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Thread: Best way to deal with Bloating and Water Retention?

  1. #1

    Best way to deal with Bloating and Water Retention?

    Just taking 200mg Test and 50mg Tbol. I drink a lot of water as is, easily 1 1/2gal a day. I notice water retention and bloating. Are there any ways to deal with this? My diet is very clean by the way. Any tips or feedback would be appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Maybe short term use of diuretic compounds (better get your hands on natural, over-counter) may help.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    So when I first started I did notice some bloating/water retention more than normal
    Bloodwork showed high e2 so i started .25mg dex every 4 days, I don't do this every eod btw but it works for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Bragging to someone
    possibly electrolyte imbalance or deficiencies . you could be drinking too much water and flushing out electrolytes. your salt could be too low causing water retaining hormones to elevate like Aldosterone.

    up your salt, cut back on your water.. drink a bit of Pedialyte advanced daily. try that for 5 days.

    Tbol shouldn't cause much if any water retention and Test is only at 200mg. but you could be sensitive to exogenous hormones

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