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Thread: Pinning left glute

  1. #1
    KennyJ's Avatar
    KennyJ is offline Member
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    Pinning left glute

    Ok. So I'm right handed and I can pin my right glute, aspirate and inject pull the pin out and not even a drop of blood.
    Left side I go in and it feels like I'm always nicking or hitting something. I aspirate but I'm in there moving around like a jackhammer and sometimes a little blood comes out. Question is if some or all of it goes in a vein is it wasted? I haven't tasted anything in my mouth so I don't think any has gone in a vein. I don't remember having this problem last cycle although it's been a loooong time.

  2. #2
    Ephemeral is offline Associate Member
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    They say pinning in a vein feels like you're gonna die, so don't worry you'll know when it happens and you'll stop injecting.
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  3. #3
    EDCG19's Avatar
    EDCG19 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KennyJ View Post
    Ok. So I'm right handed and I can pin my right glute, aspirate and inject pull the pin out and not even a drop of blood.
    Left side I go in and it feels like I'm always nicking or hitting something. I aspirate but I'm in there moving around like a jackhammer and sometimes a little blood comes out. Question is if some or all of it goes in a vein is it wasted? I haven't tasted anything in my mouth so I don't think any has gone in a vein. I don't remember having this problem last cycle although it's been a loooong time.
    I get this shit sometimes
    One day smooth with no issues, other day you're hitting a vein, scar tissue and who knows what else and it hurts like a bitch

    Gear into the vein/blood stream is kind of rare and probably something that doesn't happen that often which is why i haven't aspirated in a long time
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  4. #4
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Try different areas and remember where the good spots are. The needle is tiny and a relatively large are of places to choose from.
    One my right quad, i have to pin slightly more to the outside, left is a little more towards the top.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
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  5. #5
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    I used to pin glutes for years and then I switched to my thighs. They first hurt like a muther but they calmed down in a couple of weeks. Try your thighs, they're easy to access and big muscles.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Gear into the vein/blood stream is kind of rare and probably something that doesn't happen that often which is why i haven't aspirated in a long time

    Very true.

    That said, I always aspirate . Once you aspirate and are in a vein you'd be shocked at how quickly the syringe can fill with blood! It just races in. Which is why I still aspirate, even though most doctors I know could care less about it. Then again, they're injecting other people, not themselves.
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  7. #7
    EDCG19's Avatar
    EDCG19 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Very true.

    That said, I always aspirate. Once you aspirate and are in a vein you'd be shocked at how quickly the syringe can fill with blood! It just races in. Which is why I still aspirate, even though most doctors I know could care less about it. Then again, they're injecting other people, not themselves.
    Damn, aspirating takes more time and I'm usually quick when I need to pin for the day. I know there's people who still do this but IMO I think its a lot harder to aspirate with the setup I'm running currently
    Not sure if this is everyone but using the 3ml syringe with 27g needle is a pain in the ass to pin and simply takes a long time to get everything in. I went with the 3ml syringe and I find it takes much longer to inject and you'll be pushing on the plunger for what feels like 10 seconds for me, the 27g needle and 3ml syringe takes much longer when I'm pinning than when I used to use the 1ml syringe and 27g needle, I get that the 27g needle is smaller but sometimes I just break out the 23g just to get the injection much faster/smoother than pushing on the plunger to get everything in you

    I've heard other people even warmup the syringe under hot water before injecting but for me that's not something I have tried yet..

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