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Thread: 2nd Cycle advise

  1. #1

    2nd Cycle advise

    Hey guys, I’m looking at doing a cycle in about 3 months time, now I’ve already done a Test E only cycle for 8 weeks at 900ml a week a fair few years ago and gained about 8ks, now for my next cycle I want to stick with Test E again but want to add something with it been told deca and tren is not an option unless it was my 4th or 5th cycle, I’m aiming for lean muscle mass and vascularity and have been told that either out of these are a good and safe option to add along with Test E


    Just after opinions oh what would be best,

    Thinking of doing a 10-12 week cycle
    Test E 500ml a week (250ml 2x Monday & Thursday)
    And also running HCG (250iu 2x a week Monday & Friday)

    I’m currently sitting at 76ks
    About 18% body fat
    I’m 5’6
    28 years old

    Any suggestions & opinions would be much appreciated!

  2. #2
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    just a quick note -- you mention Deca as not being an option, but then you list NPP as being an option. keep in mind that these two are the exact same drug/compound (just that deca has a long ester attached and npp has a short ester attached). I,e, NPP is just faster acting Deca.

    for a second cycle, I like Test and Anavar or Test and EQ

    week 1-12 Test 500mg
    week 8-13 Var 50mg per day

    week 1-12 Test 300mg
    week 1-12 EQ 500mg

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just a quick note -- you mention Deca as not being an option, but then you list NPP as being an option. keep in mind that these two are the exact same drug/compound (just that deca has a long ester attached and npp has a short ester attached). I,e, NPP is just faster acting Deca.

    for a second cycle, I like Test and Anavar or Test and EQ

    week 1-12 Test 500mg
    week 8-13 Var 50mg per day

    week 1-12 Test 300mg
    week 1-12 EQ 500mg
    Yeah that’s what I thought with the npp also, it was just what I was told so I thought I’d mention it too, also any reason why the test should be lower then the EQ? I figured the test at 500ml would be a good safe dose?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee08 View Post
    Yeah that’s what I thought with the npp also, it was just what I was told so I thought I’d mention it too, also any reason why the test should be lower then the EQ? I figured the test at 500ml would be a good safe dose?
    He has the test lower than eq because eq is just a “cleaner” test that wont aromatize as much. The low test dose is just a little more than trt to keep your levels up.

    My issue with eq is that is takes foorreverr to kick in. Its a huge ester. So during a 12 week cycle you are only getting 2-3 weeks of the affects. Atleast for me Personally. I had to run it 18 weeks before the gains slowed down. I love eq, makes me hungry as hell, offers hard quality gains, and its easy to find. And no prolactin sides. However i wouldnt tell someone to run such a long cycle.

    You cant go wrong with test and var. if you can get real anavar id say go this route. Make sure you have all your ancillaries and pct lined up before you start.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    He has the test lower than eq because eq is just a “cleaner” test that wont aromatize as much. The low test dose is just a little more than trt to keep your levels up.

    My issue with eq is that is takes foorreverr to kick in. Its a huge ester. So during a 12 week cycle you are only getting 2-3 weeks of the affects. Atleast for me Personally. I had to run it 18 weeks before the gains slowed down. I love eq, makes me hungry as hell, offers hard quality gains, and its easy to find. And no prolactin sides. However i wouldnt tell someone to run such a long cycle.

    You cant go wrong with test and var. if you can get real anavar id say go this route. Make sure you have all your ancillaries and pct lined up before you start.

    Thanks Octaneforce, yeah that makes more sense I guess, and have been told that the eq takes awhile, a friend of mine used eq and he reckons he felt it at week 6 and was looking pretty vascular which is what I’m looking for the vascularity, and with the anavar correct me if I’m wrong but it’s mainly with gaining strength and losing weight not gaining muscle correct?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee08 View Post
    Thanks Octaneforce, yeah that makes more sense I guess, and have been told that the eq takes awhile, a friend of mine used eq and he reckons he felt it at week 6 and was looking pretty vascular which is what I’m looking for the vascularity, and with the anavar correct me if I’m wrong but it’s mainly with gaining strength and losing weight not gaining muscle correct?
    The steroids don't determine gaining muscle / losing weight, that comes from diet and training. Some compounds are better suited for specific goals but you can bulk or cut on any Test+X configuration.

