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Thread: Who has experience with SEO's?

  1. #1
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Who has experience with SEO's?

    What are your experiences with using SEO's for competition or photo shoots...?

    And which do you prefer using, the old school approach using oil based products or the new school shit using hyaluronic acid??

    This post isn't asking everyone's opinions on SEO's as that can make for a good conversation for sure, but with this post I'm trying to get feedback from you guys who compete or model and use SEO's to balance out certain genetic weak points or to bring up a lagging body part for a comp or photo shoot.

    I'm interested to hear the pro's and cons of using these products correctly and any tips or techniques you've learned along the way..Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by AlphaMindz; 01-17-2019 at 12:23 PM. Reason: sp
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  2. #2
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    Bump for the pro's and amateur competitors out there, also coaches who run SEO's with their clients..

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    your going to get faster and more pronounced results using an oil based SEO . not the old school synthol by the way..there an new formulations that require much less oil but act more to 'inflame' the muscle and provide added blood flow and other growth factors.
    this would be something like an "amp posing oil" or a "synthatek posing oil" .. you kinda get an old school Nolatel effect (which guys used pre contest) but with the added benefit of the oil holding its basis for a good several months providing actual fullness.

    hylaronic acid is NOT going to be able to accomplish these more rapid and steady appearance of gains like the above mentioned oils. its mainly going to provide a more pronounced 'pump' feeling for a few days with its ability to bring in lots and lots of water into the muscle (which again only lasts a few days) . now sure, if you keep injecting hyaluronic acid day after day for weeks on end, you'll get some actual growth . but its not near as effective as the newer oils in regards to a bit more permanent size.
    and when you do the math $ cost, the oil is way way more bang for your buck. unless again you just after a temporary couple day pump

    so take your pick.. if your going to do a photo shoot and want an appearance of a 'pump' without actually having to pump up that much. then hyalaruonic acid will work . IF you want rapid gains (ie, inch to your arms) that are going to stick with you can give you that fullness for months, then go with the oils (again, I'm not talking synthol here).

    I personally do not have my base back where I would need to use any of these products currently . however, I have used them all (as experimentation is what I like to do , and I don't like to recommend protocols to guys that I haven't dabbled with myself).

    I've gotten the most pronounced effects with the amp posing oil. Synthatek syntherol is a close close second. and the Mediform hyaluronic acid I personally wouldn't bother with again (temporary pump enhancement isn't what I personally would need)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-22-2019 at 10:47 AM.
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  4. #4
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    Thanks brother had a feeling you'd be the first one to reply to this lol I appreciate your feedback.

    I agree with what you're saying in terms of the oils being more effective at accomplishing permanent gains as certain synthol products have science backing them. The glycoproteins in synovial fluid seems to really volumize the muscle beautifully and stretch the fascia (especially pre-workout) which is an incredible feeling when you get a pump in that muscle. The gains it produces are very noticeable, especially in smaller muscles. Rounder and fuller muscle bellies.

    I've never used the hyaluronic acid products but from what I've heard about them they bascially just pull a ton of water into the muscle which I guess would also produce a great pump but I feel like it would make the muscle look puffy and soft..? I dont know anyone personally who has used the water based products, but I know many people who have used synthol over the years.

    So I'm more apt to stick with what's tried and true and personally seen work for people I know and trust. Trick is HOW evenly it's injected and gauging how much oil to put in there as no protocol can tell someone exactly how much to use...It's going to be different for everyone so one has to use discretion and really educate themselves on how to use properly, but IF used properly I feel like it's a game changer!

    I would've loved to try Escicline or Nolatol like the guys in the 90's had access to. I've heard well informed people say that escicline is partially responsible for those full muscle-bellied classic physique's of the 90's like Flex Wheeler and Kevin Levrone, both of which have admitted to using Escicline, but to what extent is always the mystery lol.

    The part where you lost me is when you categorized some SEO's as synthol and others as not to be confused with synthol... In my understanding, when Chris Clark developed the first SEO product and named it "synthol" he got a call from a big pharma company (can't think of the name, it might be Bristol-meyers Squibb) claiming ownership rights to the Synthol name so he changed it to "Synthosizze" and then later also developed "Painless Pumps". So SEO's and synthol are one in the same, no..? What product are you referring to that's oil based that you don't consider synthol?

