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  1. #1
    Third Tier's Avatar
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    Test c and Ostarine cycle

    Hey everyone... now I’ve seen posts reguarding this topic and was wondering if these compounds would work well together.
    Was searching for a similar post but had trouble finding. So just throwing it out there.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
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    What’s your goal? Also what other cycles have you tried?

  3. #3
    Third Tier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    What’s your goal? Also what other cycles have you tried?
    I’ve ran ostarine twice for about 7-8 weeks each time and ran test c cycle but stopped about mid way due to a shoulder issue.
    Goals are to do a recomp. I’m 44 5 11
    Prob about 20 % bf

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
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    I wouldn’t waste my time with SARMS personally. Just run a basic test e or test c cycle but I would try and cut the bf down first.

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Its mandatory. U dont wanna run sarms without test.
    But at 20%, do dont wanna run more than 250 mg test ew.
    U should add cardarine and mk677 to your ostarine cycle to really get things to happen
    But ostarine is the weakest sarm. LGD or S23 is it, but I guess u wanna read up on s23 first cause its new. But i have run it several times and it rocks.
    LGD is among most said to be the best SARM though. But most will say its for bulking. But recomp is diett and cardio and i dont see why LGD cant be used.

    But guys think LGD or S23 need a better pct than ost, but when u run test, u need a good pct so that argu is lame.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Its mandatory. U dont wanna run sarms without test.
    But at 20%, do dont wanna run more than 250 mg test ew.
    U should add cardarine and mk677 to your ostarine cycle to really get things to happen
    But ostarine is the weakest sarm. LGD or S23 is it, but I guess u wanna read up on s23 first cause its new. But i have run it several times and it rocks.
    LGD is among most said to be the best SARM though. But most will say its for bulking. But recomp is diett and cardio and i dont see why LGD cant be used.

    But guys think LGD or S23 need a better pct than ost, but when u run test, u need a good pct so that argu is lame.

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    You mean no more than 250 mg of test with ostarine ???

  7. #7
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    imo, for males LGD is way better choice then Ostarine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    imo, for males LGD is way better choice then Ostarine.
    How do you think they would work together

  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Third Tier View Post
    How do you think they would work together
    LGD is going to be mildly suppressive. so adding in exogenous test is going to fill that void and give you the needed estrogen to help promote growth and sexual function, and the needed androgens for agression and DHT for sexual function as well. the LGD will then mainly work as your pure Anabolic upregulating protein synthesis, nitrogen retention etc. needed to build muscle .
    so they will work together great (think of the LGD as being anabolic jet fuel added to the anabolic fire of the test). 250mg of test all by itself is not all that anabolic , so 20mg of LGD per day will definitely add to this

  10. #10
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Third Tier View Post
    How do you think they would work together
    They dont work together most say. More sides no more effect. Like 15-25 mg LGD is all your ARs can cope with. Adding 30 mg ostarine will just not be used. Most say. My experiences say the same. Half a dose LGD and half a dose ost migth work but why not go all in with the LGD.

    Yepp...250 mg test with your SARM when recomping from 20%.

    Why?..u dont need more for a recomp and running 500 mg test at 20% is bad most will say cause at 20% u have lots of enzymes which will covert your test into e2 witch leads to severe sides and puffy look.
    Its difficult enough to controll extra test at 15%.

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  11. #11
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    LGD is going to be mildly suppressive. so adding in exogenous test is going to fill that void and give you the needed estrogen to help promote growth and sexual function, and the needed androgens for agression and DHT for sexual function as well. the LGD will then mainly work as your pure Anabolic upregulating protein synthesis, nitrogen retention etc. needed to build muscle .
    so they will work together great (think of the LGD as being anabolic jet fuel added to the anabolic fire of the test). 250mg of test all by itself is not all that anabolic , so 20mg of LGD per day will definitely add to this
    Think he meant how would ost and lgd work together

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  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Think he meant how would ost and lgd work together

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    yeah think so .. probably would be pointless to run Osta and LGD together. just run a higher dose of LGD cause I don't think the Osta is going to provide the receptor any additional information then what the LGD does .

    which is different then actual AAS.. running 5 different steroids can provide 5 unique sets of information to the cell (eg, test + tren + mast + winstrol + primo, will all bind to receptors individually, transduce coding to the cell, and then move on to another receptor, all providing DNA its own unique muscle building code).

    I'm not sure that SARMS work quite the same way though. as they are more 'selective' in how they bind and relay information, and AAS are not so much.
    to the cell both Osta and LGD may be the same thing essentially.. idk , or they may relay the same "Selective" information to the cell (again as a SARM , ie, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) . AAS are all unique and not selective and relay all sorts of different information to cells

  13. #13
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yeah think so .. probably would be pointless to run Osta and LGD together. just run a higher dose of LGD cause I don't think the Osta is going to provide the receptor any additional information then what the LGD does .

    which is different then actual AAS.. running 5 different steroids can provide 5 unique sets of information to the cell (eg, test + tren + mast + winstrol + primo, will all bind to receptors individually, transduce coding to the cell, and then move on to another receptor, all providing DNA its own unique muscle building code).

