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Thread: Panic attack during Tren A + Test P cycle

  1. #1

    Panic attack during Tren A + Test P cycle

    Hi guys.

    A friend of mine is just starting week 3 of a Tren A + Test P cycle, respectively 100mg + 35mg EOD, also 250IU of hCG at each 3 days.

    Today he had just finished a meal and started feeling really hot, his heart rate was at 130bpm while he was idle, he panicked and went to the hospital. He didn’t tell the physicians about the cycle he’s doing. He thought he was going to die. He has been monitoring blood pressure and it was ok a couple of days ago. Heart rate was a bit elevated comparing to off cycle, but that’s expected.

    I believe the issue is on his mind only, as he has history of panic attacks and anxiety issues even when off cycle. In the past he has used tren with no issues, but he was younger and at that time no panic attacks yet. He says none of the incidents he had in the past were so bad as this one. I believe the best thing for him is to stop tren right away while maybe continuing test only. Do you think that he could be fine by running a lower dose of tren?

    Last edited by hardgainrock; 04-02-2019 at 01:33 AM.

  2. #2
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    A friend huh...

    Panic attacks are no joke, your mind can trick you like you would never imagine. On tren this is obviously massively amplified. Personally I've had terrible anxiety effects from tren, mainly suspension, seeing stuff in the corner of my eye..

    That tren dose is definitely high enough to spike anxiety and all that stuff in general. Not a chance in hell would I say anyone with panic attacks should take any amount of tren so personally I say 0 tren. Just use a different compound or more test ideally.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 04-01-2019 at 05:27 PM.

  3. #3
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    Get used to it
    The best workouts i have ever had was going 100 miles an hour in the gym destroying my body and mind

    Its a beautiful thing if you can control it

  4. #4
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    EDCG19 most can't channel that energy anywhere when they have one. You feel like you're going to die and you can barely breathe. You can learn to cope when you have one, but you ain't going to a gym lol.

    OP, I had panic attacks for a couple of years when I was under high stress, never even took steroids at the time. Once you get one, you start worrying you'll get another, and you live under constant worry, which then builds into panic. I don't have experience with tren, but from research, I would say it might have some effect on him - and being that he's had panic attacks from before - the tren would just amplify the existing panic disorder.

    IMO I think he should have a mild benzodiazepine with him just in case he gets another. As much as it is effective pharmacologically, it actually has a placebo effect which indirectly reduces anxiety as soon as you take it. Your mind tricks you into thinking it's already working, when it probably will take another 30 min before you feel anything. Also I would recommend him to keep up with bloodwork, his blood pressure, and eat a healthy, low-sodium diet. Knowing you are doing everything in your power to remain as healthy as you can be is reassuring and reduces stress.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2007
    I would not advise any benzo drugs they are all bad news.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I would not advise any benzo drugs they are all bad news.
    Yes, some people get hooked on them. Many don't. Myself and my ex gf never got hooked - one of my best friends and his girlfriend are xanax fiends. Ativan/xanax helped me get over my panic attacks. Never took them for fun or because I craved them, but I think every drug has the possibility to hook the right person.

  7. #7
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    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    EDCG19 most can't channel that energy anywhere when they have one. You feel like you're going to die and you can barely breathe. You can learn to cope when you have one, but you ain't going to a gym lol.

    OP, I had panic attacks for a couple of years when I was under high stress, never even took steroids at the time. Once you get one, you start worrying you'll get another, and you live under constant worry, which then builds into panic. I don't have experience with tren, but from research, I would say it might have some effect on him - and being that he's had panic attacks from before - the tren would just amplify the existing panic disorder.

    IMO I think he should have a mild benzodiazepine with him just in case he gets another. As much as it is effective pharmacologically, it actually has a placebo effect which indirectly reduces anxiety as soon as you take it. Your mind tricks you into thinking it's already working, when it probably will take another 30 min before you feel anything. Also I would recommend him to keep up with bloodwork, his blood pressure, and eat a healthy, low-sodium diet. Knowing you are doing everything in your power to remain as healthy as you can be is reassuring and reduces stress.
    Nope, dude.. listen i get these panic attacks sometimes and if im in the gym it helps so much
    You're in a full panic mode just destroying the weights, adding reps, sets whatever it takes to clear your mind

    Beautiful thing tbh, depends if you can control it or not

  8. #8
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I would not advise any benzo drugs they are all bad news.
    This ^^
    Benzodiazepin and alcohol are much harder than heroin when it comes to withdrawal symptoms. It can lead to a severe case called "delirium tremens" which is very likely to result with death.
    Stay away from benzos unless they are prescribed by your doctor to treat a psychological disorder. They are very addictive, and almost have no euphoric effects. Do not abuse this shit, just saying for anyone considering to use it, not specifically for OP.

