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Thread: Blood Work!

  1. #1

    Blood Work!

    Went and got my bloods ran last thursday.

    Was running 200mg Test Prop EOD 10 days (5 pins) and also ran a test base 100mg preworkout.

    Had bloods drawn after a week from last pin on that lil kicker, started 250mg Test E last Monday and had the bloods drawn 72hrs ish after that pin.

    Will have bloods drawn again week 6 on Test E and week 12.

    Let's just say I'm happy with this number.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20181120_175752.jpg 
Views:	83 
Size:	448.3 KB 
ID:	174984  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Your gear is not bunk, you should be happy with it.
    However, what is your question here?
    No need to get bloodwork that frequently, imo. It is a bit costly.
    The most important times to get bloodwork are precycle, midcycle and 2 months after PCT.
    First one is to see your baselines. Second one is to adjust your ancillaries and check if your gear is bunk etc. Last one is to see if you've recovered well enough.

  3. #3
    So you kick started with 700mgs of prop a week and used 100mg of test base preworkout and now...
    you are running 250mg of test E a week??

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