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  1. #1
    wizzy is offline Junior Member
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    My Blood work (few concerns)

    Gonna attach is below. Major concern is the estrogen and the RDW values.
    What am I taking?
    Test Prop 75mg EOD
    Mast Prop 120mg EOD
    Anavar 50mg ED
    T3 50mcg ED
    Clen 40mcg ED

    Everything is Pharmacom except the T3 which is Tiromel. Something doesn't seem right the Estrogen shouldn't be so high on this cycle? Also what can I do about the RDW value?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My Blood work (few concerns)-blood-work-1.jpg   My Blood work (few concerns)-blood-work-3.jpg   My Blood work (few concerns)-bloodwork-2.jpg  

  2. #2
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Umm are you taking an anti-estrogen?

  3. #3
    Kyle1337's Avatar
    Kyle1337 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizzy View Post
    Gonna attach is below. Major concern is the estrogen and the RDW values.
    What am I taking?
    Test Prop 75mg EOD
    Mast Prop 120mg EOD
    Anavar 50mg ED
    T3 50mcg ED
    Clen 40mcg ED

    Everything is Pharmacom except the T3 which is Tiromel. Something doesn't seem right the Estrogen shouldn't be so high on this cycle? Also what can I do about the RDW value?
    Did you tell them the correct test for E2? Sensative E2 assay?

  4. #4
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Ugh i hate having to look up the different conversion units...

    anyways... ur labwork looks fine..

    Ill just go thru the red ones..

    - LH gonna be low on cycle cuz of suppression
    - HDL (good cholesterol) is low but other numbers look good, this can be a issue while on supplemental testosterone .... look @ your diet with this
    - Estrogen is gonna be elevated due to very elevated testosterone levels in your body, however truthfully its gonna have to come down to your symptoms, that number while elevated for a male, is not very high for a premenopausal female(74-1470).. since you have very very high levels of testosterone in your body, you are naturally going to have increased estrogen. Since your testosterone is over 50 nmol/L ( normal 8-27), this is why your estrogen is high. What really matters is the ratio between Testosterone and Estrogen, aka the T:E ratio. So yes, it is normal for estrogen to be that elevated while on supplemental testosterone.
    - T4 is low, but you are taking T3... I dont know why you are taking T3... I assume you are trying to cut.. but your TSH is normal... so, good luck with that.. I tend not to mess with thyroid hormones..
    - WBC is elevated, likely a stress reaction or u are fighting an infection... but u dont have a neutrophil predominance so thats all good ( only 74%)...
    - The rest of the CBC... RDW is increased, it looks like u have some iron deficiency... or at least low on your iron stores... Honestly I wouldnt worry about the RDW... but since you are concerned... When did you start your cycle? have you been on thyroid meds before? do you have prior CBC values?

    There u go

    Hope that helps

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