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Thread: Pinning directly after training??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Pinning directly after training??

    I have a question regarding whether or not pinning test cypionate after direct training including high pulls, deads, rows, benches, squats, dips, presses, neck exercises, abs. There are testosterone boosting exercises in that routine so my question is..... Is there anymore benefit of injecting directly after this kind of routine as test levels should raise due to the lifts preformed?

  2. #2
    lifting weights will not raise your testosterone levels if you are on cycle.
    while on cycle your body is shut down and thus not producing any significant test

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    You may be overthinking this. Just stick to your schedule if it's been working.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I know what you mean but all the research I've read about testosterone production from the big lifts just made me wonder if somehow it could be spiked even more with injections direct after training....
    Also it says on other sites that 200mg weekly cypionate can have massive effects on cardio sports... Most UFC fighters juice but I just want to know what and how? Lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I can understand the chain of thought, however I would imagine the differences would be negligible. Stick with your current schedule.

  6. #6
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    if you got a 10% raise in natty test production after lifting , lets say it went from 400 ng/dl to 440 ng/dl (that spike, though measurable on paper will do nothing for muscle building). And even if you did inject test cyp when your natty production was slightly more elevated , test cyp is a long ester with a 10 day half life .. its not going to be saturated in blood for days later anyhow.

    depending on where your at in your cycle (I,e, how many weeks you been on) and what your dosage is (and what other drugs you may be running) your natty test production is likely going to be shutting down and getting less and less daily anyhow.
    a dead lift is not going to change that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    I think that even without aas the differences would be negligible. Alot of these studies aren't dont with experienced bodybuilders. Anytime i see a study about muscle gain or fat loss that based their results on a group of people who arent already killing it in the gym and in the kitchen i take it with a big grain of salt. Just food for thought.

  8. #8
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    another thing to remember is that increases in natural test production are not linear in increase in performance or anabolism (meaning that just cause test levels go up does not mean performance or muscle building will go up at the same rate).

    if you have a test level of say 400 , and you increase it to 500 (no gains), then you increase it to 600 (no gains), then you increase it to 800 (no gains) then you increase it to say 1100 (then maybe your body starts up regulating some gains).
    point is its not a linear progression .

    thats why for gains using just test, its best to go to supraphysiological levels in order to force the gains to come .. so say you have your 400 natural test level , and then you inject a gram of test per week , and NOW your test levels are in the 6000 ng/dl range. thats a huge increase and to levels your body has never seen . then its forced into anabolism really.

    small natural increases in test production don't illicit more gains . thats why test boosters, even if they did work for increasing natty test levels would still not do anything for gains

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    NC Highlands
    Quote Originally Posted by simm View Post
    I have a question regarding whether or not pinning test cypionate after direct training including high pulls, deads, rows, benches, squats, dips, presses, neck exercises, abs. There are testosterone boosting exercises in that routine so my question is..... Is there anymore benefit of injecting directly after this kind of routine as test levels should raise due to the lifts preformed?
    -Another aspect is that the ester would prevent any immediate effects which is also a reason localized injections make no difference, test is systemic.
    -But, an interesting idea comes up and that is about the receptor sites, I think GH refers to this as up-regulating? I wonder, if test could be delivered to the right place, on demand, could the muscles be primed through lifting?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    -But, an interesting idea comes up and that is about the receptor sites, I think GH refers to this as up-regulating? I wonder, if test could be delivered to the right place, on demand, could the muscles be primed through lifting?
    I think this concept works great with drugs/hormones that are immediately anabolic, like insulin.. heres what I mean

    95% of the day your blood is around your organs and brain etc.. theres not a ton of blood flowing to your biceps, for example, all day long constantly. SO the one time of the day/week that there is going to be a hundred fold increase in the blood flow to your biceps is the day you train biceps.
    well lets go ahead and take advantage of that 'one way ticket' to blood flow to the biceps. we know that everything a bicep muscle cell is going to need to grow is found in the blood (insulin, proteins, glucose, creatine and other nutrients etc.). so by using Insulin, which is an immediate acting anabolic , during this one time we have a ton of blood flow to the biceps, we can force a ton of nutrients and really super compensate things for the biceps when we have all this stuff going on (rather then all week long when again we have very little blood flow to the muscle).

    so this would be an example of 'priming the muscle' and using an immediately anabolic acting compound (insulin) to act directly on to that muscle and thus help bring that muscle up if its a week body part, at the specific time your training it (or causing the blood flow to it to increase a hundred fold).

    this is an example of picking a muscle, picking a stimulus, and picking a specific drug at a specific time to interact and cause an effect on the targeted muscle
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-25-2019 at 12:20 PM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    There is probably a FREE test raising effect of training but that is it. On the other hand if hard training lowers insulin that should lower free test..

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