    There's so much mystery surrounding this topic which is ironic to me cause guys will admit to injecting a hormone made for cattle, take pills made for women with breast cancer, and all sorts of other shit, BUT when it comes to site enhancement most people vehemently deny utilizing that as a tool lol. Why, I have no clue!

    I guess because so many people are close minded and simply don't have all the facts before voicing their opinions, and before we know it mainstream media will be running around saying bodybuilding is easy it's all steroids and synthol lol and completely disregard how incredibly difficult it is to develop a quality physique at a competitive level...Well, some could argue that mainstream opinion pretty much already believes that lol.

    Most people probably think that the shit those guys in Brazil are using is synthol lol. Just to clarify guys, what those dudes are using to make their muscles look like balloons is NOT synthol! Those guys are injecting tons and tons of cheap mineral oil! Often times it's not even sterile and these guys get massive infections.. So misguided IMO, and a completely different thing than adding a little volume and shape to an ALREADY developed muscle. It's so easy to lump everyone together so I'm making the distinction here so at least WE are all on the same page on this forum!

    But going back to the real tried and true products, do you have any techniques or tips for using SEO's that have worked well for you or your clients?

    Note: Because there is so much judgement surrounding this topic I was gonna PM you about this, but then decided I'd be a hypocrite if I "hid" from the topic myself PLUS I want other people to benefit from this conversation.
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  5. #5
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    just real quick .. what I meant by some of these current products NOT considering themselves as 'synthol' per se , is things like Amp Posing is a proprietary blended product (when you inject it its as thin as water and not oil) that is designed to 'enhance' things similar to say synthol and Nolotol combined in one . perhaps its all just marketing idk. also things like Mediform, they specifically say they are not selling synthol (most their products are hylaronic based I think). so guess just saying some of these current products are trying to separate themselves from the term "synthol" because of either their product blend itself, or again perhaps just marketing .

  6. #6
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    just real quick .. what I meant by some of these current products NOT considering themselves as 'synthol' per se , is things like Amp Posing is a proprietary blended product (when you inject it its as thin as water and not oil) that is designed to 'enhance' things similar to say synthol and Nolotol combined in one . perhaps its all just marketing idk. also things like Mediform, they specifically say they are not selling synthol (most their products are hylaronic based I think). so guess just saying some of these current products are trying to separate themselves from the term "synthol" because of either their product blend itself, or again perhaps just marketing .
    Oh ok I'm not familiar with that product so def something to check out. If there's something out there that isn't so damn thick then that would def be something to look into cause I don't like the idea of having to repeatedly use 25g pins to inject in smaller muscles like bi's, tri's, and even delts over time cause of the scar tissue build up. If there's a much thinner product available that can be injected with a 29-31g pin that would def be something to look into!

    GH do you have any techniques for SEO injection or placement that you can share? Any strategies you've developed or come across that you've used personally or with clients that has made a notable difference in your/their physique.

    Anyone else out there with experience using SEO's please feel free to jump in on discussion!

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    the stuff I've used is very thin. I'd usually inject 3-6cc at one time (not in one place) so it makes sense to use a 3cc syringe, and all I have for those is 25g pins. so thats what I used.. but I'm pretty confident it will flow though a 29g slin pin no problem.

    before I hit the gym tonight I'll back load a couple slin pins with it and hit my biceps and get back to you on how that went.

    as for protocols. keep in mind I've only ran these products on my self to obtain first hand 'knowledge' . I've not ran this stuff for years like I have gear. so my first hand protocols are limited. but I'll share what I've picked up.

    with these newer SEOs you don't need a ton of oil. just 1-1.5cc per spot will do. so with biceps for example, you'll pick a spot on your mid lower outer head, your upper outer head, your mid lower inner head, your upper inner head. so you have 4 spots per bicep. do NOT do all 4 at once in one sitting . only do two. so I would do my mid lower outer head, and then my upper inner head . then two days later I would do my upper outer head, and the lower inner head.. then two days later go back to what I did first. again each injection is only 1 - 1.5 cc each (you hear of guys doing a loading phase of like 3cc each injection ,, not needed).

