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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    So it's the same net effect, 1gr. test and an AI or 200mg. test and 800mg. EQ. ?
    no not exactly . its a compromise. because estrogen is anabolic itself, increases IGF levels, increases growth hormone etc. so any cycle that is meant to be low estrogen is going to have less overall growth factors then higher estgeon. BUT if you need to keep estrogen down for certain reasons, then its a very good comparison to say running 1000mg of test with an AI to block estrogen, or run EQ with test instead and not have to have an AI . you'll ultimately get more gains with more estrogen. but not everyone can do that and thus need cycle design with lower estrogen load

    edit . misread your post. realize now you are asking about 1g test WITH the AI compared to low dose test and EQ.
    running 1 gram of test with an AI is pointless really. the whole reason you'd run that much test is to get the estrogen benefits. if you don't want the estrogen benefits from test, you got 100 other drugs you can run instead (most steroids and peds aren't very estrogenic)
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 05-03-2019 at 06:36 PM.

  2. #42
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    1 gram of test with an AI is going to be much more androgenic and less anabolic , wheres as low dose test with EQ is going to be less androgenic and more anabolic (if estrogen was equal between the two cycles)

  3. #43
    Just trying to get the safest bang for the buck with the least amount of compounds. Bang defined as some size, improved strength and improved body composition. Since all will reduce test, I think test should be ran at least low dose, so now for another say 2 compounds, what would you recommend? (trying not to use an AI) EQ, DHB or?

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Smith54 View Post
    Just trying to get the safest bang for the buck with the least amount of compounds. Bang defined as some size, improved strength and improved body composition. Since all will reduce test, I think test should be ran at least low dose, so now for another say 2 compounds, what would you recommend? (trying not to use an AI) EQ, DHB or?
    DHB is going to be way more anabolic then both test and EQ . DHB is a powerful metabolite of EQ . EQ does not convert to DHT (like test does) it converts to a very low amount to DHB. well thanks to science we no have access to pure injectible DHB.

    the most bang for your buck is going to be to just run DHB. 400 test and 500 DHB , is still under 1 gram and is more powerful then the combos mentioned above

  5. #45
    Thanks for the insight, very helpful.

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