Thread: 2ND cycle planning and education
04-18-2019, 12:03 PM #1
2ND cycle planning and education
Hey guys
My first ever cycle went really well with just test only, I dropped from 19% to 12% bf and only droppd from 227lbs to 222lbs which is exactly what I was expecting. Im in PCT now but already looking forward to my next cycle. I want to start doing the research now and educate myself so in a few months once Im ready to go again I can be ready…hopefully.
My goal for my 2nd cycle would be to lean bulk. If I could maintain at 12%bf and increase my weight to at least 235 or 240lbs, that would be ideal. Naturally, I started looking into test/deca but there are some pretty scary experiences with deca that I think id rather avoid all together. What are a few alternatives that I can look into to help accomplish my goal? If someone could start pointing me in the right direction id really appreciate it along with any other input. Thanks!
04-18-2019, 02:15 PM #2
I think before starting your second cycle you should have blood work done to see where your at.
If considering deca a lot of guys have been getting good results from low test and high deca. I know this is not the parroted info most are used to hearing but try looking into it.
The parroted info you hear from most deca users is from poor cycle planning and no blood work to make educated decsions on how to control the sides.
04-18-2019, 02:21 PM #3Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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I would get bloodwork 6 weeks after PCT and evaluated from there. You will also have a better idea of where your body composition is going to land once all the drugs are out.
To get to 240lbs and keep bodyfat the same would mean 18lbs of muscle which isn't realistic or maintainable in a 12 week cycle #2. At your stats it would probably be worthwhile to bulk past 240 then use a cycle to cut down to 240 and maintain muscle while melting fat. Alternatively, you could do a very slow bulk up towards 240 and then close the remaining weight in a cycle.
There's nothing really "scary" about Deca when used correctly. The " scary " part is after deca if you don't recovery and end up on TRT (which for some isn't a bad thing by any means ).I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
04-18-2019, 04:23 PM #4Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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I never run Test higher than TRT with a 19nor. I even lower test to less than my normal protocol.
I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
04-19-2019, 07:17 PM #5
Currently running 250mg test e with 900 deca . Great cycle but I don’t advise starting deca dose as high as mine.
04-20-2019, 02:14 AM #6
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