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Thread: Help/thoughts - Dbol, Deca, Test Prop Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Question Help/thoughts - Dbol, Deca, Test Prop Cycle

    Hey Guys, thx for the help.
    FIRST CYCLE - My source has dried up a bit, and I'm left with the cycle below. I'm 155lbs, 5'9, 8% BF, 29 years old, 10 years all natural, heavy compound movements.

    PS - I'm that"guy" that has eaten clean, never missed a workout, tried everything from Heavy Duty to German Volume training and can't grow. It will be really interesteing to see what my first cycle will do, so I want to make it perfect. I'll keep you posted on my results one I start.

    So here is what I have:

    Dbal - weeks 1-4, 20 mg/day
    Deca - weeks 1-8, 250mg/week
    Test Proprionate - weeks 6-10, 100/eod.
    Clomid on the out - 300/100/50.
    Nolva on hand (maybe 20mg/day while on dbol, and 10mg/10 for rest of cycle as gyno may be an issue. Will I need more help for the gyno/bloating?)

    I'm not sure I like running deca without test. Should I move the Test prop further ahead in the cycle or leave it at the end?

    Thoughts on this re-worked cycle would really help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Run the deca for 10 weeks, run the test the entire cycle from the start. Just what i'd change.

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