in the medical community has been primary replaced by other anabolic steroids with much more powerful attributes while at the same time having less side effects. . example, an elderly woman (or man) with osteoporosis is going to receive treatment with Nandrolone rather then test, as its going to be more effective with less possible side effects.

    Theres also a famous bodybuilder who won many Mr Olympia titles (who was a known steroid user) BUT who did not use Testosterone (and neither did a lot of the guys he competed with), because they found other steroids of that time much more effective with much less side effects.
    you guys may have heard of him, first name was Arnold

    having said that.. I don't necessarily personally agree with Arnold, Test is a 'base' and a great foundation compound. just needs to be stacked properly used properly etc. but yes there are a ton more effective , healthy, side effect free and more powerful steroids available.
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  8. #8
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    a majority of steroids developed after testosterone were developed to improve on Testosterones weaknesses , and make up for its negative side effects, and limited anabolic strength. a lot of angles that testosterone fails at, other steroids definitely make up for. Testosterone in the medical community has been primary replaced by other anabolic steroids with much more powerful attributes while at the same time having less side effects. . example, an elderly woman (or man) with osteoporosis is going to receive treatment with Nandrolone rather then test, as its going to be more effective with less possible side effects.

    Theres also a famous bodybuilder who won many Mr Olympia titles (who was a known steroid user) BUT who did not use Testosterone (and neither did a lot of the guys he competed with), because they found other steroids of that time much more effective with much less side effects.
    you guys may have heard of him, first name was Arnold

    having said that.. I don't necessarily personally agree with Arnold, Test is a 'base' and a great foundation compound. just needs to be stacked properly used properly etc. but yes there are a ton more effective , healthy, side effect free and more powerful steroids available.
    Arnold? Haven't heard of him. Test is as natural as it gets so makes sense. Would be cool for a new base such as DHT, 19nor coming out and creating a whole new group of steroids

  9. #9
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    I'm not a fan for many reason

    - the pharmokinetics and mechanism of action are theoretical and not proven

    - longterm consequences and side effects are unknown

    - lack of statistical data. Something like Anavar for example has been used by everyone from your Fitness Soccer mom to IFBB Pro. Something only used by the olympic athletes represent the 99th percentile and give no spectrum.

    - harder to detect fakes / snake oil when new to market
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  10. #10
    Aerospace's Avatar
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    The only new compounds that are worth your money are: Superdrol, DHB, and Trestolone acetate (aka MENT).
    SARMs are too weak also

  11. #11
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerospace View Post
    The only new compounds that are worth your money are: Superdrol, DHB, and Trestolone acetate (aka MENT).
    SARMs are too weak also
    have you ran DHB ?
    Ment I'm a big fan of , Superdrol as well. have yet to run DHB though (know of guys who have not got shit out of it though compared to Ment or Superdrol)

  12. #12
    Testlolblast is offline Associate Member
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    So are designer steroids legal to buy and receive as a shipment?
    I have tried epistane - well I took 20 mg and soon felt quite crappy for real, so I flushed down all the bottle's content in a toilet. No strength gain only that crappy feeling. But I don't know if it is schleduled as a designer steroid though or only as a prohormone.

    Recently purchased 3 epi andro which is said to be not a prohormone but rather a designer steroid. Thanks God no crappy feeling but also nothing noticeable gained in strength, etc.

    In future it's clear: only the real gear is a way to go!
    Last edited by Testlolblast; 11-08-2018 at 11:04 AM.

  13. #13
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    So are designer steroids legal to buy and receive as a shipment?
    I have tried epistane - well I took 20 mg and soon felt quite crappy for real, so I flushed down all the bottle's content in a toilet. No strength gain only that crappy feeling. But I don't know if it is schleduled as a designer steroid though or only as a prohormone.

    Recently purchased 3 epi andro which is said to be not a prohormone but rather a designer steroid. Thanks God no crappy feeling but also nothing noticeable gained in strength, etc.

    In future it's clear: only the real gear is a way to go!
    They are all illegal.

    Prohormones are derived from natural sources. Designer Steroids are synthetic - the 1methyl group gives it away.

    99% of what's sold now is synthetic designer.

    ProHormones were originally created based on the theory is if it was a natural source and the body breaks it down you won't cause shut down like traditional steroids. If the theory was correct it would provide people an alternative to steroids for similar benefit without the risk of recovery.

    The theory was debunked and caused hoya shutdown. Then came synthetic, which was stronger and more potent - since everything caused shut down they replaced ProHormones.
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  14. #14
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    They are all illegal.
    Depends on where you live. They are Legal in lots of places/countries . heck even in the USA powerful steroids like MENT (Trestalone acetate) are still legal (it hasn't made it on the controlled substance list yet).

    also the only "pro hormones'' that are illegal in the US are the ones that are scheduled and banned. come up with something entirely new and it will be legal until it too becomes a scheduled drug.

    note: by "legal" I mean legal to possess and use for personal use.
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  15. #15
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Prohormones are derived from natural sources. Designer Steroids are synthetic .
    what do you mean "derived from natural sources" ?
    prohormones are made in a lab.
    Testosterone has a ketone group on the 3 carbon and a hydroxyl on the 17b carbon .. A 'steroid ' with modifications away from testosterone in one or both of these areas is what defines something as a "prohormone".

    don't know how this would be considered a natural alteration or derived from nature . but again I don't know what you mean by "derived from natural sources" (unless your talking about being derived from testosterone in a lab.. but pretty much all steroids are derived from test)

  16. #16
    jackfrost88 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Testlolblast View Post
    So are designer steroids legal to buy and receive as a shipment?
    I have tried epistane - well I took 20 mg and soon felt quite crappy for real, so I flushed down all the bottle's content in a toilet. No strength gain only that crappy feeling. But I don't know if it is schleduled as a designer steroid though or only as a prohormone.

    Recently purchased 3 epi andro which is said to be not a prohormone but rather a designer steroid. Thanks God no crappy feeling but also nothing noticeable gained in strength, etc.

    In future it's clear: only the real gear is a way to go!
    They wouldn't be legal. I'm more referring to new altered forms of testosterone made for performance enhancement not pro hormones or products made to sell at GNC or get people to take them by suggesting that they aren't actually steroids.

  17. #17
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    what do you mean "derived from natural sources" ?
    prohormones are made in a lab.
    Testosterone has a ketone group on the 3 carbon and a hydroxyl on the 17b carbon .. A 'steroid ' with modifications away from testosterone in one or both of these areas is what defines something as a "prohormone".

    don't know how this would be considered a natural alteration or derived from nature . but again I don't know what you mean by "derived from natural sources" (unless your talking about being derived from testosterone in a lab.. but pretty much all steroids are derived from test)
    Worded poorly, what I meant was the initial theory was develop something that when broken down in the body would behave naturally as to not surpress the endocrine system, rather than a synthetic exogenous source.

    (If that makes more sense)
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  18. #18
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    The sad part is that folk listen,

    I do what I do and all, but selling the dream 24x7 gets old - it's legal, we make $, so we push it

    The truth is "real" AAs seems to be less harmful than this PH based shit that is sold every day.

    A friend of mine stuck to this shit for years, his sides seem worse than mine - he swore by this shit & I always said its a sad semi legal joke. . . We don't even know what's in the "proprietary blend"

    But, whatevs - it's legal, so we sell it

  19. #19
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    THG (The Clear) has been available from a few UGL's for years. But it sucks, so it was only useful for pro athletes when it was undetectable.

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