    I'm not sure that SARMS work quite the same way though. as they are more 'selective' in how they bind and relay information, and AAS are not so much.
    to the cell both Osta and LGD may be the same thing essentially.. idk , or they may relay the same "Selective" information to the cell (again as a SARM , ie, Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) . AAS are all unique and not selective and relay all sorts of different information to cells
    Agree. The steroid synergic effect is wellknown for many years.
    But, personall experiences tell me it do not relate to sarms.
    I dont see much difference from 25 mg LGD and 25 mg LGD and 25 mg S23 even. Maybe little more dry look with the lgd/s23 combi but thats the only thing.
    Guess the synergy would be even less with ost n lgd.
    But adding mk677 and cardarine to the equation, well that is a complete other story. The effects then just add up if u ask me.

    But the most interessting part is studying the synergy beetween sarms and steroids. As we speak my take these days is that that combi dont work as good as expected. I think there will be some competition on the ARs. And the weaker SARMs are not an easy win for the more effective steroids im afraid.
    Meaning. Running 500 test 500 deca 25 LGD migth give the same results as 500 test and 500 deca. Or maybe less. As test and deca are ofcourse more effective than lgd but looses space at the receptors for the tripplecombi.
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    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 03-01-2019 at 12:22 AM.

  14. #14
    Third Tier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    They dont work together most say. More sides no more effect. Like 15-25 mg LGD is all your ARs can cope with. Adding 30 mg ostarine will just not be used. Most say. My experiences say the same. Half a dose LGD and half a dose ost migth work but why not go all in with the LGD.

    Yepp...250 mg test with your SARM when recomping from 20%.

    Why?..u dont need more for a recomp and running 500 mg test at 20% is bad most will say cause at 20% u have lots of enzymes which will covert your test into e2 witch leads to severe sides and puffy look.
    Its difficult enough to controll extra test at 15%.

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    So 200-250 mg of test along with 25 mg lgd
    Would help with the recomp than just test alone ? I would imagine just a standard pct with clomid and nolva?

  15. #15
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Third Tier View Post
    So 200-250 mg of test along with 25 mg lgd
    Would help with the recomp than just test alone ? I would imagine just a standard pct with clomid and nolva?
    Standard pct
    Works better than test only
    But..much more if u added cardarine and mk677. Read up. No sides to it

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  16. #16
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by AR's King Silabolin View Post
    Agree. The steroid synergic effect is wellknown for many years.
    But, personall experiences tell me it do not relate to sarms .
    I dont see much difference from 25 mg LGD and 25 mg LGD and 25 mg S23 even. Maybe little more dry look with the lgd/s23 combi but thats the only thing.
    Guess the synergy would be even less with ost n lgd.
    But adding mk677 and cardarine to the equation, well that is a complete other story. The effects then just add up if u ask me.

    But the most interessting part is studying the synergy beetween sarms and steroids . As we speak my take these days is that that combi dont work as good as expected. I think there will be some competition on the ARs. And the weaker SARMs are not an easy win for the more effective steroids im afraid.
    Meaning. Running 500 test 500 deca 25 LGD migth give the same results as 500 test and 500 deca. Or maybe less. As test and deca are ofcourse more effective than lgd but looses space at the receptors for the tripplecombi.
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    we are in agreement here with most of what is said , especially about Steroids being more synergetic together then SARMs more then likely..

    I'll only point out that we have a different take on how Anaboics work on the androgen receptors themselves.

    I don't believe there is any such thing as "receptor competition" between drugs. one drug does not beat out another drug for binding to the androgen receptors (if such competition existed, the body can simply produce a million more androgen receptors in a few days). a steroid does NOT bind to an androgen receptor and stay stuck there indefinitely. it binds to an androgen receptor, relays information to the cell, and then it moves on to the next androgen receptor to do the same thing. and so on and so on. a drug does not bind to the receptors and say "ha, these are my receptors and my receptors only" , no it binds and relays information and moves on, and other drugs can also bind to those same receptors and relay the information that they have to relay.

    if you took 20 different steroids at high dosages.. over time all 20 of those drugs would eventually bind to receptors and relay information. there would not be competition where some drugs binds and other drugs get wasted. no they would all eventually bind , and not only that but some receptors would have had all 20 different drugs bound to it at some point (as again, drugs bind to receptors and the detach and move on to others). if one drug has a stronger affinity for AR binding then another drug, it may bind to said receptor first , but again its eventually going to detach and another drug can bind to that same receptor (its not going to hog it long term).

    also, keep in mind that there are
    class 1 steroids and class 2 steroids.. class 1 steroids are dependent on androgen receptor binding to illicit their magic. class 2 steroids on the other hand are not dependent on androgen receptor binding at all in order to work, as they work through other mechanisms . so of course there can be no competition between these 2 steroids really
    example, tren is not going to compete with Anadrol for AR binding, being Anadrol is not dependent on AR binding to work being its a class 2 steroid
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-01-2019 at 09:57 AM.

  17. #17
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    U can study all the theori and it dont mean shit. Look to Jason Blaha f.i. He pretty much destroys all BB training technics and diettmethods because he has read or found a study. Yet he looks like dogshit for real even if he tris big time.
    Broscience and experiences from the trenches tell running 100 mg of sarms or 20 drugs are not as effective as we should think.
    The biochemical explanation is not that important.
    Its not critic. Your comment was very good and indepth. As usual!

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