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Thread: Help me Plan for and Build my next cycle.

  1. #1
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    Help me Plan for and Build my next cycle.


    I'm posting my stats, goals, current habits, recent discoveries, and available compounds and asking for suggestions. last i'll ask some random questions. THANKS!

    - 35 yrs old. photo is current. BF% is 12%. i weigh 177lb. no medical problems
    - Been running like a M'Fr. just last week i ran 5 mile in under 30 min. i think my cardio is good to go. after this next week i'm going to really ease back on the cardio. i still need to do bloods to confirm solid health. i'm lean because of dieting, not because I've been running and cross fitting my butt off.
    - I've been off my TRT program for reason i can control for 7 weeks.

    I want to get bigger while staying under 14% BF. i'd say be biggest weaknesses in order are back, triceps, biceps , and legs, but i do want a bigger chest. it's looks just ok. I want to build and execute a cycle for about 2 - 3 months.

    CURRENT HABITS (bad and good)
    ***GOOD: habitual regimented and monitored eating. [Thanks My Fitness Pal] I eat relatively healthy, but i'll have a bowl of cereal sometimes for no reason so long as it fits into my daily calories. I eat something sugary after every workout. i have hit my Macros every days since about 5 months ago. i don't slip up there and i still find it easy. I meal prep.
    ***BAD: i don't log my workouts and due to family needs and school cutting out some time often involves my sacrificing something. as a result that messes up scheduling for my routines. i don't get healthy fats all day. in fact i sometimes really slump on the healthy fat thing.

    I've recently found that eating right is more important than not missing a day. I've also found that i should listen to my body when it tells me that it's had enough. I've started eating more low fat foods and that leaves room for healthy fats, so i think i can sustain that. in fact i believe i could replace most of the fats i eat with healthy fat. I've also learned a couple of things about angles, specific types of lifts, and quarter repping for pump and BB. I really feel like locking on my eating habits has been the best thing that's happened to me in this game. i believe i'm starting to see growth at a more significant rate.

    ***Steroids , and other anabolics: Trenbolone , nandrolone decanoate, Testosterone cypionate , testosterone Propionate , DBOL , LGD, MK677, CJC 1295 W/DAC, BPC 157, and GHRP-2.
    ***Ancillaries: Tadalafil, exemestane, arimidex , Pramipexole, Clomid, Nolvadex , and some HCG that i think is expired.

    with what i have available, and considering the goal i have in mind, how would you construct the cycle? And what other products might you add?

    Am i loosing out on anything by drinking 1% milk? i usually drink whole. not tons, but i do a cup, or sometimes 2 daily.
    does lactose free milk digest much faster? i like that stuff.
    cottage cheese and tuna are big hitters when it comes to my protein intake. This ok? shouldn't i hit up the low fat stuff, so i can eat more healthy fats?
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 03-31-2019 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Lactose free milk is a misnomer, the product has the lactase enzyme added into the milk. However, not everyone's body can recognize the external enzyme which is why some lactose-intolerant people still cannot consume lactose-free dairy. Digestion of dairy is based on epigenetics - whether or not your lactase enzyme gets "turned off" after adolescence.

    The lower the fat percentage of any dairy product, the more heavily processed it is. Most big corporate milk is also heat treated at crazy high heats and you lose a lot of the nutritional content which is why they try to "fortify" it, often with shitty vitamins like Vitamin D2 which is basically useless. Typically grass fed, organic, or grass fed organic dairy has the minimum heating temp for bacteria. Raw milk is best if you can find it.

    Getting all 3 types of healthy fats is more important than the type of fish, nut, dairy, seed, etc. Exception is eating big fish daily can lead to mercury toxicity over time.

    If HCG is expired and has been mixed then it needs to be replaced.
    Clomid is not useful if the intent is to transition back to TRT after cycling.
    Tamoxifen would be 10mg or so on cycle if prone to gyno.

    Choosing a 19nor or Test dose is going to be relative to how you've responded to them in the past. Some people prefer close to a TRT dose of Test and let other compounds do heavy lifting while other people prefer the reverse.

    It's tough to give a dosage or cycle suggestion when its not known past experience with tren , deca , or high amounts of test.
    Last edited by Windex; 03-31-2019 at 04:41 PM.
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  3. #3
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    I'm gyno prone with the 19 NORs via prolactin build up. Tamoxifen works for test and helps for 19 nors, but prami does the trick when i'm using deca , or tren .

