Hey guys
My first ever cycle went really well with just test only, I dropped from 19% to 12% bf and only droppd from 227lbs to 222lbs which is exactly what I was expecting. Im in PCT now but already looking forward to my next cycle. I want to start doing the research now and educate myself so in a few months once Im ready to go again I can be ready…hopefully.
My goal for my 2nd cycle would be to lean bulk. If I could maintain at 12%bf and increase my weight to at least 235 or 240lbs, that would be ideal. Naturally, I started looking into test/deca but there are some pretty scary experiences with deca that I think id rather avoid all together. What are a few alternatives that I can look into to help accomplish my goal? If someone could start pointing me in the right direction id really appreciate it along with any other input. Thanks!