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Thread: Running test and deca but getting fat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Running test and deca but getting fat

    14 weeks - test cyp 500mg a week
    12 weeks - deca 250mg a week ( was running 400 but was running me up mentally so dropped the dose )

    Getting some decent size but I'm getting way to big in the mid section.

    I want to drop this weight and at least stop seeing some leanbess there while maintaining weight .

    Any suggestions.. I'm open to all and any.

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  2. #2
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    Not here.
    Where’s GH? For me personally, 500 mg. of test gained me minimal muscle & a crap load of fat (and water).

  3. #3
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    Drop some calories, not a lot, load up on water, and bump up on the cardio, HIIT, or whatever you do for your conditioning (easy to say but harder to do).

    Some people opt for stims or chemicals meant to speed up the metabolism, but I don't, so I won't comment on that strategy.

    I know you monitor your bloods religiously, so I seriously doubt it is related to anything in that department.

    If you're planning on running the cycle longer, you could drop the Deca and go with tren or....and this is just me, lower the Deca to 150mg/week or so and add low dose tren(200mg/week). I never really have any problems running 2 19-nors when the doses are kept on the low side.

    On the flip side you could throw the kitchen sink at it and run higher doses, but that's not my approach, so again no comment on that.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Drop some calories, not a lot, load up on water, and bump up on the cardio, HIIT, or whatever you do for your conditioning (easy to say but harder to do).

    Some people opt for stims or chemicals meant to speed up the metabolism, but I don't, so I won't comment on that strategy.

    I know you monitor your bloods religiously, so I seriously doubt it is related to anything in that department.

    If you're planning on running the cycle longer, you could drop the Deca and go with tren or....and this is just me, lower the Deca to 150mg/week or so and add low dose tren(200mg/week). I never really have any problems running 2 19-nors when the doses are kept on the low side.

    On the flip side you could throw the kitchen sink at it and run higher doses, but that's not my approach, so again no comment on that.
    Very helpful suggestions , thanks almost . Really appreciate it .
    I am going to go with it and add in tren and lower calories and get on the cardio ( hate it ) but it is necessary.

    Thanks bro

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Where’s GH? For me personally, 500 mg. of test gained me minimal muscle & a crap load of fat (and water).
    The bloat definitely doesn't help

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  6. #6
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    I’m on 900 deca and 250 Test and not gaining fat somethings off.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I’m on 900 deca and 250 Test and not gaining fat somethings off.
    Damn bro , how is that not effecting your mood or Libdo ?

    400 had me in a spiral of emotions that were not fun.

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  8. #8
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    Right now I'm not on cycle and just running 125 mg/week test E + 500 iu of HCG. I lost about 8 lbs in 2 months of off and on dieting. The past two weeks I saw the most results... here is what I do: Everything is salad based (romaine lettuce to be exact). I rotate the meats. I'll buy the chicken breast and make like 3-4 lbs at once. Chop it up and cook it. Add a bunch of dressing/sauce after it is halfway cooked and let it simmer. I eat it cold on top of the salad and it tastes great (no rubbery texture and weird flavor). Other days I do very lean ground beef with taco seasoning for flavor. The rest I use cans of tuna (usually at night). I eat this 3-4 times a day - the only meal I don't eat it on is breakfast. I use no bread except one slice with my eggs and turkey bacon in the morning. 1 egg + 2 egg white equivalents (I get the carton egg whites), and 2 slices of turkey bacon/low sodium. The only extra carbs I eat are the toppings: croutons or wonton strips/ crispy onions. I don't use low-fat dressing cause it tastes like shit. I get the regular kind. If you work out, 50 calories extra won't kill you.

    I haven't lost strength or size, but I look more defined and have a better v-taper. Good luck with your diet!

  9. #9
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    ^^^ Just to add to the post above about salad dressing, I do use salad dressing but dilute it to 50% water/ 50% salad dressing. It's is still plenty flavorful and keeps the calories down. I do the same with BBQ sauce when I use it.
    Also, a little beef or chicken broth added to your rice makes a huge difference with/ minimal calories. If I get a really strong craving for something sweet, it's a little Splenda on my grits or rice. Occasionally, I will use the sugar free pancake syrup watered down.

    Anything to zip up the flavor without punching up the calories.
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-01-2019 at 04:46 AM. Reason: Horrendous typing errors
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Damn bro , how is that not effecting your mood or Libdo ?

    400 had me in a spiral of emotions that were not fun.

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    Everyone is different. Some people experience PRL related issue at moderate dosages and others can really crank it up there without too much problem.

    Most guys love d'bol or drol, but those aren't for me. T'bol and Anavar treat me well. I'm a good bit older now than the last time I incorporated winny, so I'm not sure how well I would tolerate it these days
    Last edited by almostgone; 04-01-2019 at 04:47 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Damn bro , how is that not effecting your mood or Libdo ?

