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Thread: Please help cycle info

  1. #1

    Please help cycle info

    Hey everyone. First post, new member. Was a part time reader before. Looking for some advice from a more seasoned guy about my cycle and have 2 questions answered hopefully

    Firstly, I’m 5’11 and 215 pounds about 17% bf and the goal is to drop to around 190 ish pounds and have the abs show. Starting my second cycle ever, but first cycle with test. Last cycle was winstrol only and I found it useless. Now I’m going to

    Week 1-4
    400mg test (blend)
    .5mg arimidex eod

    Week 4-10
    400mg test
    .5mg arimidex eod
    50mg anavar ED

    Are these dosages what you’d expect so see in a beginner anavar cycle for weight loss? Will it have a much greater effect than naturally cutting?

    I have my nolva and clomid on hand for PCT but I really wanted to do HCG for pct as well, I just can’t find any info on how to use it or when to start it or how much or when to stop it or anything like that and was looking for a general sense of direction on how to use hcg in your post cycle as well

    Last question, I have been reading nolvadex can be used if you start to develop gyno while on cycle - but nobody goes into detail on how to use it if that problem were to arise and I was just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction on that.

    Thanks everyone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Cumminstech View Post
    Hey everyone. First post, new member. Was a part time reader before. Looking for some advice from a more seasoned guy about my cycle and have 2 questions answered hopefully

    Firstly, I’m 5’11 and 215 pounds about 17% bf and the goal is to drop to around 190 ish pounds and have the abs show. Starting my second cycle ever, but first cycle with test. Last cycle was winstrol only and I found it useless. Now I’m going to

    Week 1-4
    400mg test (blend)
    .5mg arimidex eod

    Week 4-10
    400mg test
    .5mg arimidex eod
    50mg anavar ED

    Are these dosages what you’d expect so see in a beginner anavar cycle for weight loss? Will it have a much greater effect than naturally cutting?

    I have my nolva and clomid on hand for PCT but I really wanted to do HCG for pct as well, I just can’t find any info on how to use it or when to start it or how much or when to stop it or anything like that and was looking for a general sense of direction on how to use hcg in your post cycle as well

    Last question, I have been reading nolvadex can be used if you start to develop gyno while on cycle - but nobody goes into detail on how to use it if that problem were to arise and I was just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction on that.

    Thanks everyone.
    - Use a single ester Testosterone like Cypionate or Enanthate or Prop. Do not use a blend.

    - If your plan is to go 215lbs - 190lbs with abs (9-11% BF) in 12 weeks it's not a realities goal.

    Make sure your stats (ie BF) are accurately measured. Self reporting is a very poor subjective indicator whether it's body fat, nutrition, training etc. Leads to blaming gear, being more reckless in future cycles,Yo-Yo'ing etc.

    - HCG on cycle not PCT; 250IU 2x week

    - AI dose is bananas, way too high. Full panel of bloodwork before + after PCT (6-8wks) + during cycle. No AI at all. Bloodwork during cycle - add and dose AI based on symptoms + bloodwork. Tamoxifen at 10mg is the starting point for gyno.

    - Cutting fat has everything to do with diet and training, not drugs. Anabolic steroids help preserve muscle in a caloric deficit which is where the whole philosophy of bulk/cut stemmed . Post your diet and training for review. A poor diet will result in no success for you except an empty wallet

    - Anavar is a double edged sword. Great anabolic, lots of positive benefits. However, it's one of the most faked steroids and expensive. Newer people to the lifestyle often don't understand how to spot fakes or don't do enough research to source a quality lab. Buyer beware. Same concept as the diet piece - do your research so your hard earned money doesn't go out the window
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  3. #3
    What’s the issue with using a blend? I’m doing the same anavar a lot of people I know have done, and can be as certain as possible that it’s good gear.

    Diet is same thing every day, I don’t get tired of it

    Breakfast wrap
    Small tortilla, 1 egg, 3 slices of smoked chicken breast, 1 piece of cheese and some fresh salsa 350 cals

    Lunch is chicken breast with 1 1/3 cup brown rice 500 cals

    Dinner is another chicken breast with steamed veggies and mashed potatoes
    650 cals

    Between breakfast and lunch I eat a banana (100 cals) and have a protein shake (200 cals)

    Brings me to a daily total of 1800 calories. I know it might sound bullshit, but I don’t usually snack or sway away from this at all.

