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Thread: Advice on proper and safe cycling

  1. #1

    Advice on proper and safe cycling

    Hello. I will begin with my stats
    Age 29
    Height 6-00
    Weight 202
    Bench 320
    Squat 320 (yes, I know squats should be higher than bench haha)
    Deadlift 410
    Been lifting since I was 21

    I did two cycles of test p and Tren e a few years back so I’m not a first time user. However, I did not do any proper PCT whatsoever and I was extremely fortunate to see great results and no long term side effects.

    I am going to be beginning another cycle when I get home from deployment. I am planning on test E and Tren E and I already have the PCT in the package as well. (Still not sure if it’s novadex or clomid). Is there anything else I should be taking with it, when should I start the PCT, and what kind of dosage do you recommend while I’m on cycle?

  2. #2
    Nolvadex and clomid you take together, put them in competition mode and they work better, dosage depends on you, for me 250mg test works very good, some will start on 500mg, tren is 5x more anabolic than test, add some dht or derivative of dht like masteron, stanazol and such, you should be ok

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Jhickey3487 View Post
    Hello. I will begin with my stats
    Age 29
    Height 6-00
    Weight 202
    Bench 320
    Squat 320 (yes, I know squats should be higher than bench haha)
    Deadlift 410
    Been lifting since I was 21

    I did two cycles of test p and Tren e a few years back so I’m not a first time user. However, I did not do any proper PCT whatsoever and I was extremely fortunate to see great results and no long term side effects.

    I am going to be beginning another cycle when I get home from deployment. I am planning on test E and Tren E and I already have the PCT in the package as well. (Still not sure if it’s novadex or clomid). Is there anything else I should be taking with it, when should I start the PCT, and what kind of dosage do you recommend while I’m on cycle?
    There is a million things u can do. But to simplify i will give u 3 advices.

    1, test and drugs are not magic. Strengthgains are made in the kitchen. (Mostly from good carbs, see advice 3)

    2. Drink a gallion of water each day. A million pros. Healthwize and strengthwize.

    3, increase carbs each week. Notice the word "increase". Starting at 6000 calories and do this all cyckle is wrong.
    Increase from your natty carb level. The weekly increase could be equal to half a meal.
    If fatgains, increase cardio. This is the very most important advice for all of us. And the very most neglected one. Why is that? Cause it sucks. Eating like a zombie. Fun is in the gym and the injections are simple.

    Sent fra min SM-N9005 via Tapatalk
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-14-2018 at 11:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Jhickey3487 View Post
    Hello. I will begin with my stats
    Age 29
    Height 6-00
    Weight 202
    Bench 320
    Squat 320 (yes, I know squats should be higher than bench haha)
    Deadlift 410
    Been lifting since I was 21

    I did two cycles of test p and Tren e a few years back so I’m not a first time user. However, I did not do any proper PCT whatsoever and I was extremely fortunate to see great results and no long term side effects.

    I am going to be beginning another cycle when I get home from deployment. I am planning on test E and Tren E and I already have the PCT in the package as well. (Still not sure if it’s novadex or clomid). Is there anything else I should be taking with it, when should I start the PCT, and what kind of dosage do you recommend while I’m on cycle?
    Your cycle and diet will depend on your objective for your cycle.

    Your stats are similar to mine. I'm 5'11" and 200lbs. I like the size that I am and I'm always looking to get leaner. My assumption for your cycle is to gain a few lbs and get lean, hard, & cut.

    I would run 300mg/wk of Test P and 200mg/wk of Tren E. This looks like a small cycle but you don't need a lot of Test/Tren to do a body composition change. Run this cycle for 12 weeks. After your last Tren injection continue with Test Prop for 1 more week. After your last Prop injection wait 1 week before you start PCT. Run 100mg/ed Clomid + 40mg/ed Nolvadex for the first week. Then 50mg/ed Clomid + 20mg/ed Nolvadex for 3 more weeks.

    Also, you need to be running an AI like Arimidex, HCG @ 250 iu twice a week, and cabergoline though out your Tren cycle.

    I normally eat TDEE cals with the ration 30% Fat, 30% protein, 40% carbs.

  5. #5
    Thanks scotchguard. You’re right on what my goals are. Test P is EOD right?

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