    I would do this pre workout , but NOT specifically on bicep training day. I would pin the biceps, then hit the gym and do very light pump work for my biceps and then go do my normal routine. you don't want to train hard and heavy with fresh oil in your arms (if you have too much oil in there, plus your training with heavy weight with lots of load and a huge pump in your arms, your more likely to tear a muscle .. thats also why you don't want to do a loading phase with too much oil). I know a guy who pinned 3cc in one spot in his chest right before his chest workout and he tore his pec.

    so then you just keep doing this and watch your arms put on an extra inch or two over a couple months. then take a break.

    you can also hit your upper pecs. two spots, upper inner and upper outer. I've also hit my outer tricep (horseshoe).

    again be aware this is just me experimenting with the process to gain knowledge. I've not done a full on SEO protocol on myself long term.. I just injected enough over a couple weeks to get an idea and see the experience. once I put on some more muscle and a stronger base then I will implement a more "official" protocol and not just dabble with it.

    before getting started I picked the brain about it of a former coach I had that has a ton more competitive bodybuilding clients world wide that use SEO then I have the capacity for.. so I got the basics from him
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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    note: it helps to flex the muscle your planning on pinning, and then pick a spot to inject while its flexed (you can use a pen to make a mark) AND then relax the muscle and inject that spot .

    its not like gear,, its very important you get the oil in the area of the muscle you want it and not just anywhere.

  9. #9
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    I've used it myself and with clients who compete. When used CORRECTLY it can really make a difference in appearance.
    I used it on my biceps and it really evened them out. Its all about small amounts strategically placed in the right areas.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashop View Post
    I've used it myself and with clients who compete. When used CORRECTLY it can really make a difference in appearance.
    I used it on my biceps and it really evened them out. Its all about small amounts strategically placed in the right areas.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    : Obs chasing Ashop
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    Do the greg valentino thing and just put 10cc of test into your arms lol
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Do the greg valentino thing and just put 10cc of test into your arms lol
    Yup a lot of people think he was using synthol but the crazy bastard was using gear AS synthol lmao
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Yup a lot of people think he was using synthol but the crazy bastard was using gear AS synthol lmao
    Dude it blows my fucking mind people don't believe that.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Do the greg valentino thing and just put 10cc of test into your arms lol
    That guy is a total liar.
    Everywhere I have put high doses of gear the muscle gets wavy/grainy and even misshapen.
    Valentino is just a big round flab.
    Looks like he sewed fatty asses on his arms.
    Last edited by Obs; 01-23-2019 at 06:09 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    That guy is a total liar.
    Everywhere I have put high doses of gear the muscle gets wavy/grainy and even misshapen.
    Valentino is just a big round flab.
    Looks like he sewed fatty asses on his arms.
    Dude gregs arms were the most mishapen alien looking shit ive ever seen lmao, looked like popeye in reverse
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    Last edited by Obs; 01-29-2019 at 11:14 AM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    You should change your avatar shit bag. I will change mine maybe.
    Lookin' big Obs!
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Lookin' big Obs!
    I didn't wanna hijack the thread by askin, but just realized its my thread lol so I'm gonna ask....Obs what are you running atm you're lookin pretty big dude!?
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    I didn't wanna hijack the thread by askin, but just realized its my thread lol so I'm gonna ask....Obs what are you running atm you're lookin pretty big dude!?
    Thanks man you too.

    Running trt atm.
    Down about 10 lbs from there.
    Got to 238 and my life took a shit.
    Got test tren and deca on the way.
    Gonna play with eq too.

    What got me thus far was slin tren and test
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    That guy is a total liar.
    Everywhere I have put high doses of gear the muscle gets wavy/grainy and even misshapen.
    Valentino is just a big round flab.
    Looks like he sewed fatty asses on his arms.
    I agree ,

    I feel he was using that garbage guys use to beef up muscles and it looks stupid.