    And Tren can make me pretty cranky.

    not really sure what would be best for me, but i'd say that keeping the tren lower might be the way to go. aren't i looking at 2 options.
    here is what i mean.

    Have one proportionally higher than the other. More Test, and less 19 nor and vice versa. that's what you were talking about.

    or how about this?
    Have both at proportional levels? test and 19nor are both at proportionally equal amounts. say 500mg test per week and 300mg Tren, or 200mg of tren? tren's standard starting amount is 125mg, correct, or does it not really have a standard starting amount because people reactions to it vary so widely?

    so is HCG that hasn't been reconstituted still good to go? I like the clomid for it's ability as a fertility drug. Abstaining from sex for a few days and taking that stuff really increases drive and output. something i like to surprise them with. women love having that power over a man.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 03-31-2019 at 05:09 PM.
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  4. #4
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Try fairlife milk it's half carb(all lactose removed) and 2x protien.. it is about 4$ for a half gallon.
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  5. #5
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Fairlife is bomb, I get the 2% and it tastes great. Only drink milk as part of my protein shakes mostly.

    OP, I loved reading the part where you said you realized that it all basically boils down to diet. I have learned the same thing recently. I always thought I could outlift or outrun a poor diet, but no esta posible. Finally I’m starting to look like what I want.
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  6. #6
    Family_guy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Too-$mall View Post

    I'm posting my stats, goals, current habits, recent discoveries, and available compounds and asking for suggestions. last i'll ask some random questions. THANKS!

    - 35 yrs old. photo is current. BF% is 12%. i weigh 177lb. no medical problems
    - Been running like a M'Fr. just last week i ran 5 mile in under 30 min. i think my cardio is good to go. after this next week i'm going to really ease back on the cardio. i still need to do bloods to confirm solid health. i'm lean because of dieting, not because I've been running and cross fitting my butt off.
    - I've been off my TRT program for reason i can control for 7 weeks.

    I want to get bigger while staying under 14% BF. i'd say be biggest weaknesses in order are back, triceps, biceps , and legs, but i do want a bigger chest. it's looks just ok. I want to build and execute a cycle for about 2 - 3 months.

    CURRENT HABITS (bad and good)
    ***GOOD: habitual regimented and monitored eating. [Thanks My Fitness Pal] I eat relatively healthy, but i'll have a bowl of cereal sometimes for no reason so long as it fits into my daily calories. I eat something sugary after every workout. i have hit my Macros every days since about 5 months ago. i don't slip up there and i still find it easy. I meal prep.
    ***BAD: i don't log my workouts and due to family needs and school cutting out some time often involves my sacrificing something. as a result that messes up scheduling for my routines. i don't get healthy fats all day. in fact i sometimes really slump on the healthy fat thing.

    I've recently found that eating right is more important than not missing a day. I've also found that i should listen to my body when it tells me that it's had enough. I've started eating more low fat foods and that leaves room for healthy fats, so i think i can sustain that. in fact i believe i could replace most of the fats i eat with healthy fat. I've also learned a couple of things about angles, specific types of lifts, and quarter repping for pump and BB. I really feel like locking on my eating habits has been the best thing that's happened to me in this game. i believe i'm starting to see growth at a more significant rate.

    ***Steroids , and other anabolics: Trenbolone , nandrolone decanoate, Testosterone cypionate , testosterone Propionate , DBOL , LGD, MK677, CJC 1295 W/DAC, BPC 157, and GHRP-2.
    ***Ancillaries: Tadalafil, exemestane, arimidex , Pramipexole, Clomid, Nolvadex , and some HCG that i think is expired.

    with what i have available, and considering the goal i have in mind, how would you construct the cycle? And what other products might you add?

    Am i loosing out on anything by drinking 1% milk? i usually drink whole. not tons, but i do a cup, or sometimes 2 daily.
    does lactose free milk digest much faster? i like that stuff.
    cottage cheese and tuna are big hitters when it comes to my protein intake. This ok? shouldn't i hit up the low fat stuff, so i can eat more healthy fats?
    I’m sorry but I have nothing to add to this. I will say though that you look amazing dude. That’s what I want to look like when I grow up! How tall are you?
    Too-$mall likes this.

  7. #7
    DeeCee112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Lactose free milk is a misnomer, the product has the lactase enzyme added into the milk. However, not everyone's body can recognize the external enzyme which is why some lactose-intolerant people still cannot consume lactose-free dairy. Digestion of dairy is based on epigenetics - whether or not your lactase enzyme gets "turned off" after adolescence.

