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Thread: Tren vs other compounds for second cycle this year

  1. #1
    JoeKkerr is offline New Member
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    Tren vs other compounds for second cycle this year

    Recently did Test Tren Stanzo cycle.

    I felt Stanzo went to waste as i wasnt low bf enough. Overall gained about 7-8 kgs of lean muscle. Done with Nolva, now on clen 80mcg a day.

    Will start saving for next cycle in Jan. Need suggestions

    5'8 72 kgs 25 years old, training since dont know how long :P

    more than enough cycles to run tren.

    I was planning on bulking cycle , Test Deca , Droll, but my supplier is inconsitent with AI drugs ( cant afford all at once, so i buy at every paycheck)
    The Gyno fear is too big in me, i did this cycle once, no gyno,,still the deca dick was there.

    EQ will be new for me, but as i read it comes off as mild, with some even reporting no difference made against test only

    I saw John Skywalkers cycle he posted today
    Test 350, primo 350 & Anavar 25 ed
    I wouldnt mind trying this for a summer body along with some bulk

    I want the best results possible, i loved the way i looked on tren, my delts were blown along the with onlookers glances.

    Dont suggest winny , i have lost my faith in it.

  2. #2
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeKkerr View Post
    Recently did Test Tren Stanzo cycle.

    I felt Stanzo went to waste as i wasnt low bf enough. Overall gained about 7-8 kgs of lean muscle. Done with Nolva, now on clen 80mcg a day.

    Will start saving for next cycle in Jan. Need suggestions

    5'8 72 kgs 25 years old, training since dont know how long :P

    more than enough cycles to run tren.

    I was planning on bulking cycle , Test Deca , Droll, but my supplier is inconsitent with AI drugs ( cant afford all at once, so i buy at every paycheck)
    The Gyno fear is too big in me, i did this cycle once, no gyno,,still the deca dick was there.

    EQ will be new for me, but as i read it comes off as mild, with some even reporting no difference made against test only

    I saw John Skywalkers cycle he posted today
    Test 350, primo 350 & Anavar 25 ed
    I wouldnt mind trying this for a summer body along with some bulk

    I want the best results possible, i loved the way i looked on tren, my delts were blown along the with onlookers glances.

    Dont suggest winny , i have lost my faith in it.
    For bulking I like test and eq as eq increases appetite which is nice for bulking and has virtually no sides. That's what I'm running now along with a bit of winny which IMO is the icing on the cake (but the winny I have is the real deal and quality is everything IMO) cause it helps keep me dry and brings out more separation. I also like its blunting effect on cortisol so IMO it's really an underappreciated drug! But to each his own. It's also quite anabolic although it has a rep for only being a cutting agent, but it will actually help build muscle quite well IME.

    Anyway, there are plenty of other compounds so if winstrol doesn't work well with your body that's ok.

    I'm about to rotate out the eq and winny and still haven't decided what I'm going to rotate in... I'm still trying to put size on so will choose compounds that will aid that process. Im leaning towards bringing in tren and primo with about a gram of test as my base.

    If you've never run tren before I would keep it low at 50-75mg eod and no higher. Hell, I've run it at 450mg which many people these days consider to be low/moderate lol and I personally feel that over 75mg eod I start getting more sides without much more muscle building properties IMO. If it's dosed properly then that's plenty and will keep sides manageable.

  3. #3
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeKkerr View Post
    Recently did Test Tren Stanzo cycle.

    I felt Stanzo went to waste as i wasnt low bf enough. Overall gained about 7-8 kgs of lean muscle. Done with Nolva, now on clen 80mcg a day.

    Will start saving for next cycle in Jan. Need suggestions

    5'8 72 kgs 25 years old, training since dont know how long :P

    more than enough cycles to run tren.

    I was planning on bulking cycle , Test Deca , Droll, but my supplier is inconsitent with AI drugs ( cant afford all at once, so i buy at every paycheck)
    The Gyno fear is too big in me, i did this cycle once, no gyno,,still the deca dick was there.