    I've met him back in my clubbing days and his arms looked very silly

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    Synthol * lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Do the greg valentino thing and just put 10cc of test into your arms lol
    I think Gregg Valentino is full of crap when he said that he never used synthol or other SEOs. It’s crazy that these guys can’t admit this but they’ll admit they used a ton of gear....makes no sense
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Do the greg valentino thing and just put 10cc of test into your arms lol
    You must've seen the same interview I did cause I believed him when he said he didn't use actual synthol but instead was pushing 10ml bottles of test and EQ into his arms lol. As if it even fuckin matters WHAT he was pumping into those crazy lookin deformed arms! Point is he took it WAY too far and has been trying to convince people it wasn't it fuckin matters lmao. Always thought it was funny how angry he gets about the synthol accusations lol.
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  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Thanks man you too.

    Running trt atm.
    Down about 10 lbs from there.
    Got to 238 and my life took a shit.
    Got test tren and deca on the way.
    Gonna play with eq too.

    What got me thus far was slin tren and test
    Nice man... So you're saying you've lost 10 lbs since that pic was taken? Water weight from the insulin I'm guessing??

    Insulin makes sense cause you're super fukin full dude... Was thinking nandrolone as guys get a similar look on it if bulking..either way, you look noticeably bigger than the last avy so good shit brotha might be picking your brain for some slin protocols cause I think I'm gonna need to break through another plateau here soon!

    I'm at a point now (feels like I've been at this place for a while now) where it has become incredibly fuckin difficult to gain "stage weight". I'm not a big guy by any means, barely pushing 210 lbs, and it literally seems like I can't physically consume enough food to keep gaining. My training doesn't waiver so I'm making continuous gains but since I'm not getting bigger, the gains come in the form of more muscle maturity and separation, and I'm getting stronger as well but I know I'll never step on a body building stage if I can't get this diet part down...

    I gotta get OCD with this shit as apparently it's the only way. I'm the only one of my friends who DOESN'T know their macros lol. I would've loved to come up and develop a quality physique and when people ask me my macros I'd just say "who has time to worry about all that" lol BUT that's a fantasy cause I'm no Dexter Jackson who apparently eats Micky D's 2-3 times a DAY and looks phenomenal...and I'm willing to bet he doesn't count a single freakin macro...oh yeah, and he's black which doesn't hurt lol but there are white guys with similar genetics (just far less of us lol).

    Ok I've accepted the fact that I'm by no means genetically gifted and also gettin up there in age (thank god for gear lol) so I've had to overcome some shit to even get where I'm at now... Funny thing is I'm not even on a lot of gear now and can maintain what I've built with minimal effort (long as the drugs are present of course)..BUT conversely, it's becoming more and more difficult to see gains...I'm already fairly happy with the "shape" or "form" of my physique (need work in some areas to be more symmetrical but overall I like my potential shall we say) but the one thing I can't seem to be able to figure out is HOW to get all the food in!

    I'm leaning towards working with my buddy's coach to get me past this sticking point... It's such a SIMPLE thing but not EASY.... very similar sounding words but very different. It's simple but not easy to be a body builder. Anyone have experience with coaching and would you recommend it? Obs you ever have a coach bro? I gotta figure out how to take this to the next level. It's funny cause IF I ever do anything cool as a result of body building I'll have to give this forum credit cause a lot of my little mental "breakthroughs" if you will, happened on this forum so we should all be grateful to have a platform like this.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    I think Gregg Valentino is full of crap when he said that he never used synthol or other SEOs. It’s crazy that these guys can’t admit this but they’ll admit they used a ton of gear....makes no sense
    Half truths make people believe bullshit.

    Like man I had weed and coke when they pulled me over, but not heroin.

    It's that logic that compells them to admit some fucked up stuff to convince they weren't 110% fucked up.

    But I do believe Greg, ever see the video of him lancing that shit in his bathroom bending 18g needles?

    It's freaking brutal.

    I'mma find s link

    2:25 is were the action is
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    Even he sitting there "oh man, that's really fucked up"

    Haha he's a fucking maniac.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Half truths make people believe bullshit.

