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Thread: Anavar + Dbol?

  1. #1
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Anavar + Dbol?

    Hey all, just a thought regarding these 2 orals.

    I'm planning on running Dbol @ 30mg/day for 5 weeks, but I kinda want to run Anavar instead. The only thing holding me back, is that I was looking forward to the mental uplift from the Dbol. Always made me feel amazing. If I took Anavar instead, but kept a dbol dose at 10mg pre-workout, would that still give me the effects?

    On the other hand, I could be overthinking this entire thing, and maybe I should just run one or the other instead of trying to combine them? lol

    Thoughts? Any one try both at the same time at lower doses?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
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    Are you running test or just a weak oral cycle that will still be suppressive and not give you all that much.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.

    not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.

    lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.

    eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.

    you can do something similar with var and dbol

  4. #4
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.

    not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.

    lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.

    eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.

    you can do something similar with var and dbol
    Yes I agree from my expirience.
    Neither registered on liver tox in my bloods and I have ran a lot of both.

  5. #5
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.

    not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.

    lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.

    eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.

    you can do something similar with var and dbol
    what makes winstrol special for it's cortisol blocking effects compared to others?

    When I took strong psych drugs that lowered cortisol alot I was lethargic as hell, that shit was ridiculous. Winstrol is the only " oral" I've not used so I'm curious, never really heard anyone say winstrol made them feel good lol.

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    what makes winstrol special for it's cortisol blocking effects compared to others?

    When I took strong psych drugs that lowered cortisol alot I was lethargic as hell, that shit was ridiculous. Winstrol is the only " oral" I've not used so I'm curious, never really heard anyone say winstrol made them feel good lol.
    All AAS (especially some of the orals) can blunt Cortisol to a certain degree but this is only in a limited capacity at the receptor level.. Winstrol is the only AAS that I know of that blunts the actual production of Cortisol from the adrenal gland itself , very similar to Cytadren .

    the reason guys feel achy and not always so great on Winstrol is by completely blunting cortisol, your blocking your bodies own natural production of anti-inflammatory (one thing cortisol does/is) .. so your joints will start to ache, not cause they are 'dried out' but because they are a bit inflamed with no cortisol to bring down inflammation. this of course is positive in that cortisol is also a catabolic muscle wasting fat storing hormone as well. so its a fine balance.

    keep your Winny at 25mg per day and it shouldn't be an issue . but when your in contest prep or trying to get shredded and running 50-100mg per day , then yeah expect to feel a bit shitty and achy and 'inflamed'

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.

    not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.

    lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.

    eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.

    you can do something similar with var and dbol
    Great observation, GearHeaded. I wonder, almost for those ones are in TRT, if could be useful to run a brief course in the meanwhile, adding Var of Dbol to give a boost. Sometimes i got a good gains introducing Dbol 20-30mg/ED in my TRT for 3-4 weeks. After i stopped it and continued with Test E as cruising or TRT dosages. Although i take a lot of supplements for liver protection and lipids ( NAC, UDCA, Red Rice Yeast ), i was wondering what it should the ideal time to take a break from orals before starting them again. I know that it's hard to reply to this questions because it would be different for everyone according to BW and the dosages. What do you think it about ?

  8. #8
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I don’t see the point of running dBol ever again as long as I have Var on hand

  9. #9
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I don’t see the point of running dBol ever again as long as I have Var on hand
    The positive mental sides I get from Dbol are nothing short of amazing, so I asked the question, because if I decide to run Var, I'll lose out on the positive dbol sides, so I wanted to run them both, with Dbol at a lower dosage.

  10. #10
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Are you running test or just a weak oral cycle that will still be suppressive and not give you all that much.
    Sorry, but that has no relevance to my question.

