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Thread: contest prep cycle

  1. #1
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    contest prep cycle

    hey guys,i am going to start my contest prep cycle in few weeks .ll really appreciate the input.
    current stats -220 lbs 15 %bf 5'11"
    total weeks 20
    Test e week 1 -10 frontload 1200mg
    then run 750 mg ew
    nandrolone week 1-13 600 mg ew
    sustanon week 10-16 1000 mg ew
    sustanon week 16-18 500 mg ew
    dbol week 8-11 taper up to 50 mg ed
    tren ace week 16-19 300 mg ew
    masteron week 16-19 200 -400mg ew depends how i look
    stanazol oral week 17-20 40 to 60 mg ed depends how i look
    halotestin week 18-19 20 mg ed
    cytomel week 16-20 taper up to 75 mcg and then taper down after show
    clen week 15 -16 60 mcg
    week 19 60 -80 mcg if needed

    ghrp 6 cjc 1295 100mcg ed for both ×3 a day

    insulin humolog week 1-10 5 iu pre and 5 iu post workout 3 times a week
    week 10-18 5 iu post 2 times a week

    Aromatase inhibitors
    adex week 1-17 as needed to keep e2 under control
    week 17-20 as needed to dry out
    nolvadex week 18-20 20 mg ed
    caber as needed to keep prolactin sides low

    cycle support
    milk thistle
    alot of water
    bp meds
    statin meds
    hcg week 1-18 250 ×2 ew

  2. #2
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
    fiddlesticks is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    BP med on clen +t3 sounds like a cardiac event to me.

    Part of how T3 works is increasing beta adrenergic sensitivity, taking bp drugs to counteract this is either pointless or dangerous. You should increase calcium, magnesium and arginine to lower BP.

    Even more realistically, if your blood pressure is fucked to that degree you definitely shouldn't be taking anything...
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 01-11-2019 at 04:48 AM.
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  3. #3
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    my bp stays normal most of the time so its just a precaution if it do go up .but you are right i ll prob drop dose of t3 or clen or tren if i see scary numbers on the bp monitor . Thanks brother
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  4. #4
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    my bp stays normal most of the time so its just a precaution if it do go up .but you are right i ll prob drop dose of t3 or clen or tren if i see scary numbers on the bp monitor . Thanks brother
    The thing is naturally you should be able to avoid this problem entirely, things like milk and other nutrient dense foods to lower BP are the absolute most important..

    Clen is gonna fuck shit up big time with the BP drugs.

  5. #5
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    got it brother no bp meds and drop the dose if see anything above 130 .ive ran 800 mg of eq before and my bp stayed around 68/118 .and i take multis,calcium,fishoil,zma everyday since i started lifting thats around 9 to 10 years ago
    Last edited by ksingh93; 01-11-2019 at 05:11 AM.

  6. #6
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Most forms of calcium and magnesium dont absorb so look into that, Magnesium oxide i know off the top of my head doesn't. High dose milk and vit C is very good for lowering BP and causing strong fat loss.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    What type of show?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    adding Nolvadex on top of your AI usage "as needed to dry out" combined may be a little bit much, especially being you'll also be drying out with the Tren , Masteron , Winstrol and Halotestin . really doubt you need 6 compounds to 'dry out', because if you end up crushing your Estrogen too low that last week then your going to find it difficult to carb load back up and get the fullness you'll want for stage.

    its a fine line between drying out, and keeping enough estrogen and 'wetness' to fill out and carb load.

    however this works fine for bikini girls, or some mens physique guys that have lots of size and fullness naturally and need to come on to stage with a more flat and dry look to begin with. so they can definitely crush E and not worry about having to fill back up with a lot of carbs.
    again, risk crushing E too low and you won't be able to carb load.

  9. #9
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What type of show?
    illinois state champ

  10. #10
    charger69's Avatar
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    It looks like your trying to bulk up up to the last 3-4 weeks. I personally need a good 8-12 weeks of cutting to get where I want to.

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  11. #11
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    adding Nolvadex on top of your AI usage "as needed to dry out" combined may be a little bit much, especially being you'll also be drying out with the Tren , Masteron , Winstrol and Halotestin . really doubt you need 6 compounds to 'dry out', because if you end up crushing your Estrogen too low that last week then your going to find it difficult to carb load back up and get the fullness you'll want for stage.

    its a fine line between drying out, and keeping enough estrogen and 'wetness' to fill out and carb load.

    however this works fine for bikini girls, or some mens physique guys that have lots of size and fullness naturally and need to come on to stage with a more flat and dry look to begin with. so they can definitely crush E and not worry about having to fill back up with a lot of carbs.
    again, risk crushing E too low and you won't be able to carb load.
    great point gearhead i ll keep an eye and get blood test and raise the dose accordingly and will add nolvadex if needed for the look
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  12. #12
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    It looks like your trying to bulk up up to the last 3-4 weeks. I personally need a good 8-12 weeks of cutting to get where I want to.

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    hey charger no i am going to keep maintenance calories for first 10 weeks then start droping them mainly carbs from then on .

  13. #13
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would change to test prop instead of sust and I would also switch to NAC and TUDCA.
    I have heard that milk thistle while on cycle has a negative effect on the cycle. I believe that it competes for the receptors.
    Halo for three weeks is going to be super tough on your liver.
    Everyone is different but I need to be cautious of water retention and what I am taking the last few weeks.

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  14. #14
    ksingh93's Avatar
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    prop was the inital plan but cant risk the infection right before the show.and halo is only for 2 weeks at 20 mg ed .ive tried tudca before but i get heart burns from it .and for the water problem i have aldactone on hand if needed
    Last edited by ksingh93; 01-11-2019 at 01:51 PM.

  15. #15
    charger69's Avatar
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    contest prep cycle

    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    prop was the inital plan but cant risk the infection right before the show.and halo is only for 2 weeks at 20 mg ed .ive tried tudca before but i get heart burns from it .and for the water problem i have aldactone on hand if needed
    Just be careful with aldactone. Cramping on stage sucks!!
    Also, take a some baking soda in water- heartburn no more.

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