    Like man I had weed and coke when they pulled me over, but not heroin.

    It's that logic that compells them to admit some fucked up stuff to convince they weren't 110% fucked up.

    But I do believe Greg, ever see the video of him lancing that shit in his bathroom bending 18g needles?

    It's freaking brutal.

    I'mma find s link

    2:25 is were the action is
    Ya I remember seeing his documentary on TLC like 10 years ago and I think they had that same footage in there. Either way whether he did or didn’t the had some crazy arms and not in an aesthetically pleasing way

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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Nice man... So you're saying you've lost 10 lbs since that pic was taken? Water weight from the insulin I'm guessing??

    Insulin makes sense cause you're super fukin full dude... Was thinking nandrolone as guys get a similar look on it if bulking..either way, you look noticeably bigger than the last avy so good shit brotha might be picking your brain for some slin protocols cause I think I'm gonna need to break through another plateau here soon!

    I'm at a point now (feels like I've been at this place for a while now) where it has become incredibly fuckin difficult to gain "stage weight". I'm not a big guy by any means, barely pushing 210 lbs, and it literally seems like I can't physically consume enough food to keep gaining. My training doesn't waiver so I'm making continuous gains but since I'm not getting bigger, the gains come in the form of more muscle maturity and separation, and I'm getting stronger as well but I know I'll never step on a body building stage if I can't get this diet part down...

    I gotta get OCD with this shit as apparently it's the only way. I'm the only one of my friends who DOESN'T know their macros lol. I would've loved to come up and develop a quality physique and when people ask me my macros I'd just say "who has time to worry about all that" lol BUT that's a fantasy cause I'm no Dexter Jackson who apparently eats Micky D's 2-3 times a DAY and looks phenomenal...and I'm willing to bet he doesn't count a single freakin macro...oh yeah, and he's black which doesn't hurt lol but there are white guys with similar genetics (just far less of us lol).

    Ok I've accepted the fact that I'm by no means genetically gifted and also gettin up there in age (thank god for gear lol) so I've had to overcome some shit to even get where I'm at now... Funny thing is I'm not even on a lot of gear now and can maintain what I've built with minimal effort (long as the drugs are present of course)..BUT conversely, it's becoming more and more difficult to see gains...I'm already fairly happy with the "shape" or "form" of my physique (need work in some areas to be more symmetrical but overall I like my potential shall we say) but the one thing I can't seem to be able to figure out is HOW to get all the food in!

    I'm leaning towards working with my buddy's coach to get me past this sticking point... It's such a SIMPLE thing but not EASY.... very similar sounding words but very different. It's simple but not easy to be a body builder. Anyone have experience with coaching and would you recommend it? Obs you ever have a coach bro? I gotta figure out how to take this to the next level. It's funny cause IF I ever do anything cool as a result of body building I'll have to give this forum credit cause a lot of my little mental "breakthroughs" if you will, happened on this forum so we should all be grateful to have a platform like this.
    You do look awesome bro. Honestly from what I’ve seen I would say you have one of the more aesthetic physiques I’ve seen on this forum!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Even he sitting there "oh man, that's really fucked up"

    Haha he's a fucking maniac.
    No he is Italian.

    "All this blood and shit everywhere... FORGEDDABOUDIT!"
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  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    Nice man... So you're saying you've lost 10 lbs since that pic was taken? Water weight from the insulin I'm guessing??

    Insulin makes sense cause you're super fukin full dude... Was thinking nandrolone as guys get a similar look on it if bulking..either way, you look noticeably bigger than the last avy so good shit brotha might be picking your brain for some slin protocols cause I think I'm gonna need to break through another plateau here soon!

    I'm at a point now (feels like I've been at this place for a while now) where it has become incredibly fuckin difficult to gain "stage weight". I'm not a big guy by any means, barely pushing 210 lbs, and it literally seems like I can't physically consume enough food to keep gaining. My training doesn't waiver so I'm making continuous gains but since I'm not getting bigger, the gains come in the form of more muscle maturity and separation, and I'm getting stronger as well but I know I'll never step on a body building stage if I can't get this diet part down...

