Which one do y'all like best EQ or Primobolan? I know it probably depends on what your goals are but just wanted some comments on each.
Which one do y'all like best EQ or Primobolan? I know it probably depends on what your goals are but just wanted some comments on each.
Last edited by KennyJ; 01-14-2019 at 07:49 PM.
Primo is one of the most faked steroids. If you can get pharm grade I’d jump on that outside that I wouldn’t suggest eq or ugl primo but I’m in the EQ hater club. 600mg/16 weeks did nothing except endless hunger.
Eq and primo are both pretty mild but have their niche. I loved the hunger eq gave me, it works great when added to a bulk cycle for just this purpose alone. Ive never used primo but i often hear it being compared to masteron. If your going for a dry lean cycle, mast might be worth looking into. Its cheaper and easier to find than legit primo. Also, No reason you couldnt run eq and primo (or mast) at the same time
I respond well to EQ and would recommend on a bulk over deca due to it's appetite enhancing effects and lack of sexual sides which are almost always apparent on some level when running 19nors..
But Primo is the magic potion man, that shit gives your body a look that no other steroid can IME...well maybe tren but tren comes with a host of sides where as with primo you feel great on it. Primo makes you look full but also brings out separation so it really makes your physique pop and gives you that 3D muscle look! Only downside is it's expensive as hell BUT if you can find real shit then I'd make primo a staple for sure.
I ran it a while back and even my training partners would make comments that I had striations jumping out everywhere lol and I'd never seen that before so I attribute that "look" to the primo although of course my bf was prob just under 10% at the time as well...drugs that bring out separation can only shine when you're in shape or else you can't see the magic.
Last edited by AlphaMindz; 01-17-2019 at 09:26 AM.
I like Primo + Mast with my Test for a cut cycle. I can get into single digits bodyfat pretty easily by diet and doing a little cardio.
If you can get real Primo, it's the way to go. High doses, looooong cycle.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
So it seems Primo it will be for next time. Well maybe both. Thoughts on running Deca with Primo, EQ and test? I have some deca that I'm not using right now but I'm going to at some point.
I like to use EQ as a 'filler' compound. eg., lets say you want to run a gram of test as the base of a cycle, but your a bit estrogen sensitive. so instead of 1000mg of test, you run 400mg of test with 600mg of eq and that give you your 1 gram test base essentially (Eq is not very estrogenic)
note: EQ is chemically/structurally just injectable Dbol (without the 17alk) , though it acts way different when metabolized by the body
Primobolan is probably the best pure anabolic there is (in regards to muscle building vs side effects). pretty much the only thing it does is build quality tissue. gains from primo are keepable and sustainable. it also has some anti estrogen effects, so you'll get a bit more 'dry' appearance from it (if you want to keep estrogen elevated though to help with growth, then make sure to run plenty of test when running Primo .. running Primo with just a TRT dose will likely lower your E2).
Primo is also pretty good at nutrient partitioning and glycogen loading. if your dieting or on a cut and in a calorie deficit Primo will help you stay anabolic and keep your muscles full (instead of flat while dieting). also why its a great pre contest drug.
I like both EQ and Primo as compounds to cruise on (one or the other). I'm off cycle and cruising on 350mg of Primo currently. I've also cruised on 500mg of EQ as well (much more affordable to do).
I've said this before, but if you could only have a couple compounds to be on for the rest of your life then
would definitely get the job done and build an awesome physique and yet have very little negative side effects (you could live a long healthy 'jacked' life just running that year after year).
note: Primobolan is one of the safest AAS. its one of the only AAS given to pre-mature born infants. . also even though Primo has been around for decades, chemically/structurally it is one of the most advanced steroids we have today
Primo is good for cutting but looking good still
EQ is just a great long-term gainer. Without bloat and just nice and consistent. Honestly, I can tell someone is a true AAS vet if they have actually tried and realized the value of EQ. If someone knocks EQ, you know they don't have much real experience. It's good stuff, very underrated.
Damn it, I wanted to use EQ to cut. My appetite is already too big.
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