Originally Posted by
Test Monsterone
EDCG19 most can't channel that energy anywhere when they have one. You feel like you're going to die and you can barely breathe. You can learn to cope when you have one, but you ain't going to a gym lol.
OP, I had panic attacks for a couple of years when I was under high stress, never even took steroids at the time. Once you get one, you start worrying you'll get another, and you live under constant worry, which then builds into panic. I don't have experience with tren, but from research, I would say it might have some effect on him - and being that he's had panic attacks from before - the tren would just amplify the existing panic disorder.
IMO I think he should have a mild benzodiazepine with him just in case he gets another. As much as it is effective pharmacologically, it actually has a placebo effect which indirectly reduces anxiety as soon as you take it. Your mind tricks you into thinking it's already working, when it probably will take another 30 min before you feel anything. Also I would recommend him to keep up with bloodwork, his blood pressure, and eat a healthy, low-sodium diet. Knowing you are doing everything in your power to remain as healthy as you can be is reassuring and reduces stress.