    Panic attacks can be pretty hard to control, so if your friend is struggling with anxiety seriously, tell him to just drop tren. There are plenty of safer (yet still anabolic) choices, and these compounds are not as hard as tren is on CNS. We do this shit to be happy, and if doing so makes you feel like crap, simply don't do it. Forget this paragraph if you're preparing for a contest btw, lol.

  9. #9
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    Arctic Circle
    Echoing do not consider benzodiazepines in any capacity that is not a smart idea.

    The standard of care is even shifting away from prescribing benzos as intervention. There is enough literature to show the negatives are worse than the positives.

    Delirium trems is no joke - dreaming while being awake. Makes bass salts look like flinstone gummy vitamins by comparison.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  10. #10
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by The God Himself View Post
    This ^^
    Benzodiazepin and alcohol are much harder than heroin when it comes to withdrawal symptoms. It can lead to a severe case called "delirium tremens" which is very likely to result with death.
    Stay away from benzos unless they are prescribed by your doctor to treat a psychological disorder. They are very addictive, and almost have no euphoric effects. Do not abuse this shit, just saying for anyone considering to use it, not specifically for OP.

    Panic attacks can be pretty hard to control, so if your friend is struggling with anxiety seriously, tell him to just drop tren. There are plenty of safer (yet still anabolic) choices, and these compounds are not as hard as tren is on CNS. We do this shit to be happy, and if doing so makes you feel like crap, simply don't do it. Forget this paragraph if you're preparing for a contest btw, lol.
    No euphoric effects?

    That's not true.

    Benzos can be a very useful tool. Not daily but when things get rough, a half mg of Xanax or 5mg Valium can be the difference of going to ER in a fit or going to sleep and waking up ok.

    They are addicting, but not in the capacity of opiate.

    But once a big tolerance is built and physical dependance sets in, withdrawal can be fatal.


  11. #11
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    Jun 2018
    EDC19... dude you’re not getting panic attacks then. You might be amped up or have anxiety but not panic. My heart would skip beats and flutter. It would be literally dangerous for me to lift weights while undergoing a panic attack. I know you’re trying to help the guy, but I don’t think you know what a panic attack is. A guy at my gym had a panic attack while lifting weights and turned grey and had to have people call the ambulance for him. This isn’t like a mind state thing.

    As for the Benzos, you guys are blowing it way out of proportion. The amount of people that get hooked on them are much less than the people who benefit from them. I would say being addicted to steroids is much worse than Xanax. They are prescribed by doctors for a reason, because they work. If you suffer from panic disorder and it’s crippling your life, you should be able to take one when you absolutely need it. A couple of retards take them and get hooked and now a useful theraleautic drug has a bad name. It’s not heroin/crack/meth. Let’s stop spreading fear and bs because you heard something bad about them. I could say the same thing about steroids, but I’m an adult and I use them therapeutically.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    EDC19... dude you’re not getting panic attacks then. You might be amped up or have anxiety but not panic. My heart would skip beats and flutter. It would be literally dangerous for me to lift weights while undergoing a panic attack. I know you’re trying to help the guy, but I don’t think you know what a panic attack is. A guy at my gym had a panic attack while lifting weights and turned grey and had to have people call the ambulance for him. This isn’t like a mind state thing.

    As for the Benzos, you guys are blowing it way out of proportion. The amount of people that get hooked on them are much less than the people who benefit from them. I would say being addicted to steroids is much worse than Xanax. They are prescribed by doctors for a reason, because they work. If you suffer from panic disorder and it’s crippling your life, you should be able to take one when you absolutely need it. A couple of retards take them and get hooked and now a useful theraleautic drug has a bad name. It’s not heroin/crack/meth. Let’s stop spreading fear and bs because you heard something bad about them. I could say the same thing about steroids, but I’m an adult and I use them therapeutically.
    So... People shouldn't be warned that benzos are physically addictive and withdrawals could result in death?
    I'm pretty sure even the doctors that prescribe them (and they should if it improves quality of life as you alluded to) have to disclose that as well before doing so

