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Thread: First cycle, am I over-training

  1. #1

    First cycle, am I over-training

    I am just starting my first cycle. 250mg/deca and 500mg/sust a week. I am 5' 11" 180. My regiment consists of

    Mon/Thurs- Chest/Tri's
    Tues/Fri- Back/Shoulders
    Wed/Sat- Legs/Bi's

    I do 4 lifts per body part. I played a few years of college football and injuries cut me short. I am used to explosion lifts so this way of lifting is half-way new to me. Any ideas would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    ATL, ga
    I would suggest doing each body part once every 6 days. I would do about 15-20 sets on each body part. This is probably the most used work out routine

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I never hit any body part more than once a week besides abs 2x per week even on heavy doses of AS. You're over training, add some rest days in that split, hit each body part hard once a week and give it time to recover. I think it's a pretty well spread myth that you can't overtrain on gear, you def can.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    i like to train one body part a week, but that's me because it works. no one can tell you how you feel if you work each muscle twice a week. If thats what works, than keep doing it. everyones body is different. Try them both and see what works.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the input. I have tried training one body part a week and it just feel like I am doing enough. I never saw any great gains. What would you think about 3 on 1 off and during the second series go lighter with maybe only 3 lifts per body part. Or is that still too much?

  6. #6
    I apologize. It is supposed to read that it feels like I am not doing enough.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Land of milk and honey.
    Everyone's different. When I changed to one body part per week, my strength shot through the roof for a solid year.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Like some have said, It's what works for you. I was tranning 1 body part one time a week and felt it was not enough so I went to trainning each 2 times a week and my strength went through the roof.
    M= Chest
    T= Rest
    Fr= Chest

    For me that feels like plenty of time to heal, and I lift very hard. After 3.5 days for each muscle group to heal. Everyone's different and has different ways! Good luck bro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    You can train one body part more than once a week. However I would suggest giving a good few days between each for proper recovery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    That routine doesn't sound good at all, you need rest when training heavy. When I first started everyone tried to get me into those routines of 6 days on 1 day off and when your on juice it's no problem, like bdtr says that's bullsh*t, I've tried every sort of way to train and six days was probably when I got the worst results. just my .002

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I learned this the hard way but got sound advice when I was younger....... "Less is best". Recovery on or off gear is about the same so I never change up the amount of days I wait between hitting the same bodypart again. I hit the same bp every 5th day.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Boston, MA
    Try making a split in between. I only train a body part once a week except abs 3x. I like mudman saying Less is Best..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    I also played college ball. I am currently on a simple 500 mg/wk Sust cycle.

    Over the years I modified the "team workout" to concentrate on how the pump feels and how I'm actually working the muscle or muscle group I'm training. The key for most is one of the harder things to do....that is to keep your central nervous system guessing. Your body will accomplish the work with the least amount of stress it can get by with in anticipation of "that same lifting movement".

    I'm guilty of being that creature of habit because if feels comfortable to do something I know. Shock your muscles- don't wear them down. Change up the timing, motion, sequence of lifts. Most people will not overtrain, but jocks have been trained to "push it". I like the 5 day idea per muscle.

    Just my .02.

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