    EQ will be new for me, but as i read it comes off as mild, with some even reporting no difference made against test only

    I saw John Skywalkers cycle he posted today
    Test 350, primo 350 & Anavar 25 ed
    I wouldnt mind trying this for a summer body along with some bulk

    I want the best results possible, i loved the way i looked on tren, my delts were blown along the with onlookers glances.

    Dont suggest winny , i have lost my faith in it.
    If you gained 8kg and are 72kg then that means initial weight was 66kg.

    Sorry but you need to fix your diet before dumping more drugs into your body.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeKkerr View Post
    5'8 72 kgs (150 pounds) 25 years old, training since dont know how long :P

    more than enough cycles
    you've been training for years, got plenty of cycles under your belt.. yet your only 150 pounds !? somethings wrong. you need to not worry about any cutting compounds or cutting at all . you need to eat and put some mass on you imo.
    are you sure the gear you been running all these years is even real ? or do you just not eat ?

  5. #5
    JoeKkerr is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    If you gained 8kg and are 72kg then that means initial weight was 66kg.

    Sorry but you need to fix your diet before dumping more drugs into your body.
    I've been 80 and 91 too, but it was dirty bulk

    I went down with some emotional issues which contributed to my loss of weight, wanted to gain that quickly without bloating.

  6. #6
    JoeKkerr is offline New Member
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    The sides say yes.

    or do you just not eat ?
    Some emotional issues, life crisis,etc

  7. #7
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    But still even now after a cycle of tren you are 5' 8" and 159lbs.

    I guarantee you you should focus on diet more then steroids .
    Steroids should be the icing on the cake.

    For what it is worth I am 5' 7.5" and about 220.
    My last cycle... 200 test 200 tren.
    cycle before... 500 test.

    There is more to growing then just taking drugs.

    Care to post a picture so we know what we are dealing with?
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 11-06-2018 at 03:18 PM.

  8. #8
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Shit I didn't even notice his weight...!

  9. #9
    JoeKkerr is offline New Member
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    if winstrol doesn't
    I used thaigar pharma Winny, i didnt felt anyhardness as i see in others. shit was legit.

    I've never met an primo user, what can you tell me about this compound except what i can read on internet.

    If you've never run tren
    I did 1-6 100mg EOD, 7-8 100mg ED
    week 7 & 8 is when i started having liver issues, too much mucus in feces ,etc. EOD was fine, except hairloss and painful pumps.

  10. #10
    JoeKkerr is offline New Member
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    Care to post a picture so we know what we are dealing with?
    I would absolutely love to, but my tattoos are quite recognizable, cant risk anything.

    I guarantee you you should focus on diet more then steroids .
    Currenly on cheap bulk, rice, potatoes for carbs, 2x a day whey, creatine, Mass gainer(ik gainers are just sugars), chicken breast thrice a day, salad for fibers.
    I throw in some fish oil pills from my bro.

    Currently on clen , so got taurine, lots of water & bananas
    Last edited by JoeKkerr; 11-10-2018 at 03:09 AM.

  11. #11
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeKkerr View Post
    I would absolutely love to, but my tattoos are quite recognizable, cant risk anything.

    Currenly on cheap bulk, rice, potatoes for carbs, 2x a day whey, creatine, Mass gainer(ik gainers are just sugars), chicken breast thrice a day, salad for fibers.
    I throw in some fish oil pills from my bro.

    Currently on clen, so got taurine, lots of water & bananas
    This post indicates you have no idea how to eat properly and have a lot to learn about nutrition. You need to spend more time on food and less on steroids .
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeKkerr View Post
    Currenly on cheap bulk, rice, potatoes for carbs, 2x a day whey, creatine, Mass gainer(ik gainers are just sugars), chicken breast thrice a day, salad for fibers.
    I throw in some fish oil pills from my bro.

    Currently on clen, so got taurine, lots of water & bananas

    why are you on 'Clenbuterol ' and taking mass gainer shakes ? are you committed to putting on muscle and size , or are you still stuck on the fence thinking you need to cut and stay lean ?
    your going to have to commit to a single task and focus or you'll never reach your goals.

  13. #13
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mass gainer and clen ?!? hold up on using any drugs for a while it’s time to educate yourself.

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