    I gotta get OCD with this shit as apparently it's the only way. I'm the only one of my friends who DOESN'T know their macros lol. I would've loved to come up and develop a quality physique and when people ask me my macros I'd just say "who has time to worry about all that" lol BUT that's a fantasy cause I'm no Dexter Jackson who apparently eats Micky D's 2-3 times a DAY and looks phenomenal...and I'm willing to bet he doesn't count a single freakin macro...oh yeah, and he's black which doesn't hurt lol but there are white guys with similar genetics (just far less of us lol).

    Ok I've accepted the fact that I'm by no means genetically gifted and also gettin up there in age (thank god for gear lol) so I've had to overcome some shit to even get where I'm at now... Funny thing is I'm not even on a lot of gear now and can maintain what I've built with minimal effort (long as the drugs are present of course)..BUT conversely, it's becoming more and more difficult to see gains...I'm already fairly happy with the "shape" or "form" of my physique (need work in some areas to be more symmetrical but overall I like my potential shall we say) but the one thing I can't seem to be able to figure out is HOW to get all the food in!

    I'm leaning towards working with my buddy's coach to get me past this sticking point... It's such a SIMPLE thing but not EASY.... very similar sounding words but very different. It's simple but not easy to be a body builder. Anyone have experience with coaching and would you recommend it? Obs you ever have a coach bro? I gotta figure out how to take this to the next level. It's funny cause IF I ever do anything cool as a result of body building I'll have to give this forum credit cause a lot of my little mental "breakthroughs" if you will, happened on this forum so we should all be grateful to have a platform like this.
    No coach.
    I lost ten lbs straight up since that picture from living hell for two months and shit diet. It will be back and then some in a few weeks. Gear on the way.

    Up the dosage and slin the fuck out of it is my advivce you are ripped though man dint doubt yourself.

    I dont play the same games most do. I run blast most of the year. Safety is lost somewhere in my sock drawer when I pull out the vials. I bet it goes to the same place as my socks.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    You do look awesome bro. Honestly from what I’ve seen I would say you have one of the more aesthetic physiques I’ve seen on this forum!
    Means a lot brotha thank you for your input!
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    No coach.
    I lost ten lbs straight up since that picture from living hell for two months and shit diet. It will be back and then some in a few weeks. Gear on the way.

    Up the dosage and slin the fuck out of it is my advivce you are ripped though man dint doubt yourself.

    I dont play the same games most do. I run blast most of the year. Safety is lost somewhere in my sock drawer when I pull out the vials. I bet it goes to the same place as my socks.
    CTFU!I wonder how much safety I've lost over the years, because for some strange reason, every single fuckin time I do laundry I lose at least one sock lmao.

    Journey's sees a lot of me cause I'm in there prob once a month buying another pack of my "baby socks" as my girl likes to call em lol (I like the low cut so it looks like you're not wearing socks...looks dope with joggers, shorts, etc).

    My younger bb friends rock the high socks, trying to bring the 80's back lol, but I gotta say it looks pretty dope too...just a diff look.

    Anyway, getting back on track here lol......firstly thanks for the compliment brotha it means a lot to me to get that support from an unbiased audience like we have on this forum. I've always valued this forum because I'm old enough to remember when none of this shit existed and it's SO fuckin valuable to have a place where we can bounce ideas off each other to improve and become better, and share our experiences so the next guy doesn't have to make the same mistake we did!

    I've been considering experimenting with insulin for a while now. I don't know anyone personally who uses it, though, so my only exposure to it has been through online mediums such as this forum and youtube... I was thinking about trying IGF-1 for a couple months as almost "training wheels" for real insulin as I've been told IGF-1 lowers blood sugar similarly to how insulin does but not as one can get used to injecting and then eating a certain amount of fast absorbing carbs to offset the crash and get used to that ebb and flow in order to really optimize all the food we're eating..

    So I may try that or the other option (and more likely tbh) is to start running hgh again (ran it a while back but not for long enough to notice any results) and combine that with maybe 2-3 pulses of slin...Cause that's what it's all about isn't it? Getting that IGF-1 increase from the COMBO of the two.. As growth makes us insulin resistant it's actually healthier (and ironically far more effective) to combine the two. I've done extensive research on this shit and I guess I'm just waiting for the right time to jump to the next level...

