Who has used DHB? It pretty much sounds like the perfect anabolic steroid. I would be very curious to hear about anyone’s experience with this compound.
Who has used DHB? It pretty much sounds like the perfect anabolic steroid. I would be very curious to hear about anyone’s experience with this compound.
I ran it my last blast. Was supposed to be a bulk but ended up being more of a recomp. Great vascularity and kept me lean throughout. I’ve heard of others getting strength gains from it but I didn’t notice any big increases I wouldn’t have got from test alone. I ran it at 600/week with 750 test cyp.
It’s thus far my favorite AAS (except test).
The best way I can describe it is tren light without any sides.
I was going to grab some awhile back.. it was between DHB and Stenbolone (fairly similar compounds). in my "experiments' log it was decided on with you guys input, that I would go with the Stenbolone over the DHB. so thats what I got and will be starting up after I'm done with this cruise I'm on.
part of my decision here was also going off of feedback from someone I trust that ran DHB and was not impressed (and complained that the PIP was pretty bad) . however, being the "experimenter" that I am I still will be running it at some point
I got fantastic results from the cycle I used it in, but I also had test, deca, and drol in there so I can’t give it all the credit
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