    Monday - Thursday gym
    10 minute treadmill
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x15 large muscle group
    3x10 large muscle group
    3x15 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    20 minutes of cardio to end

    Saturday/Sunday gym
    30 minutes of cardio in the morning before eating anything, for no reason other than I like the way it makes me feel to start the day. I Don’t lift weights on these days, I just go hit stair climber for 30 minutes in the morning before I eat breakfast. I’m usually very active on weekends.

  4. #4
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Cumminstech View Post
    What’s the issue with using a blend? I’m doing the same anavar a lot of people I know have done, and can be as certain as possible that it’s good gear.

    Diet is same thing every day, I don’t get tired of it

    Breakfast wrap
    Small tortilla, 1 egg, 3 slices of smoked chicken breast, 1 piece of cheese and some fresh salsa 350 cals

    Lunch is chicken breast with 1 1/3 cup brown rice 500 cals

    Dinner is another chicken breast with steamed veggies and mashed potatoes
    650 cals

    Between breakfast and lunch I eat a banana (100 cals) and have a protein shake (200 cals)

    Brings me to a daily total of 1800 calories. I know it might sound bullshit, but I don’t usually snack or sway away from this at all.

    Monday - Thursday gym
    10 minute treadmill
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x15 large muscle group
    3x10 large muscle group
    3x15 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    20 minutes of cardio to end

    Saturday/Sunday gym
    30 minutes of cardio in the morning before eating anything, for no reason other than I like the way it makes me feel to start the day. I Don’t lift weights on these days, I just go hit stair climber for 30 minutes in the morning before I eat breakfast. I’m usually very active on weekends.
    Diet has significant room for improvement - read the nutrition stickies.

    - Missing most of the micro nutrition
    - not enough calories, don't see macros or TDEE
    - if you aren't salting your food sodium is way too low
    - missing 2 out of 3 types of fat
    - only 1 serving of vegetables
    - unclear which meals are pre/post workout if any

    Blends are poor for cycling because of multiple reasons
    - more PIP on average
    - more often underdosed (not every case but the stereotype exaists for a reason).
    - has zero advantage over single esters
    - if it's only long esters that means you wait longer for PCT and recovery because of decanoatr
    - if it's a mix of short and long then you have to pin every other day otherwise your wasting a good % of the gear because of the elimination half life

    Multiple people running a compound doesn't necessarily make it more or less legit, especially if they are ill informed. Hindsight always 20/20. Not trying to give you a hard time - but we see people all the time either buy from a group of friends and get ripped off or don't do their proper research

    Research the lab independently
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by Cumminstech View Post
    What’s the issue with using a blend? I’m doing the same anavar a lot of people I know have done, and can be as certain as possible that it’s good gear.

    Diet is same thing every day, I don’t get tired of it

    Breakfast wrap
    Small tortilla, 1 egg, 3 slices of smoked chicken breast, 1 piece of cheese and some fresh salsa 350 cals

    Lunch is chicken breast with 1 1/3 cup brown rice 500 cals

    Dinner is another chicken breast with steamed veggies and mashed potatoes
    650 cals

    Between breakfast and lunch I eat a banana (100 cals) and have a protein shake (200 cals)

    Brings me to a daily total of 1800 calories. I know it might sound bullshit, but I don’t usually snack or sway away from this at all.

    Monday - Thursday gym
    10 minute treadmill
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x12 large muscle group
    3x15 large muscle group
    3x10 large muscle group
    3x15 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    3x12 small muscle group
    20 minutes of cardio to end

    Saturday/Sunday gym
    30 minutes of cardio in the morning before eating anything, for no reason other than I like the way it makes me feel to start the day. I Don’t lift weights on these days, I just go hit stair climber for 30 minutes in the morning before I eat breakfast. I’m usually very active on weekends.

    Hello , I am an old guy but not super smart on the very detailed parts of cycling since I am on TRT and have just done a blast or so here and there . I have been around a while and picked up some great info here , THE BEST YOU WILL GET !

    1) 1st thing IMHO , is the smart guys are going to say right off lack of food - study nutrition before more wasted $$$
    2) 1800 calories IMHO will not increase and barley , maintain current level of gains .... just not enough food !