    The lower the fat percentage of any dairy product, the more heavily processed it is. Most big corporate milk is also heat treated at crazy high heats and you lose a lot of the nutritional content which is why they try to "fortify" it, often with shitty vitamins like Vitamin D2 which is basically useless. Typically grass fed, organic, or grass fed organic dairy has the minimum heating temp for bacteria. Raw milk is best if you can find it.

    Getting all 3 types of healthy fats is more important than the type of fish, nut, dairy, seed, etc. Exception is eating big fish daily can lead to mercury toxicity over time.

    If HCG is expired and has been mixed then it needs to be replaced.
    Clomid is not useful if the intent is to transition back to TRT after cycling.
    Tamoxifen would be 10mg or so on cycle if prone to gyno.

    Choosing a 19nor or Test dose is going to be relative to how you've responded to them in the past. Some people prefer close to a TRT dose of Test and let other compounds do heavy lifting while other people prefer the reverse.

    It's tough to give a dosage or cycle suggestion when its not known past experience with tren, deca, or high amounts of test.
    I can backup Windexs milk comments. We are Canadian we know our dairy lol. My friend is a dairy farmer and I've had this chat with him a few times - higher fat percentage milk is healthier, and less processed.

    Much like most food these days when large companies remove fat they remove flavour and to prevent their food from tasting like shit they often add things that are much worse than fat ever was.
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  8. #8
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    Oh yea, i can't wait to see what will happen now that i'm tracking all the food i eat. meeting my goals every day. maintaining. slight cuts, slight increases. full control. beaut-i-ful. now i'll really see what the gear, and peptides have to offer. the next step is to lock on an effective and sustainable lifting regiment.

    I'm 5'9" real average height. it's the lighting bro, lol. That light just happens to hit the room just right every day. in other lighting i look nothing like that. although i am just beginning to get a more gnarled appearance muscle protrusion wise. I want to go lift, but i have this stupid Physical Fitness Test tomorrow that i need to score high on. i'm thinking traps (upper middle and lower) right now, but that's just one thing i want to focus on and to be honest, not the most important balance wise. I'm really really liking quarter repping. just another great tool though.

    Fair life is the shit. that's a good observation that i was clueless on. decision made. fairlife.

    lol, now i'm worried about keeping a low fat aesthetic look, lol. obsessing a little. lol. after all what's all this for if i can stay lean. ya know. that's actually an area i sort of have questions about. when cutting i want to just increase volume and ease back on intensity, or can i still go full bore as long as i'm taking in plenty of protein. i mean carbs fuel muscles. if i'm cutting out calories in order to reduce fat, how important is it that i stick to slow digesting carbs? and what place do sugary things have? after workout only right?

    And over all how important are slow digesting carbs. i'm not a huge fan of steel cut oats, but i am a fan of sweet tatters. i can freeze sweet tatter without a problem right? speaking of steel cut oats, how do i make that stuff taste better. it's rather boring. probably frozen fruit or cinnamon and pretty much any other sweet fruits right?

    how bad is it that i sometimes eat like 60 grams of cinnamon toast crunch? i mean i'm fitting it into my macros, but that stuff digests so fast. is it doing me any good? i like having at least 1 thing like that around. it'll be really hard to cut that aspect out. i suppose i could attempt to compare sugar content to brown sugar and then add brown sugar to a sweet potato, i live brown sugar and sweet potato.

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    Last edited by Too-$mall; 04-01-2019 at 07:53 PM.

  9. #9
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    From your pic you look pretty lean already... I would just stick with what you're doing and make small improvements. If you're already that lean, it's not like you have to lose weight. It's your decision, but I think that's ideal. If I could get as lean as you by the beginning of summer I would be happy.

    For me, I literally have to eat almost no carbs on most days, with the base for ever meal being romaine lettuce. I switch out the meats. Every meal except breakfast (and maybe 1 burger every couple of days from wendy's) is salad-based. The only carbs I use are the toppings like Wonton strips, onion strips, croutons, etc. I feel like the longer I limit myself with carbs the less I crave them. I'm quite alright not eating carbs with my meals now... except when I'm on the green machine, which makes it a battle.

    I hear you on the perfect lighting phenomenon. I have that in one of the hallways in my place. In the same day I'll be happy as hell, then depressed as hell about how I look. All from lighting.
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