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Thread: Quite fucked up of using fake gear

  1. #41
    Chrisp83TRT's Avatar
    Chrisp83TRT is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I'm not trying to be a douche bit it's obvious that you seem very unaware of the effects of AAS.
    Reading briefly through this thread, you need to educate yourself a ton more to better understand this lifestyle.

    It's not an over night experience. It takes years to build a grow a body not to mention consistency, proper nutrition and timing and a hell of alot of patience.
    You are expecting results after 1 days of injecting test prop ?

    Read through the stickies and the threads and better understand how all this stuff works.

    As couch as also said , there has to be tons of labs that have at least decent gear for you to get.

    Going to an endo and expecting them to just out you on trt isn't easy and when they do , you have to be under their rule of thumb , meaning what they say goes and you probably won't Enjoy that very much.

    And now a days it seems more and more doctors have no fucking clue about what and how a man should feel and how much. And what to take so take this app with a grain of salt and educate yourself on this subject more.

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    Jayd85 and Testlolblast like this.

  2. #42
    Testlolblast is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Well thank you, a really good information up in the comment. I will definitely think about what you have written. Peace!

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