    Vasodilation + Subcutaneous water retention + Bodyfat % = level of Vascularity

    EQ increases blood values, which affects Vasodilation, which is 1/3rd of the vascularity equation.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee08 View Post
    Yeah that’s what I thought with the npp also, it was just what I was told so I thought I’d mention it too, also any reason why the test should be lower then the EQ? I figured the test at 500ml would be a good safe dose?
    what Octane said about why I have test lower then EQ is true.. test and eq are very similar. your running a higher dose of EQ then test as essentially your 'clean' version of test.
    so when you look at both cycles I have laid out, the test/var and test/eq , you'll notice that the MG totals per week of each cycle is about 800mg . IF on the eq cycle you bumped up the test to like 500mg like the var cycle, then you'll be pushing a gram of gear (which is fine, but was comparing one cycle to another using similar dosages).

    personally I think you'd get more out of the VAR cycle I laid out.

    EQ is great, but I prefer it as a compound in a multiple compound stack (kinda like a test 'filler')

  8. #8
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    Deca could be an option. Dont need to run 500 uknow.
    300 is a nice dose and will dobble the gains compared to var/eq.
    Just extend pct from 4 to 5 weeks.

    Why wait??? Dont miss the train.

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gee08 View Post
    Thanks Octaneforce, yeah that makes more sense I guess, and have been told that the eq takes awhile, a friend of mine used eq and he reckons he felt it at week 6 and was looking pretty vascular which is what I’m looking for the vascularity, and with the anavar correct me if I’m wrong but it’s mainly with gaining strength and losing weight not gaining muscle correct?
    Anavar offers great strength gains without putting on tons of weight. Its also the only steroid that can literally burn fat. However like others said, it all comes down to diet and training.
    Yes eq will create vascularity. But most steroids do that bc of increased blood count.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Yes eq will create vascularity. But most steroids do that bc of increased blood count.
    ^^ absolutely true. EQ is nothing special when it comes to increased blood volume. Anadrol, Deca, etc.. all do the same thing and so does nearly every other steroid.

    the reason guys feel like they get more vascular on EQ is because they've likely been on it for 16 weeks (plenty of time to increase blood volume). but there is nothing special about EQ that makes you more vascular then any other steroid

  11. #11
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    If boldenone propianate became main stream id be all over it. (Eq with a fast ester). Someone get the message over to all these ugls that we need it!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    If boldenone propianate became main stream id be all over it. (Eq with a fast ester). Someone get the message over to all these ugls that we need it!
    I have a source that carried Boldenone Ace . I'll check and see if they still have it and get back to you.. I've never personally used it though.
    be a great option for short burst cycles though or even as a frontload

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I have a source that carried Boldenone Ace . I'll check and see if they still have it and get back to you.. I've never personally used it though.
    be a great option for short burst cycles though or even as a frontload
    Ive never seen it domestic. Ive seen boldenone in lots of esters at international labs tho. Havent had good luck with international orders.

    Someone get the message to domestic ugl’s***

    There i fixed it lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Ive never seen it domestic. Ive seen boldenone in lots of esters at international labs tho. Havent had good luck with international orders.

    Someone get the message to domestic ugl’s***

    There i fixed it lol
    yep ,, Aces, Bases, and Suspensions are the 'in thing' right now. more labs need to get on with the aces and 'no ester' bandwagon

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Octaneforce View Post
    Its also the only steroid that can literally burn fat. However like others said, it all comes down to diet and training.
    Can you elaborate on the fat burning? I'm not aware. I thought the consensus here no steroids burn fat.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackMan017 View Post
    Can you elaborate on the fat burning? I'm not aware. I thought the consensus here no steroids burn fat.
    the mechanisms of action by which AAS work do not make them 'directly' considered fat burners , BUT there is no doubt that 'indirectly' Steroids aide in the fat burning process.

    anyone thats says Steroids can't help recomp the body and aide in the fat burning process has simply been stuck on a popular forum propaganda subject (its popular to parrot the idea "steroids don't burn fat'') , then actually looked at the science itself or done practical experience tests on themselves.
    if you take the time to read the science, and practice things on yourself . . a lot of the popular things that are parroted on forums you thought were true will no longer be true. Every internet steroid forum out there has guys on there with about 2 cycles of experience under their belt saying that steroids don't burn fat, because its the "in thing" to say. then everyone follows along. the blind leading the blind
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-07-2018 at 02:31 PM.

  17. #17
    think I might go with the anavar this time around, thanks a lot guys was very helpful!

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