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Thread: missing a week of sustanon/deca injections

  1. #1
    zyzzraver17's Avatar
    zyzzraver17 is offline New Member
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    missing a week of sustanon/deca injections


    i have a little problem, normally i inject sustanon and deca twice a week, but i will be a week on vacation soon, so i miss a week of injections, will this have a huge effect on results and my mood ?

    Need your help guys

    Have a nice day

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by zyzzraver17 View Post

    i have a little problem, normally i inject sustanon and deca twice a week, but i will be a week on vacation soon, so i miss a week of injections, will this have a huge effect on results and my mood ?

    Need your help guys

    Have a nice day
    this is one of the most asked questions on every steroid forum everywhere in the history of steroids and the internet

    you'll be just fine. just inject before you go and right when you get back.
    EDCG19 likes this.

  3. #3
    zyzzraver17's Avatar
    zyzzraver17 is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much for your reply ! well good to hear that i was a little bit worried

  4. #4
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zyzzraver17 View Post

    i have a little problem, normally i inject sustanon and deca twice a week, but i will be a week on vacation soon, so i miss a week of injections, will this have a huge effect on results and my mood ?

    Need your help guys

    Have a nice day
    You’ll be fine. The sust contains long esthers and deca is a long esther.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    zyzzraver17's Avatar
    zyzzraver17 is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much ! yes one of the esthers will last for 15 days in your body (from sustanon ) so that means it is working for 15 days right ?

  6. #6
    The God Himself's Avatar
    The God Himself is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zyzzraver17 View Post
    Thank you very much ! yes one of the esthers will last for 15 days in your body (from sustanon) so that means it is working for 15 days right ?
    Yes you will be pretty much fine. Your levels will fluctuate a bit, but your blood levels will be still high.
    And yes again, longer esters mean longer bonds which makes esterase enzyme work slower. More bonds means more energy required to break them apart. This results in a higher activation energy and the hormone requires more time to get released. Thus, it will be still in your bloodstream for 15 days.

  7. #7
    EDCG19's Avatar
    EDCG19 is offline Senior Member
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    I've done it many times and I don't think it changes much to miss one injection
    You'll feel the same, just add a little more next pin or just continue like you normally would

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