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Thread: Tren on a second cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Tren on a second cycle

    So I'm half way through my first cycle of just test prop now at 150mg EOD, (dropping the anavar tomorrow don't respond well to orals). I have zero physical side effects. No hair loss, acne or gyno. I want to start planning my second cycle now to further my knowledge and just get me excited aha. Now I have heard that tren isn't recommended on a second cycle or even a third but at a low-moderate dosage and using tren-ace shouldn't be too bad no?
    My reasons for juicing are to compete later on, modelling (I do fashion atm but want to go further into underwear and swimming) and just for myself I like looking outstanding at festivals and parties.
    So how does this sound?
    75mg EOD Tren ace
    100mg EOD Test prop
    0.5mg Adex EOD
    I could also run a blend which contains
    75mg Tren ace
    75mg Test prop
    100mg Mast

    Stats atm are 196lbs at 15-17% bf at 182cm. Gonna reduce my bf soon and plan to finish this cycle at around 180-185lbs at 10-12% Bf

    Now as far as sides my major concern is just hairloss, I'm under the impression if 150mg test EOD hasn't touched even remotely that I should be fine w/ other compounds
    Love your thoughts and advice.
    Last edited by wizzy; 12-04-2018 at 02:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by wizzy View Post
    So I'm half way through my first cycle of just test prop now at 150mg EOD, (dropping the anavar tomorrow don't respond well to orals). I have zero physical side effects. No hair loss, acne or gyno. I want to start planning my second cycle now to further my knowledge and just get me excited aha. Now I have heard that tren isn't recommended on a second cycle or even a third but at a low-moderate dosage and using tren-ace shouldn't be too bad no?
    My reasons for juicing are to compete later on, modelling (I do fashion atm but want to go further into underwear and swimming) and just for myself I like looking outstanding at festivals and parties.
    So how does this sound?
    75mg EOD Tren ace
    100mg EOD Test prop
    0.5mg Adex EOD
    I could also run a blend which contains
    75mg Tren ace
    75mg Test prop
    100mg Mast

    Stats atm are 196lbs at 15-17% bf at 182cm. Gonna reduce my bf soon and plan to finish this cycle at around 180-185lbs at 10-12% Bf

    Now as far as sides my major concern is just hairloss, I'm under the impression if 150mg test EOD hasn't touched even remotely that I should be fine w/ other compounds
    Love your thoughts and advice.
    Steroids have a ceiling, with Trenbolone and Nandrolone being at the ceiling. When you skip the stairs and take the elevator to the ceiling then you have no where left to climb, and will hinder future cycles.

    Hair Loss is a mickey mouse on the Trenbolone side effects spectrum. I would take hair loss over recurring nightmares any day of the week from using Tren.

    Side effects are individual + relative of each steroid type (17a, 19nor, DHT). Not having a side effect from Test doesn't give you a free pass on other compounds.

    Anavar is the most faked oral steroid, and you are inexperienced by nature of it being your first cycle. The idea that you don't respond well to orals is not giving yourself a fair chance when you've never done a cycle, never used Anavar, and used two compounds on a first cycle.

    At your height, 180 lbs 10%BF and 185lbs 10% bodyfat are going to be noticeably different physiques. A lot of beginners underestimate how much a few lbs of muscle changes a frame while maintains the same body fat (especially being low double digits). I would suggest looking at members pictures or online resources to get an idea of what different compositions look like.

    It's a common trap that new people face when they don't set or understand realistic expectations. It leads to them either blaming gear, training, diet, or a combination. Not to say your goals aren't achievable but it's very beneficial to understand the big picture.

    I'm not a fan of blends especially if it's a first time using a compound because you have almost zero control over dosing.

    Lastly, you are halfway through your first cycle and are anabolically supercharged at this point so to speak. You ran a reasonable cycle so it should be expected not to have any scary negative effects at this point. The concern should be how PCT goes and how bloodwork looks 6-8 weeks after PCT.
    Last edited by Windex; 12-04-2018 at 04:18 PM.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Steroids have a ceiling, with Trenbolone and Nandrolone being at the ceiling. When you skip the stairs and take the elevator to the ceiling then you have no where left to climb, and will hinder future cycles.
    Has this been proven true? And to what measure?