    I feel like I'd see some legit results if I ran maybe 2-4 iu's of growth with maybe 5-10 units of slin twice a day. I'm not sure when and how much to use though... I've read some of your posts about some complications you've had with it which I appreciate you sharing.. THAT's the real shit bro and most people are too worried about being judged to be real like that, but that's the info that helps people the most IMO.

    So are you running slin solo or are you on growth with it? Also curious as to how much slin you'd suggest a guy my size starts with...

    Do you think the guys in men's physique and classic are using slin or more so just the bodybuilders?

    *gotta give credit to my boy GH for sharing a ton of knowledge with me on this topic
    Last edited by AlphaMindz; 01-30-2019 at 01:34 PM.
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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    CTFU!I wonder how much safety I've lost over the years, because for some strange reason, every single fuckin time I do laundry I lose at least one sock lmao.

    Journey's sees a lot of me cause I'm in there prob once a month buying another pack of my "baby socks" as my girl likes to call em lol (I like the low cut so it looks like you're not wearing socks...looks dope with joggers, shorts, etc).

    My younger bb friends rock the high socks, trying to bring the 80's back lol, but I gotta say it looks pretty dope too...just a diff look.

    Anyway, getting back on track here lol......firstly thanks for the compliment brotha it means a lot to me to get that support from an unbiased audience like we have on this forum. I've always valued this forum because I'm old enough to remember when none of this shit existed and it's SO fuckin valuable to have a place where we can bounce ideas off each other to improve and become better, and share our experiences so the next guy doesn't have to make the same mistake we did!

    I've been considering experimenting with insulin for a while now. I don't know anyone personally who uses it, though, so my only exposure to it has been through online mediums such as this forum and youtube... I was thinking about trying IGF-1 for a couple months as almost "training wheels" for real insulin as I've been told IGF-1 lowers blood sugar similarly to how insulin does but not as one can get used to injecting and then eating a certain amount of fast absorbing carbs to offset the crash and get used to that ebb and flow in order to really optimize all the food we're eating..

    So I may try that or the other option (and more likely tbh) is to start running hgh again (ran it a while back but not for long enough to notice any results) and combine that with maybe 2-3 pulses of slin...Cause that's what it's all about isn't it? Getting that IGF-1 increase from the COMBO of the two.. As growth makes us insulin resistant it's actually healthier (and ironically far more effective) to combine the two. I've done extensive research on this shit and I guess I'm just waiting for the right time to jump to the next level...

    I feel like I'd see some legit results if I ran maybe 2-4 iu's of growth with maybe 5-10 units of slin twice a day. I'm not sure when and how much to use though... I've read some of your posts about some complications you've had with it which I appreciate you sharing.. THAT's the real shit bro and most people are too worried about being judged to be real like that, but that's the info that helps people the most IMO.

    So are you running slin solo or are you on growth with it? Also curious as to how much slin you'd suggest a guy my size starts with...

    Do you think the guys in men's physique and classic are using slin or more so just the bodybuilders?

    *gotta give credit to my boy GH for sharing a ton of knowledge with me on this topic
    The physique guys are definitely running insulin IMO. They’re actually huge guys just not compared to the best BBs in the world but compared to a normal sized guy who’s “buff” most physique guys are a lot bigger still
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    The physique guys are definitely running insulin IMO. They’re actually huge guys just not compared to the best BBs in the world but compared to a normal sized guy who’s “buff” most physique guys are a lot bigger still
    Good point man. I've actually heard that the physique guys are on MORE shit than some of the bb's which I can totally see, BUT I wonder how prevalent insulin is in that class because insulin tends to thicken the waistline and increase bf which are things physique competitors try very hard to avoid...but yeah compared to an average guy those dudes are still jacked af!
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  36. #36
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    Insulin is disgustingly effective not only at building muscle but filling out, that component would be amazing for physique
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  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMindz View Post
    CTFU!I wonder how much safety I've lost over the years, because for some strange reason, every single fuckin time I do laundry I lose at least one sock lmao.