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 04-02-2019 at 06:47 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    So... People shouldn't be warned that benzos are physically addictive and withdrawals could result in death?
    I'm pretty sure even the doctors that prescribe them (and they should if it improves quality of life as you alluded to) have to disclose that as well before doing so

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

    Hmm, where did I say there shouldn't be warnings on the potential addictive properties and side-effects? Did you read the other posts? People are saying to not do them under any circumstance, to stay away from them completely. And that is simply not good advice and not factual. Because me, and others like me, have benefited from them in the past. I haven't taken a benzo in over a year, but there were times in my life when they served their intended purpose and helped me. People act like long-term members on here have the word of God smh.

  14. #14
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    The only time in my life I've had a panic attack was running Tren E. And once you're there you're stuck for a couple of weeks until the long ester Tren starts to clear your system. The only thing that got me through without losing my mind was benzos. They kept me sane. I discontinued them when I was feeling human again after about three weeks. No addiction. No withdrawal. I think they have a place if used sparingly and not long term.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    No euphoric effects?

    That's not true.

    Benzos can be a very useful tool. Not daily but when things get rough, a half mg of Xanax or 5mg Valium can be the difference of going to ER in a fit or going to sleep and waking up ok.

    They are addicting, but not in the capacity of opiate.

    But once a big tolerance is built and physical dependance sets in, withdrawal can be fatal.

    Well, let's say slightly euphoric. Benzos are not worth taking recreationally, you should be somehow desperate to do so..
    Couch is right, its not as addictive as opiates, but rest assured, benzo and alcohol withdrawals are worse than opiate withdrawal, so don't underestimate what benzos can do to you
    If you had any addiction problems before, stay away from it. Only do it under supervision of a medical professional.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDThunder View Post
    The only time in my life I've had a panic attack was running Tren E. And once you're there you're stuck for a couple of weeks until the long ester Tren starts to clear your system. The only thing that got me through without losing my mind was benzos. They kept me sane. I discontinued them when I was feeling human again after about three weeks. No addiction. No withdrawal. I think they have a place if used sparingly and not long term.
    True, benzos can help if you really need them and act responsible. And under normal circumstances, 3 weeks are not enough to have withdrawal symptoms if you've taken it in reasonable amounts.
    Glad it helped you to get over your issues and hope you won't experience it again.

  17. #17
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    Before of all, i would check E2. High estrogens level as well as low, share anxiety symptoms and possibly, panic attack. Of course, even higher androgens levels could cause the same symptoms, especially Tren, but generally these issues could disapper after a while ( time to body adjustment ). Negative on benzos, except in emergency cases and i would run a short half-life ones than a longer ones ( eg. Alprazolam ). For my experience, the first time i used Tren, i experimented panic attack symptoms and strong anxiety and a sense of stupefaction like i was under narcotic drugs effect... after 2-3 shots, all subsided. But ensure E2 is in check, because i got the same experience when it was too much high.

  18. #18
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    I went through a separation and was left with 2 kids, a very hard career and a huge house in the country away from family and friends I needed help.

    There is no shame in a mild dose of antidepressants.
    I took a Xanax like equivalent called citalopram low dose for a couple months and got 5 or 6 Ativan tabs I would take half to curb panic attacks. I never suffered either of these my entire life and had no idea how tough it was.
    Anxiety and panic attacks are real and can be scary as hell.

    After I got my shit sorted out and managed the stress I stopped taking them and threw out the leftover Ativan. Are these drugs addictive? Yes. So are steroids. Use them properly with a responsible physician like any other drug and they can help though.

    As an alternative, Depending on the status in your country or state CBD oil has worked wonders for a few family and friends of mine to help with anxiety and pain, maybe something to look into! Goodluck.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeeCee112 View Post
    I went through a separation and was left with 2 kids, a very hard career and a huge house in the country away from family and friends I needed help.

    There is no shame in a mild dose of antidepressants.
    I took a Xanax like equivalent called citalopram low dose for a couple months and got 5 or 6 Ativan tabs I would take half to curb panic attacks. I never suffered either of these my entire life and had no idea how tough it was.
    Anxiety and panic attacks are real and can be scary as hell.

    After I got my shit sorted out and managed the stress I stopped taking them and threw out the leftover Ativan. Are these drugs addictive? Yes. So are steroids. Use them properly with a responsible physician like any other drug and they can help though.