    400 had me in a spiral of emotions that were not fun.

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    What sort of emotions were you having?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Damn bro , how is that not effecting your mood or Libdo ?

    400 had me in a spiral of emotions that were not fun.

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    Were u running any AI or caber?

  14. #14
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    Nov 2007
    I currently use no ai and sex drive sky high. Anyone who hasn’t tried low test cycles should. It’s been a monumental shift in my performance and eliminated side effects.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Family_guy View Post
    What sort of emotions were you having?
    Deca had my mind in a fog , I wasn't seeing things usually how I normally would.

    Felt alone and sad. Its a alittle hard to explain but I didn't feel right.

    I dropped the deca to half the dose of test and about a week later I was feeling "normal"

    Wasn't overthinking anything

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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    Deca had my mind in a fog , I wasn't seeing things usually how I normally would.

    Felt alone and sad. Its a alittle hard to explain but I didn't feel right.

    I dropped the deca to half the dose of test and about a week later I was feeling "normal"

    Wasn't overthinking anything

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    Hmmm that’s kinda crazy. I wouldn’t like that shit at All

  17. #17
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    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I currently use no ai and sex drive sky high. Anyone who hasn’t tried low test cycles should. It’s been a monumental shift in my performance and eliminated side effects.
    I plan on doing this on my next cycle where plan to run 500mg/wk deca and 200-250mg/wk test. I have adex on hand but I won't use it at the beginning and see how it goes.
    Chris got me worried about the emotional part though haha... I am fucking so angry with my work as they milked me so hard last few months and then we all ended up with shit for bonus cuz they're "optimizing costs". I will wait until I get over it and things are back to normal in a few weeks and give this a ago

  18. #18
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    No point holding on to your work screwing you on the bonus I’ve been there before. I sold 102% of my target and got no bonus because I didn’t make enough phone calls then someone else missed their target by 30% and got a partial bonus because they dialed out 500 times per week. I laughed and quit. Sometimes things happen to shift us in our lives.

  19. #19
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    my guess.. you upped your calories some when getting on cycle. which is totally reasonable. but your protein is likely way to low and your carbs and fats are way to high.. and your protein is likely coming from some incomplete sources (if I recall correctly your vegan, correct ?).
    so whats happening is your spilling over and not getting all the thermogenic effects from a higher protein/complete protein diet (which when on AAS does not need to be super high like when natty because the AAS makes you more efficient at using protein, but if the sources are not complete sources like meat, then you don't get near the thermic effect). so you really need to focus on dialing in the correct sources of protein when on a vegan diet (don't think about eating rice alone for example , always combine it with beans . the two together give you a better amino acid profile then either by themselves )

    so calculate your macros and I'll bet your protein is low and fats and carbs are high and your not getting enough complete proteins.
    let me know what that macro break down looks like and I'll see if I can help you optimize it.

    also, one more thing to think about is your training work load . I would NOT lower my cals when your on cycle and your goal is trying to grow. your going to be better off by simply increasing your workload , ie, increase you workout volume and intensity. your better off burning up cals in this capacity then simply taking calories away.

    also, if you want to stay 'lean' while on cycle, your better off running more androgenic compounds. deca is not an androgenic compound at all (however its a great tissue builder). but again I think you need to adjust your diet more then need to mess with compounds right now.. however I do like the suggestion of adding Tren , this will give you the androgenic load your looking for to help you stay leaner, if you want.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-01-2019 at 10:31 AM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    my guess.. you upped your calories some when getting on cycle. which is totally reasonable. but your protein is likely way to low and your carbs and fats are way to high.. and your protein is likely coming from some incomplete sources (if I recall correctly your vegan, correct ?).
    so whats happening is your spilling over and not getting all the thermogenic effects from a higher protein/complete protein diet (which when on AAS does not need to be super high like when natty because the AAS makes you more efficient at using protein, but if the sources are not complete sources like meat, then you don't get near the thermic effect). so you really need to focus on dialing in the correct sources of protein when on a vegan diet (don't think about eating rice alone for example , always combine it with beans . the two together give you a better amino acid profile then either by themselves )

    so calculate your macros and I'll bet your protein is low and fats and carbs are high and your not getting enough complete proteins.
    let me know what that macro break down looks like and I'll see if I can help you optimize it.

    also, one more thing to think about is your training work load . I would NOT lower my cals when your on cycle and your goal is trying to grow. your going to be better off by simply increasing your workload , ie, increase you workout volume and intensity. your better off burning up cals in this capacity then simply taking calories away.

    also, if you want to stay 'lean' while on cycle, your better off running more androgenic compounds. deca is not an androgenic compound at all (however its a great tissue builder). but again I think you need to adjust your diet more then need to mess with compounds right now.. however I do like the suggestion of adding Tren , this will give you the androgenic load your looking for to help you stay leaner, if you want.
    I was just going to say that GH..

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