    Undoubtedly those who have done tren have subsequently cycled/blasted different compounds and still experienced gains.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Hey windex, thanks for the in depth post. As far as the anavar goes, I know it's real as pharmacom has a good rep and my labmax came back positive for oxandrolone. The lethargy I am experiencing is most likely increased strain on my liver. I understand what you mean about the tren and reaching a ceiling but what are your thoughts on Chris Bumstead and others that hop on tren right away and make considerable size gains. My personal goal at my height is to be a maximum of 100kg at 8% BF (a lifetime maximum). The reason I wanted to consider tren is because of the "tren look" that these models carry in their physique. What would you recommend for a second cycle I'm all ears and love any advice I can get thank you!.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by wizzy View Post
    Hey windex, thanks for the in depth post. As far as the anavar goes, I know it's real as pharmacom has a good rep and my labmax came back positive for oxandrolone. The lethargy I am experiencing is most likely increased strain on my liver. I understand what you mean about the tren and reaching a ceiling but what are your thoughts on Chris Bumstead and others that hop on tren right away and make considerable size gains. My personal goal at my height is to be a maximum of 100kg at 8% BF (a lifetime maximum). The reason I wanted to consider tren is because of the "tren look" that these models carry in their physique. What would you recommend for a second cycle I'm all ears and love any advice I can get thank you!.
    Diet and training+cardio determine the physique first, the gear is the last part of the equation. Some compounds have more/less water retention, have less/more aromatization, etc so can preferred for certain goals. However, you can technically cut or bulk on any compound.

    Comparing yourself to others in my opinion is a waste of time and setting yourself up for failure. Focusing on self improvement and mastering your physiology will take you a lot farther than thinking about 0.01% of the population that are genetic freaks. Plus, what a pro bodybuilder says he does, and what he actually does are more often than not two completely different things.

    Compare yourself to how you were yesterday, or last week, or last month, not some genetic monster or photoshopped model.

    Very few people are 100% honest and upfront about what they do because of the grey area controversy around bodybuilding.

    If you haven't gotten any blood work done yet mid cycle then trying to self guess and diagnose is about as good as picking lottery numbers, in my opinion.

    If I was in your shoes I would dedicate all my mental focus into maximizing your first cycle, execute PCT, and follow up with bloodwork. If you don't have a journal or some way to track progress it's highly recommended and invaluable.

    I feel that thinking about a second cycle in the middle of a first cycle is like trying to plan a vacation with no destination in mind. How will you know what clothing to bring? Type of currency? Method of travel? etc
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Diet and training+cardio determine the physique first, the gear is the last part of the equation. Some compounds have more/less water retention, have less/more aromatization, etc so can preferred for certain goals. However, you can technically cut or bulk on any compound.

    Comparing yourself to others in my opinion is a waste of time and setting yourself up for failure. Focusing on self improvement and mastering your physiology will take you a lot farther than thinking about 0.01% of the population that are genetic freaks. Plus, what a pro bodybuilder says he does, and what he actually does are more often than not two completely different things.

    Compare yourself to how you were yesterday, or last week, or last month, not some genetic monster or photoshopped model.

    Very few people are 100% honest and upfront about what they do because of the grey area controversy around bodybuilding.

    If you haven't gotten any blood work done yet mid cycle then trying to self guess and diagnose is about as good as picking lottery numbers, in my opinion.

    If I was in your shoes I would dedicate all my mental focus into maximizing your first cycle, execute PCT, and follow up with bloodwork. If you don't have a journal or some way to track progress it's highly recommended and invaluable.

    I feel that thinking about a second cycle in the middle of a first cycle is like trying to plan a vacation with no destination in mind. How will you know what clothing to bring? Type of currency? Method of travel? etc
    Damn put that in perceptive for me. Ill get blood and results on thursday and report back.

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