  11. #11
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    yes of course you can run both. they are going to have some slightly synergistic properties and added benefits when combined together.

    not sure why guys think they can combine 5 different injectables but are supposed to only run one oral at a time. probably the over exaggeration of liver toxicity.. but either way, orals are just like any other AAS and often work better when stacked and combined.

    lots of ways to rotate different orals into your cycles, or combine them.

    eg. got clients running 25mg Winstrol first thing in the morning for the cortisol suppression and anabolic benefits, while running 50mg of Dbol or Adrol later in the day for the nutrient partitioning and nutrient retentive properties. great combo. later on they both may be pulled out and we will rotate in Var and Tbol for an anabolic only type phase. then a break. then another rotation.

    you can do something similar with var and dbol
    Okay perfect, just wanted to make sure there was some advantage of doing this. What doses would you recommend? I was thinking Dbol @ 20mg/day and Anavar at 40mg/day for the first 4 weeks of my cycle, and then drop the dbol and continue with Var for another 2-3 weeks.
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  12. #12
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShootingAcez View Post
    Sorry, but that has no relevance to my question.
    It was relevant because redz was looking out for your best interests. tons of people have come over the years trying to claim they don't need Test.

    You didn't include much information in your original post or talk about Testosterone - hence the assumption of the stereotype.
    Last edited by Windex; 03-26-2019 at 12:02 PM.
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    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  13. #13
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    nevermind Saw the other thread, why not just give relavent info instead of a cunty reply?
    Last edited by redz; 03-26-2019 at 12:14 PM.

  14. #14
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    nevermind Saw the other thread, why not just give relavent info instead of a cunty reply?
    Sorry mate. Off day. Yeah, I'll be running Test and some other compounds. Just wanting to find out if anyone has run Anavar and Dbol together and what the outcome was.
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  15. #15
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShootingAcez View Post
    Okay perfect, just wanted to make sure there was some advantage of doing this. What doses would you recommend? I was thinking Dbol @ 20mg/day and Anavar at 40mg/day for the first 4 weeks of my cycle, and then drop the dbol and continue with Var for another 2-3 weeks.
    so I agree with you that Dbol has great mental benefit aspects. thats why I've used it as a pre workout for a good 5 or so years (most affordable pre workout money can buy).

    now if your going to be using Anavar as your main anabolic agent for your cycle , then go ahead and run it like that (so 40-50mg per day). and the Dbol just keep it at 20mg as a pre workout. you can probably do this a good 6-7 weeks.

    the dbol and var will have some good synergy especially for muscle fullness and pumps. the Var is going to upregulate CP (creatine phosphate) and help with strength of contractions and ATP production , whereas the Dbol is going to help push more nutrients, water, minerals, etc. into the muscle cells. so you should have some outstanding workouts.. just take in plenty of carbs and salt and water around your workouts.
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  16. #16
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so I agree with you that Dbol has great mental benefit aspects. thats why I've used it as a pre workout for a good 5 or so years (most affordable pre workout money can buy).

    now if your going to be using Anavar as your main anabolic agent for your cycle , then go ahead and run it like that (so 40-50mg per day). and the Dbol just keep it at 20mg as a pre workout. you can probably do this a good 6-7 weeks.

    the dbol and var will have some good synergy especially for muscle fullness and pumps. the Var is going to upregulate CP (creatine phosphate) and help with strength of contractions and ATP production , whereas the Dbol is going to help push more nutrients, water, minerals, etc. into the muscle cells. so you should have some outstanding workouts.. just take in plenty of carbs and salt and water around your workouts.
    Okay perfect! I'm glad I had the right idea about their synergy!
    Now with regards to this little tweak of my cycle, should I cut the Winny at the end of the cycle? or keep it as is? I'll be on 1500mg/day of NAC and some milk thistle throughout the cycle. In your opinion, should that be good to continue with the Winny as well?

  17. #17
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I'd have to look at your entire cycle lay out again to really determine whats best .. but in general, a short 3-4 week run of Winstrol at the very end of a cycle up until the day PCT starts (so even after main cycle has ended) is not a bad idea at all.
    I have this in a lot of cycle lay outs that I've done. I label them as anti cortisol and anti estrogen phases. Winstrol or Cytadren being the preferred compounds. lowering Cortisol and Estrogen just before going into PCT is going to help optimize your recovery

  18. #18
    ShootingAcez is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'd have to look at your entire cycle lay out again to really determine whats best .. but in general, a short 3-4 week run of Winstrol at the very end of a cycle up until the day PCT starts (so even after main cycle has ended) is not a bad idea at all.
    I have this in a lot of cycle lay outs that I've done. I label them as anti cortisol and anti estrogen phases. Winstrol or Cytadren being the preferred compounds. lowering Cortisol and Estrogen just before going into PCT is going to help optimize your recovery
    Here's a snip of my cycle layout!

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