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Thread: Broscience! My biggest cycle yet!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Exclamation Broscience! My biggest cycle yet!

    Hey all! So, this post is really just for me to get some ideas so I am hoping y'all can give me some insight. My next cycle will be the largest cycle I've run to date. Here's what I got: Test E 300 (2 bottles), Tren E 200 (2 bottles), EQ 300 (1 bottle), 50 count 100mg Winnivar(50mg winstrol/50mg anavar blend), 5,000 iu HCG, arimidex, and nolvadex.
    Again, I would never ask "What is the best way to run this cycle", but just looking for ways some of you would throw this mix together. My general idea, run test, EQ and tren for 8 weeks, then throw in the winnivar til I'm out of it. HCG last 2 weeks and then 2 weeks prior to PCT. Help me out yall, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    600 mg of testosterone enanthate - 10 weeks
    400 mg of trenbolone enanthate - 10 weeks
    300 mg of boldenone undecylenate - 10 weeks
    50 mg of winstrol - every day
    50 mg of anavar - every day
    Test and Tren are good to go but EQ is too low. I would replace the EQ with more Tren or some extra anavar. Or you could do this instead if you are after dry gains:
    300 mg of testosterone enanthate - 10 weeks
    600 mg of trenbolone enanthate - 10 weeks
    You should buy more bottles of EQ if you want to reap the benefits, it's expensive because you will have to run a lot of it and for long periods of time. I don't like EQ and i would buy more tren instead.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by Mlreynol9 View Post
    Hey all! So, this post is really just for me to get some ideas so I am hoping y'all can give me some insight. My next cycle will be the largest cycle I've run to date. Here's what I got: Test E 300 (2 bottles), Tren E 200 (2 bottles), EQ 300 (1 bottle), 50 count 100mg Winnivar(50mg winstrol/50mg anavar blend), 5,000 iu HCG, arimidex, and nolvadex.
    Again, I would never ask "What is the best way to run this cycle", but just looking for ways some of you would throw this mix together. My general idea, run test, EQ and tren for 8 weeks, then throw in the winnivar til I'm out of it. HCG last 2 weeks and then 2 weeks prior to PCT. Help me out yall, thanks!
    how old are you bro ? how about some stats...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mlreynol9 View Post
    Hey all! So, this post is really just for me to get some ideas so I am hoping y'all can give me some insight. My next cycle will be the largest cycle I've run to date. Here's what I got: Test E 300 (2 bottles), Tren E 200 (2 bottles), EQ 300 (1 bottle), 50 count 100mg Winnivar(50mg winstrol/50mg anavar blend), 5,000 iu HCG, arimidex, and nolvadex.
    Again, I would never ask "What is the best way to run this cycle", but just looking for ways some of you would throw this mix together. My general idea, run test, EQ and tren for 8 weeks, then throw in the winnivar til I'm out of it. HCG last 2 weeks and then 2 weeks prior to PCT. Help me out yall, thanks!
    Get a sterile 50ml vial and mix the Test E and Tren E. You'll have 40ml @ 150mg Test + 100mg Tren per ml. You need to run those compounds for at least 12 weeks so they'll have time to "unfold" in your system. That means you should pin 1.5cc of the mixed compound twice a week for 13 weeks. The concentration in your body will be 300mg/wk Test and 200mg/wk Tren. That's not a HUGE cycle.

    If you got Test Prop and Tren A, you would run an 8 week cycle. Then your concentration will be 750mg/wk of Test and 500mg/wk of Tren. That a pretty good cycle. If you're running Test/Tren, I would lay off the orals. They're not going to add too much to your cycle. Leave the EQ off, at that dose, you'll just add water to your system.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    using up exactly what you have

    weeks 1-5
    600mg EQ

    weeks 1-10
    600mg test
    400mg Tren

    weeks 6-12
    var/winny combo

    note: some guys will say 5 weeks is too short for EQ .. wrong. at 600mg for the first 5 weeks , the eq is so slow acting its going to hang around for nearly the whole cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    30. 5’6, 173lbs about 9-10% body fat

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Did you just buy whatever your source had?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    No. I have the bottle of EQ left over, and I want to try Tren. I’ve been off for a year, so the plan was to bulk for 6-8 weeks with tren and test and then use the winnivar to lean out at the end.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Yea, the 2nd cycle I ever ran was test and EQ for 5 weeks and I looked like a greek God at the end compared to what I looked like prior to the cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    Quote Originally Posted by Mlreynol9 View Post
    No. I have the bottle of EQ left over, and I want to try Tren. I’ve been off for a year, so the plan was to bulk for 6-8 weeks with tren and test and then use the winnivar to lean out at the end.
    do you really expect to hold onto any real solid muscle gains if your only bulking for 6-8 weeks then moving right into a calorie deficit at the end with a cut.

    from what I've seen, guys that do a short cycle where they bulk at the start and try to finish with a cut , usually end up accomplishing neither.

    if your too fat to commit to a real bulk, and your too small to commit to a real cut , instead of trying to do one half ass and the other half ass as well,, you may just want to commit to one or the other or do a RECOMP

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