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Thread: Cycle timing for vacation

  1. #1
    bruin27 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2009

    Cycle timing for vacation

    Would you all plan on ending your cycle right before a vacation or plan to have your cycle be on its last week while on vacation?

    Doing a test e, var and I can either finish a few days before we leave or I can run the last week while away.

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    one of the most asked questions in the history of AAS usage

    answer.. it doesn't matter. you can pin 500 to a gram of test the day before you leave on vacation, then resume your cycle as normal when you get back. or pin before you leave and thats your last pin of the cycle and your done . then go back to your cruise, trt, or pct or whatever your going to do when your back. either way , you'll have plenty of test in your system during the time your gone on vacation . don't bring anything with you and don't worry about a thing .

    as for the VAR . take it the last day you workout before you leave on vacation . make that your last dose, or resume it when you get back. ti doesn't matter
    Wyatt 88 likes this.

  3. #3
    bruin27 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks, I was more concerned with how I will feel either at the end or completely done, I was planning on being finished the day before we leave and starting my pct while on vacation, just wanted to make sure I didnt feel like shit or anything while on vaca

  4. #4
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruin27 View Post
    Thanks, I was more concerned with how I will feel either at the end or completely done, I was planning on being finished the day before we leave and starting my pct while on vacation, just wanted to make sure I didnt feel like shit or anything while on vaca
    well I wound't recommend that . why mess with PCT on vacation. from your last pin to the start of PCT is going to need to be at least 2 weeks of down time. so I'd pin your last pin right before you leave on vacation then start PCT when you get back

  5. #5
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I went away a month ago to Cuba just did my last Tren ace dose right before leaving didn’t plan on the vacation it was last minute thing. Ended up working out 5 days I was there. I got a lot of attention from the staff but I was there with a girl lol.

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