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Thread: Boldenone only, first cycle

  1. #1

    Boldenone only, first cycle

    I am considering doing a cycle, so trying to do all the research I can before making my a decision.

    I do work out, have been for years and have a fair notion of what my diet should be.

    I am 41 years old, have a family and a job which both would frown upon steroids. So one concern would be gaining to much to fast. I reckon for some it might seem stupid considering this, but I am asking for advice on products, dosage etc.

    One plan is to do eq only. 125 per 3,5d, arimidex during and clomid for pct. Cycle for 12 weeks. The products I have are of a high quality.

    The reason for choosing the eq is because of its mild androgenic properties and that it is likely to cause less bloating than test.

    I was originally suggested 250 eq and 250 test e every 3,5d, but this seems excessive for my wishes.

    I am open for suggestions and appreciate any feedback you will give.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo77 View Post
    So one concern would be gaining to much to fast..
    I wish I had that problem.. so do most guys. but the reality is, that even with the best diet, training, and being on Steroids, the gains never come on "too fast" . its always still just slow and steady progress for most guys.
    IF you get on gear, and you put on some muscle to the point that someone even notices and says something , then your doing something right.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo77 View Post
    One plan is to do eq only. 125 per 3,5d, arimidex during.
    If you ran EQ only with no test , then your estrogen over the length of your cycle is going to go down naturally . there would be no point in running Arimidex.
    the reason being is that your natty test production is going to be suppressed (not there to aromatize into estrogen) and EQ stimulates the production of an anti estrogen enzyme in the body (and lowers E the longer your on it).
    the very small amount that EQ does aromatize is not going to be enough to make up for what you will lose naturally

    Running Arimidex on an EQ only cycle would be a fast track to feeling miserable (and definitely no one noticing gains)

    200mg of test, along side 400mg of EQ would be a viable option for what your wanting to do and no where close to 'excessive'

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo77 View Post
    I am considering doing a cycle, so trying to do all the research I can before making my a decision.

    I do work out, have been for years and have a fair notion of what my diet should be.

    I am 41 years old, have a family and a job which both would frown upon steroids. So one concern would be gaining to much to fast. I reckon for some it might seem stupid considering this, but I am asking for advice on products, dosage etc.

    One plan is to do eq only. 125 per 3,5d, arimidex during and clomid for pct. Cycle for 12 weeks. The products I have are of a high quality.

    The reason for choosing the eq is because of its mild androgenic properties and that it is likely to cause less bloating than test.

    I was originally suggested 250 eq and 250 test e every 3,5d, but this seems excessive for my wishes.

    I am open for suggestions and appreciate any feedback you will give.
    Gaining too much weight beyond what is desired would be a consequence of a poorly executed nutrition program, not choosing Steroid A over Steroid B.

    Given your busy lifestyle, what does a typical day of eating look like for you? You have to be willing to commit to the lifestyle 100% otherwise you are going to be left feeling disappointed when your cycle ends.

    What is your current weight, height and body fat % ? And where do you want to be in 12 weeks ?

    EQ alone, especially at that dose is going to accomplish nothing positive only negative.

    Clomid only is inadequate for PCT it should be partnered with Tamoxifen.

    During cycle you want to use HCG, 500IU twice per week being the recommended amount. The purpose of HCG is that it mimics two hormrones FSH and LH. Both of these hornrones stop being produced when your natural testosterone is shut down.

    People tend to have very polar opinions of EQ, either they think it's useless outside of Horses, or they recommend it a lot.

    There is a sticky on your first successful cycle by Austinite it will illuminate you on a lot of information and answer questions you didn't even think of. Most people recommend testosterone only for a first cycle because it's going to be the base of every cycle so you can establish how you react to it, whether your estrogen sensitive, the dosing of AI required (if any), reactions to common side effects like acne, etc

    Before cycling you are going to want to do full panel of bloodwork in any circumstance . At 41 years old, you may be a candidate for TRT. this route will open tons of doors and make everything a lot easier, now and in the future.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  5. #5
    Thanks for all the info guys. Extremely helpful.

    I am currently 180pounds, 180cm. I could probably gain more weight and relocate some of what I already have with just the excersice, but it has gotten harder with the years and the going is small. And to be honest I would like to give it a go nonetheless.

    Just to clarify, I am not expecting to gain too much weight in pure muscle, but there is the issue of bloating that could make it noticable.

    I am not sure how easy it would be to get TRT in Norway, but I will definitely check.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frodo77 View Post
    Just to clarify, I am not expecting to gain too much weight in pure muscle, but there is the issue of bloating that could make it noticable..
    a fair majority of the available AAS out there are 'dry' compounds that don't cause much bloating to begin with.. just keep your test dosage low then (150mg) and it won't be an issue with EQ (or Winstrol, Mast, Var, Primo, Tbol, Superdrol, Tren, etc..)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Before cycling you are going to want to do full panel of bloodwork in any circumstance .

    Be sure to do this and be sure to include a hormone panel as well as LH & FSH
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
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    I'm running 300test 600eq at the moment (2.5 weeks in). Did a bunch of research on eq and it does cause shut down. There was this study on rabbits and the group given even low dose eq had a shutdown in their testosterone levels (not full but noticeable) as well as decreased sperm levels. For the reason I'd recommend at least running a TRT dose of test at as little as 100mg / week with the eq. Your shut down anyways so trt dose test will most likely not cause any bad sides.

    My estrogen is fully in check on 300test 600eq but keep an AI / nolva on hand in case you experience symptoms. Running arimidex is overkill for that little EQ which does not aromatize heavily at all. If anything run low dose nolva to avoid crashing estrogen. I would personally NOT run an AI and only add if you begin to notice symptoms (water retention, itchy nipples etc.). Test will be giving you estrogen issues way more than EQ ever will even run at lower dosages.

    Have to thank gearheaded for guiding me this way instead of just throwing an AI in for the hell of it like a lot of people do and I did my first time.

    To your point on gaining weight too fast. That just is not the case. Especially choosing a dry compound not known for rapid weight gain such as EQ. If you are really worried about that - just throw in some more cardio and restrict calories, this will do more for reducing weight gain than low dose EQ ever would add to you.
    Last edited by jackfrost88; 01-25-2019 at 11:24 AM.

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