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Thread: Chilled Out Cycle to appear BIG all year around ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Red face Chilled Out Cycle to appear BIG all year around ??

    Hi guys,

    How's everyone ? ........... Sending you a few sunshines from sunny Paris where's the weather is (finally) fantastic ..........

    I'ld love to know please of a "chilled out" cycle that would keep me BIG throughout the year without especially the need for being that super cut so in 4 words: big & minimum fat but again without going to the extreme with fat loss, just keeping a good look without necessarily looking like in pre competition mode ? ....

    Ps, and when I mean BIG I mean not "huge" BIG but only a bit bigger since I am at 84KG / 185LBS for just over 6' Tall and quiet lean ..

    Ps2, I would not be necessarily dieting all time either ..
    Last edited by GGTop; 04-20-2019 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by GGTop View Post
    Hi guys,

    How's everyone ? ........... Sending you a few sunshines from sunny Paris where's the weather is (finally) fantastic ..........

    I'ld love to know please of a "chilled out" cycle that would keep me BIG throughout the year without especially the need for being that super cut so in 4 words: big & minimum fat but again without going to the extreme with fat loss, just keeping a good look without necessarily looking like in pre competition mode ? ....

    Ps, and when I mean BIG I mean not "huge" BIG but only a bit bigger since I am at 84KG / 185LBS for just over 6' Tall and quiet lean ..
    Hey mate,

    So you're saying you want to cycle year round? Unless you're a pro bodybuilder, or huge, and need to cycle year round to maintain your mass, then cycling year round is a bad idea. 185lbs at 6'1 is not very big. If you're rather lean already, adding weight naturally is your best bet. Especially if you want to have a certain look all year round. The cycle won't dictate your year round look. It's your diet and training that will. Others may have a different outlook, but I don't think you need to cycle at 185 lbs at 6'1. For example, I'm 187lbs and I'm only 5'9. I cycled when I weighed less that I do now, but it wasn't optimal. After I cycled at that weight, I took a long time off, even lost a ton of weight due to unforeseeable circumstances, and gained my weight back naturally, and then some.

    Just clean up your diet and dial in your training. It'll take time, but that's the best way imo.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    150-175 mg test per week, whatever dose keeps you at the very top end of normal. I.E. 900-950ng per dl.

    Then on top of that add in 100mg of mast and 100mg primo per week.

    This will be good enough to keep gains from a blast and constantly putting on muscle and keep you hard. Fats going to be dependent on you're diet.

    You should be able to gain muscle like a Natty on this, but not loose any.

    Of course you can up doses of gear every now n again

    I'm really liking low dose test and cycle doses of DHT derived compound.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    aka m.hornbuckle
    150-175 mg test per week, whatever dose keeps you at the very top end of normal. I.E. 900-950ng per dl.

    Then on top of that add in 100mg of mast and 100mg primo per week.

    This will be good enough to keep gains from a blast and constantly putting on muscle and keep you hard. Fats going to be dependent on you're diet.

    You should be able to gain muscle like a Natty on this, but not loose any.

    Of course you can up doses of gear every now n again

    I'm really liking low dose test and cycle doses of DHT derived compound.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Appreciated ..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    150-175 mg test per week, whatever dose keeps you at the very top end of normal. I.E. 900-950ng per dl.

    Then on top of that add in 100mg of mast and 100mg primo per week.

    This will be good enough to keep gains from a blast and constantly putting on muscle and keep you hard. Fats going to be dependent on you're diet.

    You should be able to gain muscle like a Natty on this, but not loose any.

    Of course you can up doses of gear every now n again

    I'm really liking low dose test and cycle doses of DHT derived compound.
    Spot on, you can even make slow steady gains while cruising if you follow what couch said, you can even up primo to 200 mg pw

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