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Thread: Cabergoline... help.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Cabergoline... help.

    To keep prolactin levels down I'm reading that cabergoline is a med that this. what can I substitute for it? Is this something tht is commonly used or are there better meds?? I'm on first cycle of test c250. 500mg a week. I'm loving it, I'm almost thru. I'm 9 weeks into the 12 weeks and have gained 25lbs!! But I posted on here weeks ago about some mild ED that I've ben having since I started cycle due to possibly high prolactin levels. I'm almost done with this cycle but want to be prepared for my next one. Thanks. Also, can just a test only cycle raise your prolactin levels??? Is prolactin tied to estrogen?
    Last edited by GTtheGUY; 12-13-2018 at 08:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Firstly get a bloodwork done to address your issue.
    You have alternatives to caber such as pramipexole.

  3. #3
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    Never really experienced/seen any prolactin issues from just test

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    Never really experienced/seen any prolactin issues from just test
    Yeah, it's funny too. According to ... I forget (advices radio maybe? Anabolic doc?), a lot of people attribute a lot of sides to prolactin, but it rarely is. It's usually another hormone out of wack, overtraining (can cause ED, been there, it sucks), etc.

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    overtraining (can cause ED, been there, it sucks), etc.
    I knew I was trying to not overtrain & slack this holiday season for a reason

  6. #6
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    Some antidepressants are shown to increase prolactin but dont expect the same from a test only cycle.
    Most probably related to estrogen or psychological issues.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    You're running test only so it's not prolactin. If you're having ED issues it would relate more to estrogen. Some people can handle high E2 levels without issue, some can't.

    What god said above.
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  8. #8
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    I’m curious what made you think it’s prolactin? Why wouldn’t you assume estrogen? This is why you need to learn as much as you can before cycling as to be prepared for any possible issues.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    To keep prolactin levels down I'm reading that cabergoline is a med that this. what can I substitute for it? Is this something tht is commonly used or are there better meds?? I'm on first cycle of test c250. 500mg a week. I'm loving it, I'm almost thru. I'm 9 weeks into the 12 weeks and have gained 25lbs!! But I posted on here weeks ago about some mild ED that I've ben having since I started cycle due to possibly high prolactin levels. I'm almost done with this cycle but want to be prepared for my next one. Thanks. Also, can just a test only cycle raise your prolactin levels??? Is prolactin tied to estrogen?
    You could use Prami Or Bromocriptine but most people respond better the Caber. Start the dosages LOW to avoid sides with these drugs.

  10. #10
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    Redz, I only thought it was prolactin because someone on here told me my prolactin and estrogen was probably high. I'm on my first ever test cycle and was experiencing some ED issues so someone on here attributed it to high estrogen (which I think I have due to hard and sensitive nipples) but they mentioned high prolactin too. But so I've been learning test only shouldnt cause high prolactin. I started arimidex about a week ago. .33mg 2X a week and feel like it may be a little much. I'm tired and sluggish now. Maybe drop.down to once a week. I only have 2 more weeks left on cycle so I'm pretty much just learning at this point for next time around. I'll PCT in 2 weeks. Thanks for all the good info guys.

  11. #11
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    .33 twice a week isn’t crazy high just run it up to pct.

  12. #12
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    If ur only on test 500mg a week, i highly doubt its due to prolactin ( presuming no other pathologic issue) causing ED.

    That being said, no way to tell w/o blood work and no other correlating symptoms. Dont start taking dopamine agonists at this time, IMO.

  13. #13
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    I'm in iowa and cant find a local lab to do blood without a dr order! I'm going to keep looking though. Next cycle I wanna do before during and after labs.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTtheGUY View Post
    To keep prolactin levels down I'm reading that cabergoline is a med that this. what can I substitute for it? Is this something tht is commonly used or are there better meds?? I'm on first cycle of test c250. 500mg a week. I'm loving it, I'm almost thru. I'm 9 weeks into the 12 weeks and have gained 25lbs!! But I posted on here weeks ago about some mild ED that I've ben having since I started cycle due to possibly high prolactin levels. I'm almost done with this cycle but want to be prepared for my next one. Thanks. Also, can just a test only cycle raise your prolactin levels??? Is prolactin tied to estrogen?
    Well, I personally prefer bromocriptine. If cabergoline doesn't help you can try 1 tablet (2.5 mg) per day of bromocriptine for a month, then check your prolactin levels. Good luck!

  15. #15
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    I HIGHLY DOUBT its prolactin.... that would be very rare at that low of a dose of test...

    prolactin becomes an issue with very highly androgenic compounds (ie Tren) that activate the long feedback loop in the hypothalamus...

    500mg of test a week isnt enough to do this.

    What is likely going on is a Testosterone:Estrogen ratio issue NOT a prolactin issue.

    When you hear Hooves, you think horses, not zebras... Prolactin issues with 500mg of test is a zebra, not a horse.

    You stated 'mild ED'. You didnt mention any key prolactin issues ( and if you were having any noticable prolactin issues, you would definately would have mentioned them! ) The first go-to for "mild ED" is the T:E ratio...

    and for your other questions...
    1) a test only cycle typically doesnt effect prolactin ( not androgenic enough, unless the dose is very high but then you would likely be compounding with another type of AAS)
    2) Prolactin and estrogen are intertwined, yes. Its complicated but to make it very simple... Prolactin makes the estrogen receptor more sensitive, so it takes less estrogen to "activate" it. ( that is pretty oversimplified, but its the general concept i believe you are going for)

    Just some basic questions on the AAS side... ( not going into justification of *why*, its a moot point at this time)
    Are you using HCG on this cycle currently? like, during the cycle?
    What is your anti-estrogen on cycle plan?
    What is your PCT Plan?

    Final point... Blood work is pretty important, and helps ALOT with cycles... and dont start taking Caber or Bromo, they are dopamine agonists and the side effects can be pretty nasty esp when there is no prolactin issue ( which i strongly suspect)

  16. #16
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Good to see you around Lemonada!

    Finish school?
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