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Thread: First cycle / what to expect

  1. #1

    Red face First cycle / what to expect

    plannin to do first cycle

    250mg test e 2x per week (500mg)
    250iu Hcg 2x per week (500mg)
    0.25 arimidex e3d

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolvadex 40/20/20/20

    i wanna do my cycle to gain some muscles and cut i know i can do it with test only and get good results. im not interested in comp. just wanna get muscles and cut ( dont need winny or other shit im happy with 12% bf)

    atm 26years, 84kg, atm bf 15-16%
    i can get good shape natural on 8% bf but only 75kg body weight thats my kind of limit.

    Natural calories:

    calories maintain 2200 to stay good
    cutt calories 1800-1900
    gain mass slow 2400 up to 2800

    dont know hm to eat on cycle.

    ATM shape ---> pic

    Thanks for any advices from our members!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	175290  
    Last edited by polti5678; 12-31-2018 at 05:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    As first cycle is ok.
    You don't have to expect to cut if you want to gain mass, you can be happy if you do not give too much fat.
    If you want to put muscle and size stay in caloric surplus with clean carbohydrates. I would advise you to get down to 12% maximum before starting a cycle.
    Adex 0.25 e3d could be too much, it is very very potent.
    You should know how sensitive you are to estrogen to dose your adex well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    1 - All you want to know is available on the thread: My First Cycle by austinite, please give it a read.
    2 - Your BF% should be at most 15% imo, so you are not off limits but watch out for E2 sides, to do that please read 3rd point.
    3 - Pre/Mid/Post Cycle bloodworks are essential. Pre and mid BW will show you how sensitive you are to E2 and you will adjust your AI dosage accordingly.
    4 - PCT seems fine to me, some people like to use 100mg clomid for the first week but yours is fine.
    5 - hCG should be used throughout the cycle, you did not state how long you will run for but do not use it on PCT, it is suppressive on HPTA too.
    6 - To gain muscle, I would ramp up my bulking calories, to at least 3000 kcals, if I were you. No need to run a "cut cycle" without any cycles under your belt.
    7 - Your current shape looks fine to start juicing, however I hope you have a long gym experience. 84 kg at 12% BF would be more impressive though.
    8 - To learn how to eat on cycle (actually, whole time, if you want to keep your gains), please visit the nutrition forum.

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