    Journey's sees a lot of me cause I'm in there prob once a month buying another pack of my "baby socks" as my girl likes to call em lol (I like the low cut so it looks like you're not wearing socks...looks dope with joggers, shorts, etc).

    My younger bb friends rock the high socks, trying to bring the 80's back lol, but I gotta say it looks pretty dope too...just a diff look.

    Anyway, getting back on track here lol......firstly thanks for the compliment brotha it means a lot to me to get that support from an unbiased audience like we have on this forum. I've always valued this forum because I'm old enough to remember when none of this shit existed and it's SO fuckin valuable to have a place where we can bounce ideas off each other to improve and become better, and share our experiences so the next guy doesn't have to make the same mistake we did!

    I've been considering experimenting with insulin for a while now. I don't know anyone personally who uses it, though, so my only exposure to it has been through online mediums such as this forum and youtube... I was thinking about trying IGF-1 for a couple months as almost "training wheels" for real insulin as I've been told IGF-1 lowers blood sugar similarly to how insulin does but not as one can get used to injecting and then eating a certain amount of fast absorbing carbs to offset the crash and get used to that ebb and flow in order to really optimize all the food we're eating..

    So I may try that or the other option (and more likely tbh) is to start running hgh again (ran it a while back but not for long enough to notice any results) and combine that with maybe 2-3 pulses of slin...Cause that's what it's all about isn't it? Getting that IGF-1 increase from the COMBO of the two.. As growth makes us insulin resistant it's actually healthier (and ironically far more effective) to combine the two. I've done extensive research on this shit and I guess I'm just waiting for the right time to jump to the next level...

    I feel like I'd see some legit results if I ran maybe 2-4 iu's of growth with maybe 5-10 units of slin twice a day. I'm not sure when and how much to use though... I've read some of your posts about some complications you've had with it which I appreciate you sharing.. THAT's the real shit bro and most people are too worried about being judged to be real like that, but that's the info that helps people the most IMO.

    So are you running slin solo or are you on growth with it? Also curious as to how much slin you'd suggest a guy my size starts with...

    Do you think the guys in men's physique and classic are using slin or more so just the bodybuilders?

    *gotta give credit to my boy GH for sharing a ton of knowledge with me on this topic
    No idea on the physique guys but fact is once you have the pefect shape like you do it will make all muscle more pronounced. It loads the cells and they are ready to bust through the fascia.

    Starting most guys do 5iu preworkout and 5 post.

    Its important to map your blood with a glucose monitor until you get the hang of how you handle it.
    Dont rush it and don't go exceeding 10iu unless you know exactly how you handle it.

    Its not that dangerous. Guys make it sound more dangerous thaan it is so an idiot doent rush in and shoot 30iu and die. You keep fast acting carbs in your car, in your gym bag, and on you at all times.

    Dollar for dollar it is amazing compared to AAS.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    No idea on the physique guys but fact is once you have the pefect shape like you do it will make all muscle more pronounced. It loads the cells and they are ready to bust through the fascia.

    Starting most guys do 5iu preworkout and 5 post.

    Its important to map your blood with a glucose monitor until you get the hang of how you handle it.
    Dont rush it and don't go exceeding 10iu unless you know exactly how you handle it.

    Its not that dangerous. Guys make it sound more dangerous thaan it is so an idiot doent rush in and shoot 30iu and die. You keep fast acting carbs in your car, in your gym bag, and on you at all times.

    Dollar for dollar it is amazing compared to AAS.
    Fast acting would be like a bagel , candy bar or like potato chips right ?
    Don't want to make a dumb mistake if I decide to use slin

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    Just always have some candy or something personally i like twizzlers
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  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Fast acting would be like a bagel , candy bar or like potato chips right ?
    Don't want to make a dumb mistake if I decide to use slin

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    Gh works it into his existing diet without manipulation.
    I usually just slam as much as I can regardless.

    I use rapid acting. Gen rule is 10 grams carb per IU but I have to about double that most times at the two hour mark. Totally depends on your bbody and metabolism.

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