    As an alternative, Depending on the status in your country or state CBD oil has worked wonders for a few family and friends of mine to help with anxiety and pain, maybe something to look into! Goodluck.
    Citalopram is an SSRI, and not a benzodiazepine like Xanax or Ativan. It takes several weeks to feel the therapeutic benefits. Glad they worked for you, though.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeeCee112 View Post
    I went through a separation and was left with 2 kids, a very hard career and a huge house in the country away from family and friends I needed help.

    There is no shame in a mild dose of antidepressants.
    I took a Xanax like equivalent called citalopram low dose for a couple months and got 5 or 6 Ativan tabs I would take half to curb panic attacks. I never suffered either of these my entire life and had no idea how tough it was.
    Anxiety and panic attacks are real and can be scary as hell.

    After I got my shit sorted out and managed the stress I stopped taking them and threw out the leftover Ativan. Are these drugs addictive? Yes. So are steroids. Use them properly with a responsible physician like any other drug and they can help though.

    As an alternative, Depending on the status in your country or state CBD oil has worked wonders for a few family and friends of mine to help with anxiety and pain, maybe something to look into! Goodluck.
    Citalopram is a very effective SSRI not benzo. Definitely a great option for anxiety though, all the people I know who have used it got amazing results.

  21. #21
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    aka m.hornbuckle
    Quote Originally Posted by HDThunder View Post
    The only time in my life I've had a panic attack was running Tren E. And once you're there you're stuck for a couple of weeks until the long ester Tren starts to clear your system. The only thing that got me through without losing my mind was benzos. They kept me sane. I discontinued them when I was feeling human again after about three weeks. No addiction. No withdrawal. I think they have a place if used sparingly and not long term.
    It takes alot to become dependant to the point of painful withdrawal

    I was on 2 - 10mg valium a day for 7 months and stopped cold with no physical withdrawal

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    Citalopram is a very effective SSRI not benzo. Definitely a great option for anxiety though, all the people I know who have used it got amazing results.
    Good to know I guess lol... I did use the Ativan though only sparingly as the doctor advised. It worked wonders for anxiety attacks (and severe hangovers lol) but that is why it's addictive to people I suppose as it really did its job well of just shutting everything out so you can relax. And if you don't treat the underlying issue it becomes a bandaid.

  23. #23
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    I seek Immortality
    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainrock View Post
    Hi guys.

    A friend of mine is just starting week 3 of a Tren A + Test P cycle, respectively 100mg + 35mg EOD, also 250IU of hCG at each 3 days.

    Today he had just finished a meal and started feeling really hot, his heart rate was at 130bpm while he was idle, he panicked and went to the hospital. He didn’t tell the physicians about the cycle he’s doing. He thought he was going to die. He has been monitoring blood pressure and it was ok a couple of days ago. Heart rate was a bit elevated comparing to off cycle, but that’s expected.

    I believe the issue is on his mind only, as he has history of panic attacks and anxiety issues even when off cycle. In the past he has used tren with no issues, but he was younger and at that time no panic attacks yet. He says none of the incidents he had in the past were so bad as this one. I believe the best thing for him is to stop tren right away while maybe continuing test only. Do you think that he could be fine by running a lower dose of tren?

    The issue is with the Tren.
    I will never do tren again as it completely messed with my mind. My mind was never fuked before Tren and was never fuked after cutting tren out.

    Tren doesnt mess everyone up but I know for sure it fucks with alot of people.

  24. #24
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    Aug 2008
    Would never recommend benzo as a first line treatment. Could be tren, could be a lot of things. If he had them in the past it’s common for recurrence and often times with a vengeance. Caffeine can be a huge trigger, so I would look at that.
    There are some breathing exercises that blunt the adrenaline dump and can make the difference of an ER trip or not - happy to share if desired.

    There are some herbal options, and magnesium is an option.

    First think I would look at is amount of sleep he is getting and how much caffeine is being used, then evaluate other things like stressors, etc. It’s likely an additive effect at this point with the history so it’s a matter of finding a way to abort it when it hits (breathing exercise, etc.) and avoiding/reducing the trigger.

    And yes, agree it can be the tren.

    Lifting and cardio is incredibly therapeutic but sleep is probably the mainstay and if he’s got trensomnia...not going to help.

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