    3) IF a knowledgeable member does answer you no need to argue or even disagree . When a knowledgeable member does answer they may even be a moderator ...... but if they are bold enough to correct you ..... you can bet they know their stuff ! Questions are fine but excuses or explanation of why you do things seldom needed ! There are tried and proven principles these guys know and are like math the formulas ; they give you are tried and proven answers to the questions you asked ! Best advice you will get anywhere !
    4) How old are you ?
    5) If you do not have current Blood Work do you have your last full male panel including Ultra sensitive male estradiol/estrogen reading and your free and total test .
    6) How long have you been eating tight .
    7) How many years have you been serious about lifting ?
    8) How long natty before your previous cycle and how long ago ?
    9) Did I miss you stating your height and what is your waist size ?

    lol , I type slow but the above replay proves my old ass has learned a little and my questions are still relevant to giving you a more educated answer . Diet just jumps off the page and needs improvement in many areas .
    Added before previous post I just type slow !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 02-26-2019 at 11:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Sorry, my intention wasn’t to question anyone in my replies. I know your all experienced, That’s what I came here for. Hand in hand though, I’m not a newbie either. I know how to diet and lift weights, I’ve been lifting for 6 years and am happy with where I am at right now. However I am a newbie to the gear and that is what I am looking for advice on, although I’m always open to constructive criticism in other departments.

    Height is 5’11 age is 23 waste size is 34” and lifted natty for 6 years before trying winstrol (oral only) last summer. Been natty since then again. This would be first pinning cycle.

    I’m trying to eat a small amount of calories cause I’m trying to lose weight slightly faster than normal. I’m happy with my caloric intake.
    I’m pretty content with my diet to be honest, I’ve had great results with it in the past, though I am open to suggestions.

    Really what I was wondering about was if anyone’s cut with test and anavar and if you had a noticeable difference as opposed to cutting naturally. What I wanted to do was get down to 190 by end of April, and then do test and dbol to help me go back up to a real lean 210 by June.

  7. #7
    When you get on Test, the Test increase protein synthesis. You'll be able to build muscle with a lower cal diet. You will not get huge on a limited diet but you will see body composition change.

    You're 23? You're taking a unnecessary chance with an AAS cycle. I've read too many young guys posting sexual issues because they cycled too young.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cumminstech View Post
    Sorry, my intention wasn’t to question anyone in my replies. I know your all experienced, That’s what I came here for. Hand in hand though, I’m not a newbie either. I know how to diet and lift weights, I’ve been lifting for 6 years and am happy with where I am at right now. However I am a newbie to the gear and that is what I am looking for advice on, although I’m always open to constructive criticism in other departments.

    Height is 5’11 age is 23 waste size is 34” and lifted natty for 6 years before trying winstrol (oral only) last summer. Been natty since then again. This would be first pinning cycle.

    I’m trying to eat a small amount of calories cause I’m trying to lose weight slightly faster than normal. I’m happy with my caloric intake.
    I’m pretty content with my diet to be honest, I’ve had great results with it in the past, though I am open to suggestions.

    Really what I was wondering about was if anyone’s cut with test and anavar and if you had a noticeable difference as opposed to cutting naturally. What I wanted to do was get down to 190 by end of April, and then do test and dbol to help me go back up to a real lean 210 by June.
    Cutting with gear is always better than natural - that's just common sense. If it weren't the case then people would only use gear to gain weight.

    There's probably a couple dozen logs on the board of Test + Anavar. You will find a log of literally every possible combination of every Test + other steroid for every possible goal (cut, bulk, recomp, strength), etc somewhere on the internet. Like I said before, the drugs don't matter to your goal - it's the diet and training that do. The steroids are the last 5% of the equation.

    I started on the board young, convinced I had all the answers until I read the educational threads and had a vet talk some sense in to me. I thought I knew how to eat and train. Had I not listened, I would've wasted thousands on gear, food, and whatever my time may be worth.

    Trying to speed up weight loss with over restricting calories is not a recipe for success. Your body cares about homeostasis, not how fast you want to lose weight. This is why there are a bunch of oompa loompa's running around with pencil arms, chicken legs, and still a gut/lovehandles because they wanted to get shredded in hopes of having a beach threesome with a blonde asian and russian redhead.

    When calories are too low, the body goes into starvation mode. That means it tries to get rid of muscle first - muscle has the highest oxygen and blood demand, and requires the most out of the circulatory system for eliminating waste (ie lactic acid buildup). Plus when there is no micro nutrition the body says "well Jimmy isn't giving me the right building blocks for this muscle so I may as well get rid of it."

    Your diet is not good - it's that simple. It is missing ALOT. You will never reach your goals without fixing your diet, even if your bathtub was full of Testosterone and your closet was stacked sky high of Anavar.
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  9. #9
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    I would use your time to learn more about nutrition and training - cycling at your age has more risks than rewards.

    You will get much more out of a cycle by experimenting with carbs, training techniques, supplement to etc over the next 18ish months and waiting to cycle later with a much better base to build off of with more education + experience
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  10. #10
    I’m sorry maybe I’m just confused with what your critiquing? If my TDEE is 2400 cals a day and I’m eating 1900, that’s a caloric deficit of 600. Ok, maybe I need to eat more veggies - but I don’t think -600 is too much is it?

    My mind is pretty made on gear. I’ve been going to the gym for a long time and wanting to do it, but holding off for a decent chunk of time. Now I feel the time is right, I am physically and mentally ready. Just trying to educate myself for the best results and not be working backward.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cumminstech View Post
    I’m sorry maybe I’m just confused with what your critiquing? If my TDEE is 2400 cals a day and I’m eating 1900, that’s a caloric deficit of 600. Ok, maybe I need to eat more veggies - but I don’t think -600 is too much is it?

    My mind is pretty made on gear. I’ve been going to the gym for a long time and wanting to do it, but holding off for a decent chunk of time. Now I feel the time is right, I am physically and mentally ready. Just trying to educate myself for the best results and not be working backward.
    You have yet to convince anyone the time is right.

    1 - Why do you think you are mentally ready?

    What activities have you done to improve focus in gym? Meditation? Yoga ? etc. What steps have you taken to optimize sleep? saying I sleep for X hours btw is not optimizing sleep.

    What side effects have you mentally accepted if things go badly? Do you know the price for TRT where you live ?

    2 - Why do you think you are physically ready?

    What bloodwork monitoring have you done?

    Where is the imaging done to check for growth plate closure and bone density ?

    What research have you done on family history of complications?

    Where is the training journal showing a plateau over extended period of time?

    Where is the food log recording carb sensitivity?

    At 215 lbs your TDEE should be higher than 2400 unless you are texting for 10 minutes between sets and sleeping 16 hours a day.

    There's a lot more missing than vegetables like I said. There are fats missing, you have empty calories, missing vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, the list goes on. Your diet is 4 / 10 at best.

    If you want to be stubborn and cycle - it is your perogative and your body. I am being blunt so you don't come back in 12 weeks complaining you wasted tons of money with nothing to show for it after coming off gear.
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  12. #12
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    Hummmm Windex MONITOR / Member since 2011 , Hummmm I wonder who he may be .........
    Newest member to be a MONITOR I have ever seen I am going to guess welcome back to someone ?

  13. #13
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    May 2015
    Many experienced guys say u dont wanna do anabolic testdoses unless ur at 15%.
    If ur goal is to cut only, i would do 250 test stacked with S23, Cardarine and mk677.
    Anavar on hand in case u feel u need to pimp it. But if diett on cardio is ok, i think u dont need the var.

    Benefits: very easy recovery, no BPissues, no extra water, liverfriendly, no aromatization and u dont have to use AI. DIM will keep it under controll. Remember, ais are bad for lipids.

    Only thing is, u need to buy yourself a good magnesium supp to clear possible sides from S23. (Google, youtube)
    Also add lcarnitine and pepper to your pwo. Helps u burn fat. Without sides what so ever.

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  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Hummmm Windex MONITOR / Member since 2011 , Hummmm I wonder who he may be .........
    Newest member to be a MONITOR I have ever seen I am going to guess welcome back to someone ?
    He earns it. Always serious, knowledgeable and dont interfer with the bs.

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  15. #15
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    Nov 2007
    I don’t think you’re ready either. Likely after pct and crashing you will find that dieting like that just doesn’t work and you may very well lose muscle and end up further back then you started.

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